Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm Christian but thinking of becoming Wicca, any advice?

I was baptized Episcopalion when I was six by my parents. I believe in God and Jesus Christ (I think) I believe in some of the Christian beliefs and some I do not believe in. Recently, I found a book about Wicca and became very interested the religion. I would like to become Wiccan because I agree with their values and beliefs. However, I'm not sure if it is the right thing to do. Also, my grandparents would shun me from their excistence if I do become Wiccan, and my parents would be very upset also because they wouldn't want my grandparents to get upset. I'm not sure what I should do, seeing as I don't want to be shunned but really think Wicca is a perfect religion for me. thankyou!I'm Christian but thinking of becoming Wicca, any advice?
no one can say which religion is the right one for you ... except you. Reading will only get you so far. Look on witches voice and find your state %26amp; quite possibly your town or city and look for practicing groups %26amp; individuals, see what the community is like, get active %26amp; involved in it, go to open rituals, meet %26amp; greets, book clubs, classes etc. See if you are happy amongst that community. You don't have to announce to the world that you have changed your religion. (we call it 'the broom closet') Your relationship to God is a personal relationship, NO ONE on this earth has the right to judge that relationship. If you find a connection to the divine via wicca, more power to you! If you find that it is not the path for you, it wouldn't be the first time a person tried wicca and found that is was not for them. You may find that wicca is a stepping stone to finding the right path for you. Exploration in spirituality is the way that you find fulfillment, not by blindly following the path your parents have laid out for you. Keep in mind, if you are under the age of 18, many covens, classes %26amp; meet %26amp; greets may be closed to you, be aware that there are many adult themes in tradtional wicca and practice by minors is not encouraged, nor allowed (in most groups) You might find more acceptance at the Unitarian Universalits church C.U.U.P.S. chapter (covenant of unitarian universalist pagans) if you are under age 18 that may be your best bet untill you become of age. Learn to meditate. Read books from the library, or buy them used, alot of the books available on the market is not worth paying full price. Used books can be found in abundance on %26amp; there are also some books online (via the second link) good luck to you seeker...may you find what you are looking for!

after reading some of the responses on here i see that there is alot of misinformation out there... Wicca is not ancient it is 60-70 yrs old TOPS, it was created by gerald gardener in the 1940's before that, the word wicca was a middle english word that ment ';male witch'; Witchcraft has been around for a long time, but the religion that is wicca is a hodge podge of masonic/golden dawn ritual %26amp; british folklore, and is a new age religion... also don't believe everything you read (in books or(especially) on the internet) there is alot misguided information and some that is just flat out wrong. check your sources %26amp; double check, so that you know you are getting the right information.I'm Christian but thinking of becoming Wicca, any advice?
Wicca more or less is the active appreciation and celebration of nature, the earth we live on, the moon that affects its natural cycles, the animals (including humans) that walk it and the sun that warms them all. Everything else is fluff. Check out http://lastquartermoongatherin鈥?/a>

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Firehawk is right...

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HI, I also was baptised Epicopalian and now I am Wiccan. I'd like to know what you know about Wiccan beliefs and how they fit with your belief of Jesus Christ. Please read the links below. You can contact me through my profile if you like.
Yes, don't!
First, ignore the fools who don't know what it is. Then, before you decide ANYTHING research it more and decide that is what you want for sure before you tell anyone anything. Keep reading, there are many books and websites out there on it, and keep learning before you decide anything.
if your parents or grandparent wont aprovie of it don't tell them its YOUR choice what religion you are not theres

Wiccans don't even believe in the devil so how can they worship it or follow it?

Don't swap God for Satan. What your looking at is the devils work. Of course he wraps it up in a pretty bow.

Would you look at the dripping blood behind it?
I would ask myself: Why? Why would you feel it necessary to ';convert'; to another religion other than the one you were raised in? Try to be as honest with tourself as you can. Is it because of peer pressure? As you already mentioned, your parents and grandparents would probably not understand and be hurt.

If you want to study pre-Christian history and religions in Europe, you can certainly do that while remaining Episcopolian. The Episcoplian Church derived from the Anglican (Church of England) which broke off from the Catholic Church about 500 years ago. The Catholic Church has been in England for at least 1500 years. There are historians who are experts in pre-Christian Europe but I don't think they call themselves Wiccan or neopagan.
Just remember you are dealing with supernatural powers. At some point you will be lost from God. Is it worth it? Life on this planet is a short time. You are trading eternal riches for power today. Wicca is clearly evil. There is no truth in it. Only lies. you are really divorcing yourself from your family. But its your choice. God will not stop you.
Why don't you just explore wicca without announcing anything to your parents or grandparents? Religion is for you personally, not something you go around shouting about. Keep it personal at first.
Do alot of reading and make sure that this is right for you, my best friend is wicca as is all of his family, they are the most amazing people I have ever known. Contact a local group to see if you can sit in with them. I say whatever makes you feel good and comfortable and where no one gets hurt go for it...
Wicca or Pagan arts, are the religions of the first people on earth. Wicca is a religion based on the Feminine Goddess energy and the closeness to the earth, honoring all things in nature including humanity. I am not Wiccan, but I accept the religion.

Do alot of research on it. And if you are serious about Wicca, then be ever so careful not to stray from it into the dark occult magick religions, they are very very draining emotionally and energetically and you do have to answer to others......
I would just say don't do it, but you have a right as an American to choose your own way. Just remember though, that you also have the right to be wrong.

I would strongly encourage you to explore a real relationship with God before you make such a decision. The thing is, (I think,) that a lot of people are fed up with religions. Not really fed up with God, but fed up with people who say they are Christians, but don't live it. I don't really care for religion, but I have a great relationship with God. He is the absolute best friend that you could ever have.

You can't judge God by the way people act, it should be the other way around.

I don't know what I can say to you that would help you to come to know the wise Father that He has been to me, I just wish you could see my heart, my life, and my spirit. I wish you could see how broken I used to be, and how His gentle love has made me ';me'; again. I wish you could see the Scientist, the Artist, the Engineer and the Designer in His creation. I wish you could see the miracle you are, and how much He loves you, You'd never want Him to leave your side. I hope you choose Him over any religion.
You're being tempted - don't give in! Cling to the Lord with all your being and pray for His protection!
wicca is literally witchcraft, don't try it

its dangerous and could lead you places you don't wanna go

stick to christianity
Take heed of seducing spirits. I will pray for you.
Read everything. Read books and websites about Wicca as well as other neo-pagan paths. Shoot, learn about every religion you can. Learn to tell good sources from bad. Don't rush into anything. If you want to become Wiccan, that's fine and dandy, but do your homework first. If you're still living with your parents and they would have a problem with it, then I wouldn't go about wearing pentagrams and whatnot. But there's nothing wrong with learning about and practicing the religion, even if it may not be a good idea to be doing spellwork and such in your parents home if they're opposed to the idea. And it doesn't seem like you have a problem with this, but don't be all ';I hate Christians! Help! I'm being persecuted!'; Worrying about your own religious/spiritual happiness is more important than being bitter because everyone doesn't approve. That's my take on it anyways. Good luck :)
all religions hav good points as well as bad..wicca was the religion in much of europe befor christianity,it ran into disfavor becuz of some wrongdoings.....

the true god is beyond what u can read in a book or find in a church or temple; by all means explore a little but the knowledge of the universe is within you
Enter ye at the strait gate:for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. (Jesus Matt. 7:13)

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Jesus Matt. 7:15)
I agree, practice wicca on your own for a while. You don't have to tell anyone. Keep reading and learning. If you still feel it is right for you later on, it will be easier to tell people. I know many wiccans that have only told a few people even though they have been practicing for years.
the only way wicca is bad or evil is if you choose to go to the dark side, i see nothing wrong with it. as for other people...i belive you have to follow your own heart not anyone elses
Okay, personally I am wiccan so I think wicca is an awesome religion, but you should do some research. Try something by Scott Cunningham for example. If you decide its a perfect fit keep your religion quiet for a while, if its not then start looking into other things. There is nothing wrong with following your own religion

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