Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need some Christian advice?

So last school year I had a crush on this girl I liked in my class. We started as acquantinces until we flirted a lot with each other. So I spent many days wondering whether she liked me. I prayed for God to give me a sign if she likes me, and he did! One day, she made it so obvious she liked me! So I was happy, and started thinking we might end up together. But then school ended, and we lost contact with each other. So I now Ive been really confused about all this. I cant seem to figure if he's telling me to move on from her, or wait for her, as I'll probably see her next school year. What should I do?? Im really confused??I need some Christian advice?
alright first of all i am not trying to be mean but that definitely was not god answering a prayer like that. god only answers prayers that are according to his will and not things that are against it. what you should do is pray for gods will in your life and whatever it is it will happen as long as you continue in his word and obey. Jesus said that ';if you love me then you will obey me';. do you love him? obey him!I need some Christian advice?
Continue seeking God, He must be your first love. Don't let her distract you from drawing near to Him, or it will cause you much problems.
';School'; year?

Don't worry about any long-term relationships at this point.
you already asked this
There's lots of nice girls in the world.
Keep praying about it
You want the Physic Section,... (sigh).
goes to show your so called god is a load of boll^x ,showed you a sign my ars^
God provides direction but gives you the choice.

What do you want? Take that to God and see what he says.
Mat 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
You don't need God's personal intervention- you just need the common sense He gave us!!

How OLD are you? High School? Then, don't even get so involved with one girl right now. My gosh- you need to concentrate on your college first- girls complicate everything. You're TOO YOUNG to be exclusive just yet.

Your tastes and maturity will change vastly from High School to your early 20's. The girls you look at now- you will say then- OH my gosh so glad I didn't get stuck with HER!

Believe me. I'm telling you the truth. High School- your hormones are doing all the talking and you MUST learn to overcome them with your brains or you are doomed to regrets.

If you are in college- well- IF you see her next term- and she still talks to you- you have a chance, to see if you two are on the same wave-length.
maybe she liked you anyway and god had nothing to do with it. you need relationship advice not religious advice. you must learn to differentiate between the two otherwise you will have a sad life just blaming god when things go wrong or praising when things go right. YOU make things happen.

ok you were so happy when SHE (not god) showed you that she liked you that you forgot to get her number before school ended, well that was silly wasn't it. now look up her number in the phone directory, call her and start to learn about all the wonders of sinning
Be careful.

Not all signs we invoke come from God, per se.

We may fabricate them ourselves to fill that void with hope.

Or it may be a bad sign.

For example, I was conflicted about a guy I was seeing who I wanted to date more seriously.

I was alone at night at my car, home from the grocery store. I was unloading my groceries when I saw a red fox in my yard after having prayed for a sign moments before.

Turns out, the guy I was dating turned out to be sly, cunning fox in the sense of he wasn't interested in a real relationship and would always hurt my feelings when I asked where we stood.

BUT a week after seeing the fox, I was on a date with a new guy and I broke my ring finger at a karaoke bar.

Just last month, I found a receipt for an engagement ring he bought me!!!
  • prescription cream
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