Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Does anyone have any advice on how to get started in the Christian music industry?


Your God will help you if He thinks you have got the chops.

Of course, if he thinks you suck expect a plague of frogs or something. This will not do your recording studio any good as frogs get everywhere.Does anyone have any advice on how to get started in the Christian music industry?
start in church, then christian music festivals, and maybe u could get an agent and pitch urself to record labels, or maybe ull get discovered by someone at a talent show...Does anyone have any advice on how to get started in the Christian music industry?
What would Jesus do?
move to LA. Get some time in the recording studio. get an agent. do some shows. you should approach this the same way any musican does if you're talking about like a mainstream rock christian band. good luck.
::::Narrowing Eyes sitting cross legged,arms in Lotus position::::: '; First my young Padawan..You Need to be a Christian ';!!!!!

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