Okay i'm 16 years old and a year ago i met this boy who i really liked. He was first real boyfriend and he gave me my first kiss. We've been going out for about a year and a few months. Well just a few weeks ago we made out. It was the first time i had been french kissed. My boyfriend parents and mine are very religious. The thing is i've been having lusty thoughts and i've never really felt them towards anyone. And when we are kissing, even if it is a simple peck i can't help but want to do things with him (sexual things). Afterwards i feel so bad for thinking them though. Could anyone give me any advice?!?I'm a christian and i really need some advice! please help!?
1st, what you are experiencing is very normal and very natural. We are designed to have the drive to 'be fruitful and multiply' afterall.
This drive also presents a personal challenge: Self-control. Almost everybody, especially when around your age, loses their brain once their libido gets fired up. You are aware this is occuring with you, even if you are currently fighting your urges, you are aware that your rationality is being compromised once your libido starts going.
Unlike what the sloppy 'eh, whatever, bring a condom' advocates of teenage sex here are blathering, you have a legitimate concern about the possibility of lacking self-control and then disappointing your parents, God, and yourself because you didn't stick to your principles and 'gave in'. Listening to the advocates of teenage sex in this thread, you'd think they believe people lack the kind of self-control as a b**ch in heat.
Anyway, I would recommend taking a break from your boyfriend, which is especially hard at 16 but there are 2 advantages to this: 1. You can have some time to sober-up from your libido, and to prioritize and focus on the things that are what YOU WANT to be most important for your life. And 2 (this is a bit of a devious plus), it'll put you in the driver's seat in your relationship with your boyfriend...and believe it or not, he'll respect you a lot more when you leave him 'wanting more'. If he threatens to break up with you over it, let him, because it's likely more a power-play move on his part, and not rooted in reason, so it's doubtful his tantrum would be permanent. But you taking a break (or distancing yourself) from your boyfriend for a bit would be rooted in reason....good reason.
Think with your brain and not your libido, girl, and good luck. :)I'm a christian and i really need some advice! please help!?
You're 16 and your hormones are raging. It is natural to have what you call ';lusty thoughts';. Don't worry too much about it. If you decide to do more serious stuff than just kissing or petting, then I suggest you educate yourself about protection/contraception, if you don't know about them already.
looking for sex are you? that's what this is. you know it is wrong out side of marriage. if your french kissing then your pro bally gone. you need to stop !!!.girl remember this if nothing else. girls give sex to get love. guys give love to get sex.just the opposite.he is looking to get sex. deny him for six months and see if he is still with you. if not it is sex not love. he is the predator and your the prey. beware. it is always up to the girl to say no.
read ';Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love'; by Edward Sri.
Save your virginity for marriage, in that way, you can love like God himself. God bless!
1. Stop feeling guilty.
2. Make sure you have condoms. You might not need them, but if you do it's important to make sure they're in your pocket.
Follow the first advice, above.
Don't feel guily because those 'sexual things' are good and proper.
Make your you use condoms - or that he does.
Make sure he respects you.
I can't.. I don't know how to deny myself.
ronbo has alot of wisdom for a kid.
James 4:7 č˝Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
GOD bless
as a young girl regardless of faith you should take things slow
despite the rush and desire often going to far so young leads to regrets heartache and disappointments... enjoy the moment your in but realize there will many many more perhaps better and even real love to share these precious few moments with that can't be taken back, so u might want to consider the outcomes that comes with the hot and heavy moments. On the spiritual side of things you mention your a christian, only you can be responsible for your relationship with God and His will for your life, I encourage you to seek Him out and pray over the matter before ever doing anything to seek His blessings. I believe according to the Bible He has a perfect person for you already that He'd want you to share these wonderful moments with, but again its your walk with Him to discover His will..
Well, Danielle, you are both tempting each other and are in trouble, but its to be expected as Satan bombards young people with adulterous thought from the media 24/7--he knows God will destroy fornicators--He means what He says.
First mistake, you dated without a proper chaperon.
And that lead to necking, which is sexual foreplay.
It won't be long before he's in your pants, and once there you can't stop--believe me, your barrier will be broken and you will be at it every time you have a chance.
It's hard to reverse the processes you both have started--you'll probably fail. I suggest you break up before you get pregnant and ruin your life--it's that simple, start anew in a relationship God can bless.
Yes, start all over, and save ';spin the bottle'; games until you're married.
Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
OMG! You are committing more sins that 400 Christians can shake a stick at. Stop it now, or the eternal lake of fire will consume you.
There are so many labels that will be hung on you for your deviant behavior and you will be ostrasized and outcast from decent society.
Repent now! Save your soul.
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