Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is the best advice to give another christian who has depression?

They have isolated themselves from family and friendsWhat is the best advice to give another christian who has depression?
I have depression and I know when I get really down, I just don't want to be around anyone, even my own family.

I think that someone with that kind of depression needs to get on an anti-depressant medication of some kind. Until the person's chemical balance is restored, they are not going to be able to see reality very well. When all the chemicals have dried up or whatever from stress or depression, you can't see life the way it really is. You see it as very dark, and you are unable to see hope.

After the person has gotten on the right medication, then therapy can help.

I have been blessed to find a great Christian counsellor (even though I'm a Hindu) and he has helped me so much. But make sure the person is licensed. Sometimes pastors get called on for counselling, and if they do not have a license in counselling or psychology or something, they may actually make things worse.

As a friend or family, be supportive. Do not be condemning or critical.What is the best advice to give another christian who has depression?
stop going to church for a some things you never thought you would do or could do.hang out with your friends alot more or maybe go to a movie by yourself.if you stay in one place doing nothing except staring at the walls then you will think about the reason why you are depressed in the first place.take up a hobby.or start an online game or chat with people online.go dancing.learn a new language or maybe a new sex trick.or to someone.
I don't know what Christianity has to do with depression but I would tell your fellow Christian that he/she should meet with his/her family doctor to discuss the problem. That doctor can prescribe meds and/or recommend a psychologist that may be able to help. Also, if your fellow Christian does not want to deal with the problem via professional help you could look into some support groups in your area.
Go see a doctor. It's like any other disease - we can treat it. What would you tell them if they had bacterial meningitis? Pray?
First to see their doctor. He/she will help determine how serious the problem is.

Next pick them up at the house if you have to or take people to the house they must get out with people.

The biggest spiritual battleground is in our minds, there is where darkness abides. The more they bring the darkness in their minds into the light of Christ by just talking about things the more darkness you can defeat.

I am praying for them right now. Speak the truths of the gospel to them.THat they are loved completely and totally by Jesus and you and their friends
Read your Bible and grow closer to God!
That some of the most famous People had Depression.

Encourage Person to Seek medical help,Some Med. work well on some People,not on Others ,stay with it untill You get the one for You.Encourage Person to walk couple miles a day, Have a set bedtime and time to get up,Helping others is

a very good medicine.
Seek professional help. See their GP and get them to recommend a good psychologist or psychiatrist. Sometimes religion can't help and then you have to turn to someone who's trained to help, I did and it saved my life, and I'm still a Christian.
Well for years I was terribly depressed. I never wanted to take meds because I felt they would make me apathetic and kind of spaced out like some people get. Finally I was so miserable that I decided to take a very low dose. I used Zoloft. I took about 1/2 as much as they told me to. It completely helped and after it knocked out my depression (which occured in less than a week)I was able to establish good habits that allowed me to get off the meds. That might not work for everybody but that was my experience.

Depression is like a disease, sometimes it never goes away but there are tools and ways to deal with it.
Get help immediately. Depression can be a chemical imbalance in the brain which can be treated with therapy and medicine. If one were to find out they were diabetic, they would take the medicine needed to survive. So too with depression. God has given us professionals who can help with this. God's Peace to you.
Find the cause of the current depression; and address it ASAP.
They need to see a doctor and possibly put on medication.

A Catholic Christian
I have it and have had it for many years...You need to get her to the Dr.

There is very good Medications for Depression now, if I don't take mine....

I really know the difference...People like this are likely to do or say anything...If you are a friend you will help...that's what you do, isolate yourself from friends and family...

look it up on the internet...and be ready for alot of crying and prepared..

this is a chemical imbalance thats all...

Peace my friend.
I would tell them the same thing I'd tell anyone who is depressed. I'd say you need to figure out what type of depression you have and go from there.

Is your depression physical? Are you going through menopause, just had a baby, survived cancer? If so, then there are tons of medications that will help immensely, go see a doctor.

Is your depression situational? If you are down because of your circumstances, then turn your thoughts over to good things of hope and love, and when the situation changes, so will your depression.

Is your depression of the soul? Then seek God's face, do what you have to do to see Him face- to- face and He will change your life.
I don't know. I'm in deep depression myself.
Pray for that person and let them know you are thier for them.
Say nothing, just let them know that you are there for them when they really need you.
God's word promises that no matter how difficult the situation '; all things work together for the good to those who love God...'; (Romans 8:28). Therefore, we can truly count on the Lord to see us through every experience of our lives, whether on the mountaintop or in the deepest valley.

Joseph provides a beautiful example of one who was severely tried. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers, tempted by his employer's wife, unjustly accused and then thrown into prison for something he did not do. Nevertheless, the Lord was with Joseph. Read his amazing story in Genesis chapters 37-50 and see God's care and faithfulness displayed. Joseph eventually rose to the exalted position of Prime Minister of Egypt.

Job is another wonderful example of the trusting faith that is so precious in God's sight. After experiencing the loss of his health, family, and possessions, Job could still testify,

'; Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him...'; ( Job 13:15). Job 42:9-17 reveals how God richly blessed Job after he endured his severe trial. Verse 10 states that '; the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.'; Truly, God is great.

The Bible says in Romans 10:17 that '; faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. '; To build up your faith, you must hear much of God's word. The greatest hinderance to growth of faith is lacking knowledge of God's word. Many people pray to get faith, but faith only comes by hearing the word of God.

To believe God for any circumstances of life, discover what He has to say from His word and act on it. Jesus assures us that '; heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.'; (Matthew 24:35).

When you read God's word He is talking to you, when you pray, you are talking to God. However, don't do all the talking! His word says to cast '; all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you... '; (1 Peter 5:7)

Here's some good advice to pass on to your friend: Tell her to read the word of God (Bible) every day and pray, morning, noon and night. Wherever she is tell her to talk to the Lord and offer up to Him all her problems. Then take her to church, to a fellowship. Tell her or remind her that God loves her and cares about her.

God Bless; share these stories I told you with her and read them together from the Bible,
talking to someone they loves is therapeutic...happens to me alot and hubby cheers me up
talk to your spiritual leader and definitely see a doctor.
See your doc for meds.
Depression, is most frequently an inbalance in the chemicals in the brain. God made each of unique and special, some of our uniqueness affect our bodies abilities to produce the corect amount of chemicals to maintain overall happiness or homeostasis. Medication alone will not cure the problem. Medication will help the body begin to produce those chemicals again. But most individuals dealing with depression need to go to therapy/counseling to learn about what brought on the depression, how to recognize the signs and what to do if they begin to notice them again. If you research in your community you can find faith based counseling offices like the one I'm at.
How can christians be depressed when they have the lord?
Remember God is the great physician. Put not your faith in man but in God. Jesus said ';Come all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.'; Do not be depressed God is with you and loves you and is concerned about your life, love Him and praise Him.
Do not blame it on Satan or demons. Even if you may believe that this is so, it will NOT help and possibly make it all worse.
Go see a doctor.
I am not any kind of expert, and some of the responses shows the immaturity of most Christians of today. But I would say to offer your personal friendship, and pray with them, for them , and help them in anyway you can. Do not push the person to ';cheer up'; Instead just be there to Listen, and support them. Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, and time.
Depression is an illness. If the person is really depressed then they will feel depressed for days or weeks and not know why. Even if their life is going great, they have a good job, a great spouse, great kids, great friends, are financially stable...they will be depressed. First step is to diagnose if this person is just sad or truly clinically depressed. If it is clinical then the best advice is to be there for them as a friend. To let them know that it is OK to seek help, perhaps offer to even go with them to talk to someone ... they are not going to want to go most likely, or they will feel it won't help. But let them know that ';hey, if life is really so bad, and nothing will help, then it won't cause any more hurt to at least go and talk to (therapist's name)';

Once they are able to talk to a psychologist, then that's the first step...and the psychologist will go from there...most likely depending on their level of depression either prescribe them a medication or suggest other ways to get rid of the depression such as exercise, diet, etc.

I have been depressed myself, and have taken prozac, though I don't recommend that particular anti-depressant, from my experience it did take away the depression, but it also took away all my other emotions as well...not fun.

I am a muslim, but insha'allah this information is useful. Take care of your friend, he/she is lucky to have someone like you who cares.
See if you and them can do some group prayer.God will guide them and lead them as to what they should do.

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