Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I am a Christian,and a Evangelist but today I really messed up.Need advice from Holy Spirit filled Christians.

My son called me earlier today and was being treatened by my brother-inlaw,and his two sons with bodilly harm.I thought I was A pacifist,but it's obvious not a good one.I gave my heart to the Lord six years ago,and ever since then this family has taken advantage of me in one way or another.When I was in the world I was a figther,it was one of the things I had to repent of.I called him to night and put the fear back in him,and right now I feel ashamed and justified at the same time.To make matters worse my 17 year old daughter and her boyfreind (18) ran off,they called right after I got off the phone with brother-inlaw.I tried to explain this was not the right way,didn't get very far and told her to go to hell.I have sinned terribly tonite,I am not asking for sympathy,but need something if it's just your prayers.And please I am not interested in you joksters out there.I am a Christian,and a Evangelist but today I really messed up.Need advice from Holy Spirit filled Christians.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask that God put a hedge of thorns around you, that no weapon formed against you will prosper. I ask God to bind satan from attacking you and the people in your family. I ask that the blood of Christ protect you from any spirit coming against you, or anyone in your family, who is not of God. I ask that God come into the hearts of the people in your family and right them, Lord please put your wisdom in the heart of every person and calm them down...please make them humble towards one another and loving towards one another. Please put their feet on a righteous path with you, Father. And please forgive this man for any wrong he has done today. Please give him the courage and grace to face any challenges yet to come, and all these things I ask in Jesus' name, amen.I am a Christian,and a Evangelist but today I really messed up.Need advice from Holy Spirit filled Christians.
God understands you better and if you can trust in Him, He will straighten things up for you.
cut yourself some slack, you know you made a mistake, repent, and get on with it, if jesus will forgive you, who are you to not forgive yourself? You also need to apologize to speaking to your daughter the way you did, even if she was really in the wrong (we all make mistakes), you should strive to be compassionate, loving and respectful. I will pray for you and your family. You need to pray tonight and pour your heart out to the Lord and you will feel better.
Sometimes you have to lay down a little righteouness of your own for the sake of protecting your family, and just doing the 'right' thing. Are we christians just supposed to roll over and play dead when trouble comes our way? I don't.
Hey, obviously, I don't know you. But, I definitely will pray for anyone who is willing to pray for themselves. Won't you start there? I know what it's like to have so many things go wrong at once.

You, being an evangelist, surely know what you need to do. Start by taking a moment to regroup; then make it right with those you have sinned against - people first, then God. Then you should work to get your conversation flowing with God and keep it that way. Constant conversation with Him makes it terribly hard to do wrong.

But, yes, I will definitely pray for you tonight. I am right now.

God is only a prayer away and He is the One you need now, go to Him. Spend all night in prayer if that's what it takes. Get your heart right before even considering trying to work on these others. God bless you.
All the answers given seem good for you in your role as an Evangelist. But a suggestion: perhaps you have had and still have a problem with anger. An anger management class or group with a psychologist can help that. If you can't control your response to anger by ';counting to ten'; when something angers you then it might be a good idea to seek such a group. You can't stop the emotion of anger arising but you can control what you do about it.
All of God's people sin. Look at David!

I will pray. Accept the forgiveness that God gives you ... everyday. Just accept it and be thankful.
it sounds as if the devil is giving you a good sifting,jesus can relate to every emotion you are going through,even anger[when he upturned the tables in the temple because they were trading in the temple,you cannot change things that have happened. you need to give the situation to god to deal with,the devil can use many situations and even people to bring christians down.you need to pray and be prayed for. i assume you go to a church? i will pray for you but there are no easy answers god allows these events to take place,god knows your heart,you need to say sorry please forgive me not just to god but your daughter as well,god loves you, and if you were the only person on this earth jesus would have still gone to the cross and died in agony.you have probably heard it all before but sometimes a quick reminder of what it is all about may put things into perspective.it is hard to deal with and even cope with some situations esp when it is family matters. when its someome at work or a situation in the world you can close the door at least in the evening,my life has been quite tragic in many ways but i am still saying here i am lord, i find the going tough, but like you i am only human,ask yourself what would jesus do in your situation you see its easy to thank god whenhe does what we want.but god doesn't always do what we want.ask job.his empire collapsed,his children were killed,and what was a healthy body became a rage of boils.... job goes straight to god and pleads his case.....and god answers....the point is this;god owes no one anything. no reason. no explanation. nothing....god is god.he knows what he is doing.when you cant trace his hand,trust his heart.read isiah ch43~v1~3 will pray for you .i hope things resolve themselves in your life. let your life be summed up by one thing~love~the greatest emotion a christian can have may god bess you x
God is a God of forgiveness, peace, but also justice. He never told us not to fight and let people walk all over us. We must be compassionate, but also strong.

Also, God hates pity parties, just ask forgiveness and stop beating yourself up about the past. If He can forgive us, we can forgive ourselves.
Sweetie, God knows you're not perfect and you're going to make mistakes. He doesn't expect more than your love. I don't know all the details of what happened, but you do not have control over your children after the age of 6 or so. Choose your actions based on what is best for your children, best for them to be adults. You can't live their lives for them, you can't make them choose your choices. Heck, even God couldn't keep Adam and Eve from misbehaving. It's called Free Will. I truly hope that you can patch things up with your daughter. God bless you.
Just call that person up and ask them to forgive you and ask the Lord the same thing and ask God to create a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. I will pray for you.
Everyone of us ';blows it'; from time to time no matter who we are. The Bible doesn't say it is wrong to be angry as we are often justified in ';righteous anger'; The very fact that you have stepped out for the Lord and become an Evangelist makes you a target for Satan who will be relentless in his efforts to ';knock you off balance'; Don't let this incident slow you down as this type of thing happens everyday so you are not alone in this. I note that since you became an Evangelist, your relatives have been taking advantage of you as they probable consider you to be a ';soft touch'; Jesus said that we are not to ';cast our pearls before swine'; That is to say you are not to allow yourself to be used by other people so this present situation can now be used to your own advantage. I recommend you immediately distance yourself from those who seek to use you for their own gains and don't hesitate to tell them that ';these days are over'; and believe me they will be quick to get the message and learn to respect your situation as you are under no obligation to anyone who seeks to misuse your generosity. As a sevant of the Lord you have every right to display righteous anger and you are human just like the rest of us so dont let this incident weigh you down. Simply confess it to the Lord and move on. It would do no harm to let your relatives know that any further incidents involving threats of physically harh to members of your family will result in Police action on your part and this type of stand very quickly gains their respect and at the same time causes them to back away. Remember the story of David and Goliath? David not only was furious but he was determined to kill Goliath. You were justifiably angry and the best way to handle this situation if to stand your ground and don't give ground to the works of Satan. Every thime I trip and fall which is several times a day I just get right back up again and keep walking. I hope this has been of some comfort to you as we all ';mess up'; because we are all human!
You say you gave your heart to the Lord. You should trust that the Lord knows what's best for you much, much better than you do for yourself.

As a convert (of sorts), you know how very difficult it is to change yourself.

Now try to imagine how difficult it is to change ANYONE else.

Your problem does not seem to be your circumstances, but rather your inability to take the Lord's medicine peacefully, and thankfully.

It takes 1000 times more courage to sit still than it does to fight, brother. Keep this in mind the next time the situation arises, and you'll find yourself taking that high road you signed up for when you gave your heart to the Lord.
Got your back bro
there is an evil spirit about, rampaging tonight.

Fast and pray.
The devil is seeking whom he may devour and he is using the people closest to us to try and achieve that. I want tell you what you need to do because the Holy Spirit has already convicted you of that. Brother keep fighting the good fight and rebuking the devil in Jesus name. I will be praying as well.
I dont think you need to be a christian to let you know that its ok since everyone makes mistakes.

I think your anonymity makes it clear that you are really upset over what you did.
Just ask the Lord for forgiveness, you know he will forgive you in all you do. Just have that Faith you have had for years. Ask his Holy Spirit for guideness he will help you. Do not think the Lord will ever leave you he will not, he will always walk with his children. I pray that the Holy Lord walks with you tonight. Remember the Lord tells us not to worry, about trivial things. May God Bless you and you walk with Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit guide you!
Repent quickly and qsk God to mature you in the spirit. Read the scriptures. What is in you will come out. Satan will put thots in your mind, but never, ever speak them out of your mouth.
Sometimes as Christians we think that means being a pacifist, or even being passive, letting people walk all over us and our family. I think if someone threatens your family, you are justified in taking measures, including force, to protect them. Of course, the police are there for that. But you can make it clear that you are open to using force if necessary. If you understand and practice that, setting your boundaries, you might not come to the extreme in which you just explode and say things you wish you hadn't said.

So you were under a tremendous amount of stress, and when you had trouble with your daughter, you blew it.

Once you have cried out to God, you can always call them and apologize with: ';While I needed to stand up to you and not accept what you were doing, I had no business speaking to you the way I did, and I want to apologize';.

Sometimes God allows those stressful situations in our lives just to show us we are not ';there'; yet. Thank him for showing you an area in your life that He wants to work on. I have known Him for 40 years, and I'm glad He is very patient with me! Ask my wife!

God bless!

I am a Christian also, and have been for many years. I have also been called to preach the gospel, but I am not an evangelist. But just remember that you are not the first one to lose your temper. We all do it at one time or another, including myself. It is true that what you done was very wrong. But if you are truly a Christian, then you know as well as I do, that we serve a forgiveing God; and a God Who is very rich and mercy and grace. And you know that the first thing that you must do is to ask for God's forgiveness. And as God's Word tells us in 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then you also know that you must ask forgiveness from your daughter. Just tell her that you are sorry that you lost your temper, and for the words which you spoke to her that were wrong. If she truly loves you, she will forgive you. If it is a matter of her and her boyfriend also needing to ask for God's forgiveness for anything, just pray to God that they would do so; that He would stop them right where they are. And if your son is in a place of apparent danger from anyone, my advice would be to get him out of there. I do not know the circumstances, but if it is something that you cannot handle yourself, just ask God to take care of him, and get him where he should be. But do not feel as though God will not forgive you, for we both know better. Just pray for God to help you to have patience when you need it. I know that impatience is sometimes very hard to overcome, but with God's help we can do it. I have already prayed for you, and I will continue to do so.
I am also a Christian, and ask daily to be filled with the Spirit. It sounds like you're living in the midst of a family with lots of problems. God doesn't expect you to fix all the problems in your family--that's His job. With kids, sometimes the best you can do is just to love them the way the Lord loves us... your daughter is almost 18. It is time for her to leave the nest, even though she is doing it in the wrong way. Continue to offer counsel and let her know how much you love her. Most important--pray for her constantly. Prayer is many times the most powerful action we can take.

As for your brother-in-law threatening your son--you are expected to protect your kids... there's nothing wrong with that. If you had to be tough with your BIL, that's ok. No one should threaten your kid %26amp; get away with it.

Find a group of adult males in your church or community that you can fellowship with... ask advice of. We are not expected to figure everything out by ourselves... we need the community of Christians... just like you're seeking here. We're here for you, brother. I will keep you in prayer tonight. God bless.
my thoughts are with you i'm not a christian but circumstances such as yours deserve only support both emotional and spritual , I hope things work out. Only do what you know is right in your heart

I'll definitely pray for you. The beautiful thing about our Lord is that he's already forgiven you... for every mistake you'll ever make, including this one. Sometimes anger and physical force are necessary in order to protect the weak. We're human.. we're always going to screw up. Sometimes worse than others, but Christ will always be there to catch us and pick us back up.

God bless.
I'm not sure of the situation, your question was very vague and muddled but I'll do my best.

Your son was physically threatened. You are morally obligated to call the police, regardless of who did the threatening. By doing nothing, you are teaching these bullies that what they did was okay and that they can do it again if it suits them. You are doing both them and your son a disfavor.

However, if putting the fear back into them meant threatening them with bodily harm, they are entitled to call the police back on you. If you truly are ashamed, you will be prepared to take the consequences of your actions. This is only if you threatened them back. If you only reprimanded them for their actions, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Jesus was famous for looking out for the less-strong.

As for your daughter, the best you can do for her is to just be there for her. If and when she comes home, let her know that although you do not approve of her lifestyle, you love her and will be there for her. Any other reaction from you will only estrange her from you more.

Take care of yourself and don't be so hard on yourself. You can take care of your kids only if you are good to yourself as well.
Yes you messed up, but were all human and we all make mistakes... Nobody is perfect, and God understands that... You can over come anything threw Christ and Christ alone... Be an overcomer, we over come by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony... Thank God... Yes the master of all decivers ';satan'; may have been able to pull a string and find a way that he knew would get to you.. But hey thats Great it'll just make you stronger in the Lord... There are thousands of angles camped about around you fighting the enemy day in day out... The Devil is a failure and he knows that, never turn your back on God leave it in his hands, and he will NEVER EVER forsake you! May God bless you.
Where sin abounds grace abounds all the more. You messed up but your sorry. If you have already repented for your sin, you are already forgiven. You have a fresh start. When I was younger I made a similar mistake. I was the only one out of my brothers and sisters who was saved and I lost my temper and flipped one of them off and hit both of my brothers. I compromised my witness with them for the time but I was still forgiven. You are forgiven and in time you will rebuild what you may have lost. Trust in God to get you past this. And if this isn't a sin that you frequently struggle with anymore, ask yourself why this sudden relapse? Are you getting involved in any type of ministry that Satan may want to prevent? Are you growing closer to God than Satan would really like? But I also suspect that you were fairly justified in your actions. You wanted to protect your children and that is a passionate emotion. When someone threatens those you love I think most of us have it in us to lose it. You're not alone. That's for sure. I will be praying for you. God bless. Read Romans 7%26amp;8. It's all about condemnation and grace.
Even Jesus showed his temper to the money changers in the temple if this man was hurting your son putting the fear back in him is not a sin. once your cooled down call your daughter and talk to her if your heart is true you will work things out with her too. i will pray with you tonight god bless you and keep your family safe!

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