Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice on how to Maintain a Christian Family while having Atheist In laws? Help?

I have been a devote Christian my whole life, and my husband was raised in an Atheist family.

Shortly after meeting my husband I took him to my Families Church and we spent several years in My Families Church before we got married. That's where my Husband accepted Christ.

My MIL did not like the Idea of my family ';Brainwashing'; her son.

Whatever...we were adults and didn't care what she said.

However the issue takes a whole new spin when I will be bringing

the First Grandchild into the world.

We want our Child to grow in a Christian atmosphere. We want our Child to attend christian schools and get to know the Lord like I do. But We both fear the my Mil will try to teach our Children UnGodly ways of life.

I want our Children to know my Husbands mom but I also want to keep our Child away from my MIL's idea's that it's Ok to drink and smoke and that sex is Ok and were meant to be sexual beings as what she told me as I started dating her son.

How can I instill the Christian lifestyle into my children, while at the same time maintaining a healthy relationship with my MIL?I need advice on how to Maintain a Christian Family while having Atheist In laws? Help?
You have the right to raise your child the way you want. So set in motion the life you want for your child and if your MIL crosses the line set up appropriate boundaries.I need advice on how to Maintain a Christian Family while having Atheist In laws? Help?
it's simple

you control the visits and supervise them as well

but your lifestyle and beliefs will hold him on the the straight and narrow

but you never truly have a good relationship with you MIL so as long as she sees you as the one who took her son away and converted him

so why even bother
You sound like a typical, judgemental Christian.

It is pointless giving you a real answer, since your mind is obviously so closed. I only hope your kid grows up and realizes that his mother is an ignorant, judgemental woman. One day, he will, believe me.
what inthe world makes you think God would ever condone coming between a child and its grandparents? that isnt my kind of christianity and isn't the kind taught in the bible.

you got a lot of growing up to do young lady.
Why don't you seal them up in plastic wrap to keep them from all ';ungodly'; influences? People like you disgust me.

I see you and your husband have been married less than a year. Don't worry, he'll wise up.
I'm Atheist and I wouldnt worry about her teaching the child ';ungodly ways';. My step daughter is christian, and I support her beliefs. If your Mother In Law has respect for her son then she will support your childs beliefs.
You keep to your views, opinions, faith in God, this is who you are..keep to that, don't ever compromise. If your MIL doesn't understand, then she is losing a big opportunity to be with family.
minimize her influence over the child. When she visits give her the rules. be direct with her when she's around. Don't use her to baby sit find a christian so she won't undo what you are sowing
Sure, raise them in total ignorance; that's just what ';God'; would want.

I feel sorry for the kid, having such a mother as you.
You have to raise your child the way you want them to be
Children are not our possessions or captives. If you love your child you will help him or her to explore the world, learn to think critically, and reach his or her own conclusions. If you are confident in your own beliefs you must surely be confident in their capacity to convince others - without exclusive brain washing. I grew up as an atheist, with Sunday School friends, a father with unbounded curiosity and an open mind, and a mother from a family of former regular church-goers who eventually lapsed into a kind of superstitious belief in a God nobody understood or could speak for. It did me no harm. Have faith in your children, more than your need to reinforce your own beliefs for your own comfort. There are plenty of good human beings who are not Christians. The ethics inherent in Christianity (and many other religions) are more firmly supported by internal reflection and observation, than merely by external doctrine. Surely to presume you know exclusively about God etc is a form of excessive pride or hubris?
This is hindsight, but you knew this before you got married. Did you both discuss this beforehand %26amp; decide on ground rules? In instances on child rearing, no matter what the problems with the inlaws are, it's what the parents of the children say goes. Your inlaws are not the parents. You %26amp; you husband are. Since they are his parents he is the one who needs to have a frank, but respectful discussion with them and tell him what the deal is - and they can either respect that or time with the children will be limited. My personal spin on this is that you are the one with an ';attitude'; that needs a little adjustment. I know some Atheists %26amp; none of them are as ';evil'; as you portray them to be. What is wrong morally with smoking %26amp; drinking as long as it is in moderation? Yes it's dangerous to the health but Ungodly? Sounds like you are holier than thou. And what the heck are you talking about that humans are not sexual beings? You are pregnant, so you had sex. What Christian faith do you believe in? I've never heard of any sect that teaches that stuff. You keep shoving you own beliefs down people's throats %26amp; acting superior someone's gonna put you in your place, hard. I think your MIL is right, you might be brainwashing. BTW, some of the biggest hypocrits I've ever encountered are the people yelling ';Christian'; ';Christian'; ';Christian';. They act like they are the only good people on earth. That is so insulting to people of other faiths. Shabara actually said it much more delicately as I did, though. My bad.
I think it is your right to politely have a talk with your in laws to avoid religious discussions with your child (aka they shouldn't be telling your five year old that God doesn't exist) until he is old enough to understand their lack of beliefs (maybe after age 13?). The only catch to this though is, if your child ever ASKS their opinion, I do think they have the right to tell the truth about what they believe, it's not right to condemn their ideas...I just don't think they should be actively pushing your child to not believe in things when he/she is too young. I don't think that you should limit time your child spends with them, that would probably hurt your in laws and no matter what they think, they still love your child and they should be able to see him/her. I also don't think you should villanize the in laws in anyway, it will just create a rift in the family that is not needed.

In the end, no child goes through life without seeing or hearing things that maybe he/she shouldn't and will also witness and experience things that go against the fundamental beliefs of their parents. But, if their parents give them a strong basis, in the end that is all that will matter. You cannot ensure that your child will forever be a Christian, but you can ensure that if you teach him/her how to live with peace, love, dignity, and strength of character that he or she will grow to be a good person, and in the end that is probably the most you could ever ask for.
I'm married to a Russian man and honestly...I don't think your marriage will last. Sorry if that is rude but in order to be with a man from another culture you have to have an OPEN mind. You are extreme Christian who is narrow minded...therefore i don't think your marriage will last. The reason is you're too extreme Christian for any Russian man to be with. Russia has a history of no religion due to communism and I do not see how someone that is as extreme Christian as you can be compatible with a Russian male. It's so strange it's laughable but good luck to you though.

btw, my father in law is atheist and he's a very kind caring grandfather to our son....that's why I don't understand your question. I think I don't understand your question because I am OPEN minded, accept Russian culture. you really should think about opening your mind if you want your marriage to last. seriously if you want to be extreme and accepting of only your things you should have married a man from your small town, some American guy from your church that was named like John Smith or something. lol.
Children grow up by example. They learn by how you act. Yes mother in law may teach them things that you don't agree with and teach them the stuff that would cause them to stray, but they would also learn the same thing in highschool and even middleschool. Even christian schools. A growing human is naturally curious about EVERYTHING. If you act in a certain way that'll be one of the ways your children will more easily resort to because that's what they know how to do. Teach them by giving them knowledge about what is bad so they know how to go against peer pressure whether it be best friend boyfriend girlfriend or mother in law pressuring them. You can't shelter them from the world. One main thing you should teach them is that this world and the material things in it are only temporary.
No matter how different the grandparent's viewpoint is, no grandchild should be kept from his or her grandparent. Both are valuable to each other. The only solution I can see is that the grandmother is free to visit the grandchild as often as she pleases....as long as you and your husband are there. Make this very clear to her. If she can't respect your decision, then it will be her loss. NEVER EVER tell her she can't see her grandbaby. Just make it extremely clear under what circumstances it will happen, though, and let the outcome be in her control. If she truly loves your baby, she will accept this. Good luck! It sounds like you and your husband will be WONDERFUL parents! =)

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