Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Raised in a christian family. Don't believe anymore, but have a bit of fear of hell? Advice?

advice: believe and be saved from Hell

you can try and push away the scary thoughts, or you can face the truth. Hell is real.Raised in a christian family. Don't believe anymore, but have a bit of fear of hell? Advice?
It is natural to have some residing fear about your religion when this fear has been driven into you your whole life... Just refer back to the reasons why you left your religion, and continue to educate yourself on the facts, the more you do that, the more you will realize that you are right. Even there is a Christian heaven/hell (which is highly unlikely), if you live your life being a good person, I'm sure that if this place they speak of exists, you will not be denied. Just focus on living your life in the most positive way you can, and take comfort in the fact that you are a good human being.Raised in a christian family. Don't believe anymore, but have a bit of fear of hell? Advice?
You should see a therapist, one that specialises in removing fear.

Also, see if there's any Atheist groups in your area, and they should provide a good support network. This goes with any friends or other family that don't believe in hell.

Here's some disproof of hell: If hell was plausible in any sense, it would only have to be a little bit bad. But they make it absolutly horrifying to make up for it's implausibility.

My advice to you is to see hell and Christianity the same way you see Santa Clause, Thor, Neptune, and every other myth.

You are just as likely to end up in Hades for not believing in Zues as you are in Hell for not believing in Jesus.
What happens if atheists are wrong, and what happens if Christians are wrong.....think about the outcomes....think about what is the result of being godless and the result of following Christ. A bit of fear is good, it makes you question and seek and find out....giving you wisdom because the fear of God is the begining of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) And fear is like the fear your Father who loves you gives to you before you go to school and says ';I expect you not to fight in school today or no video games for a week'; and why do they discipline us and are firm with us because they love us and dont want you to end up a foolish self-seeking bully.....but instead they want you to be of good character and a man of integrity. So it is Gods good will that He loves us even giving us a simple way for us to be right with Him so simple that people are afraid to accept it. What do you lose when you accept Christ? What are you afraid will happen if you do what is right? So dont be worried about hell because you dont have to go there and God loves you.
I think there are atheist support groups for that type of thing. Your childhood indoctrination has done some psycological damage. It's one of the big issues I have with religion. It's cruel to force that belief onto a child. My advice: battle the fear with humor. Hell is really just like Heaven, except that the beer is stale and the strippers have VD (Pastafarian view). Keep questioning!
There is a God who died for u upon the cross, if you were raised in a christian family then you know the story of christ. If you beleive in Hell then you know theres a devil. So if you beleive in a hell dont you know there a heaven that will give you eternal life if you beleive and recieve God as your personal savoir... Think of it this way you beleive whatever you beleive, but there is a God that loves you and why would there be a hell and no heaven, if you beleive in heaven then why wouldn't there be a God if you have anymore questions just email me an inlovewithme13@yahoo.com..
Hell is supposed to be the absence of God. If you still believe in God, regardless of whether you consider yourself christian or not, then hell should be a scary idea. But why dwell on what you think will happen after you die? You're alive now, and unless you're doing really immoral things with your life that you don't regret, there's no reason to ruin your day thinking about hell. I'm an atheist myself (raised catholic) and I got over my fear of hell by realizing that I don't actually believe in hell...but I guess things are more complicated for you. Good luck!
Actually, hell isn't exactly what people think it is. And you can prove that with your own Bible. A lot of people think that hell is this place of fiery torment that bad people go to where they burn forever and ever. If you think about it, that doesn't really match the personality of a loving heavenly Father. Does it?

Sheol and Hades, often rendered ';hell'; actually refers to the grave. That means Jesus himself was in Sheol for 3 days. Does that mean he was burning? Certainly not! It means he was in the grave for that time period before being resurrected.

Thus, for sacrificial purposes according to God’s will, Jesus Christ was brought down to Sheol or Ha′des, the common grave of the humans who lie dead in the dust of the ground. However, Almighty God did not let Sheol hold his faithful Son forever and thus let his flesh undergo a gradual decay in the memorial tomb. On the third day God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and thus fulfilled Psalm 16:10, as written by King David. The Christian apostle Paul quoted from Psalm 16:10 and said: “Hence he also says in another psalm, ‘You will not allow your loyal one to see corruption.’ For David, on the one hand, served the express will of God in his own generation and fell asleep in death and was laid with his forefathers and did see corruption. On the other hand, he whom God raised up did not see corruption.”—Acts 13:35-37.

Psalm 16:10 is a prophecy regarding Jesus which says, ';For you will not leave my soul in She′ol. You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit.';
You shouldn't believe in God because your fear of hell .But because you love him and feel he is worthy to be praised.Otherwise it would be in vain.I hope you find your answers you seek for and maybe even your beliefs.God bless you.
Don't worry. If you fear, you do believe, even if it's just a little bit. If you don't fear, like me, you don't believe.
My advice is dont ask an athiest. You know the truth. Its up to you what you choose.

God still loves you and is waiting for you wether you believe it right now or not. Dont decide your eternity from simple comments on a website.
Study the Qur'an in English translation. It will cleanse your heart, and the fear of hell will be small compared to the awards of heaven. There is only 1 God, and that is Allah.
Wow, you don't understand how real God is when you trust and beleive in him.

Don't turn away from the truth, no it's the worst decision you'll ever make.
If you really didn't believe, you wouldn't be afraid of hell.

Let the fear go.
like I tell my kids....just because you dont believe in something, doesnt make it any less real......and just because you believe in something....doesnt make it any more real.
Time and reflection on how illogical the concept really is, will take care of that for you. Good luck.
I think you believe more than you care to admit.

This is your calling to get right with God.

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