I went to a small Christian college and it was a very good experience. Like your daughter, I had grown up in a small town and it was an excellent environment to grow and be focused. It was a good academic education and helped me grow socially and spiritually. One word of advice: don't assume that everyone there will be fine, upstanding Christians. Many kids are away from home for the first time and go through their testing the limits stage in college. Many parents are hoping that sending Johnny to a Christian college will help him get over his self-destructive ways. Johnny has no intention of getting over them.
There is a huge difference between a Christian college and a church-sponsored college!What advice can you give me on christian colleges?
Visit several times, request a list of Alumni you can talk to.
My biggest concern is the judgmental intolerant atmosphere and the possibility of a diploma mill concept..
I worked with a young lady who had a bachelor's degree from a Christian college, and she could not write a coherent sentence, or speak in a grammatically correct manner.. When I met her I thought she was a developmentally disabled client that was given a job at the agency where we worked. Her daddy put out the cash and she was a ';good girl'; so was passed through the classes %26amp; she graduated.
Please check with alumni and ask if they have a University accreditation.
Find out if they're accredited or not.
That's crucial.
(I would recommend Baylor University to her, since that's the largest Baptist university in the United States and a TON of pre-med students are there. I grew up in Houston, so I knew a lot of my high school classmates went there.)
I don't know of any prominent Christian colleges in Southern California, but schools such as Duke University, Georgetown University, and Notre Dame all have top-notch acaademics, open many doors, and are Christian-affiliated.
I'm in a christian high school at the moment - there really isn't much difference other than the occasional mass that is optional and a prayer said every morning. Other than that everyone is just normal - we all joke about etc; you shouldn't get this idea of it being a sanctuary for monks or something, it's a place of education but the people in that place have a certain religion (not everyone does by the way).
Here's what I personally believe is two of the best Christian colleges: http://www.rmbc.edu
and http://www.chafer.edu/index.html
They are smaller and personal. :)
West Coast Baptist College, Lancaster, California
(especially if she's interested in being a missionary, pastor's wife or Christian school teacher)
my friends went to one--at christian colleges there is sex, pot and drinking-so u might as well send her to a regular college
Brad University
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