but sadly, there are many many so-called Christians giving the entire group a bad reputation...
Comments?Actually I admire people who are truly Christian and live their faith from the advice and words of Jesus...?
I have often wondered, that persons who make a boast of professing the Christian religion, namely, love, joy, peace, temperance, and charity to all men, should quarrel with such rancorous animosity, and display daily towards one another such bitter hatred, that this, rather than the virtues they claim, is the readiest criterion of their faith. Matters have long since come to such a pass, that one can only pronounce a man Christian, Turk, Jew, or Heathen, by his general appearance and attire, by his frequenting this or that place of worship, or employing the phraseology of a particular sect鈥攁s for manner of life, it is in all cases the same.
Baruch Spinoza, Preface to the Theologico-Political Treatise (1677)Actually I admire people who are truly Christian and live their faith from the advice and words of Jesus...?
I have to agree with that. There are many people who call themselves Christian, but their behavior says otherwise. Unfortunately, they seem to be the ones with the loudest voices.
I am a Christian. Meaning I have a relationship with Jesus. It is sad that people use something so good for their own profits and distort the truth. The TV airways are full of them; Hin with is mansion in Malibu, the mega millionaires Crouch, etc. I think it is because so many people are in need, spiritually, that they fall for these fast talkers and don't know the Bible good enough to spot a fraud. If they just read the Bible before they listened to these false profits maybe they can see the lies. I pray before I read the Bible so I can determine what God wants to tell me and not the teaching of a man on TV wearing a $5000.00 suit.
On any given day, you could observe any Christian doing or saying something that is just wrong. It doesn't mean that is their normal character. We all sin intermittently. God convicts our hearts and we repent and make restitution in whatever way we need to. What you're talking about would have to be a lifestyle for the person. In that case, they may not be a Christian, or they may be a new Christian, who God is working on (change isn't instant, usually, though it can be). You know in any church service there are many people who play church that are not really believers. They do this for political reasons, or to be seen, or personal reasons....the point is you do not become a Christian by association. The true church is not a building, or an organization. It is the body of believers all over the world, unified by the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus, adopted by the Father in Heaven. Only God knows who is who and He tells us to not be concerned that the goats have mixed into the flocks of My sheep.....He will separate them on the Day of Judgement. I look at it like this; they may be coming to church services for the wrong reason, they may not be Christians at all, but, as long as they are among us, they just might hear the Lord speak to them and receive Jesus as Savior. God loves us all and waits for the unbeliever to seek Him out, so I think their chances are better in the church. Now, because of this, we all see people with the label ';Christian'; living life like they aren't.....because they really aren't. Please don't judge a group by an individual, God doesn't. The shame and bad reputation needs to be put on the individual, not the group.
I like penguins and all the penguins that will slaughter all you brain washed christians when the Penguin crusade happens.
Is this even a question?
That is so true. Many people say they are saved, but don';t live their life pleasing the Lord. When God saved me, He changed me. I became a new person. I have no desire for the sin in this world. He put a new song in my heart. One that wants to lift up His Holy name. I want to tell others how much Jesus loves them, and He will save them. I put my Faith, and Trust, in the Lord. He is the one who leads, and guides my life.
Humans are not perfect and will make mistakes.
If someone owned up to theirs, I forgive and move on. In general, people choose to fight, point fingers and cause drama instead of thinking for themselves - religion or not.
Who are you to judge anyone?
It's like that with all groups.
I agree with you. There are many wonderful Christians. Than you have the bigoted fundies.
I agree.
how nice of you
and how true a statement.
It is sad how the many ruin it for the few.
You are right. I think that Christians, in general, do try to speak out against those who are not practicing what Jesus taught. We are supposed to correct each other and help each other in our faith.
God Bless.
You do not have to follow the mob and adopt their mentality. Jesus never did. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and not a group relationship. Fellowship with other Christians is vital, but salvation and spiritual growth are dependent on a one-on-one relationship with God, who is Jesus. You are allowed to think for yourself and you are allowed to speak directly to God.
Throughout history people have judged whole groups of people because of the actions of a few. This is true for many different things. It is prejudice. Examples are (all Muslims bad because of the acts of a few, all Christians, all blacks, all whites, all Koreans, all Chinese, all Germans, all men, all women, all teenagers, all children, all old people, all northerners, all southerners all etc) any category you can think of is judged this way by people who are prejudice.
There are millions of people in the world that are hipocrites!! They say one thing and do another. They believe one way and act another. It doesn't have anything to do with being a ';christian';.
Actually, if the whole world would live according to JESUS' words, it would be a perfect place. Yes, sadly there are way to many bearers of the name ';Christian'; that don't live up to it. But hey, when there are a few that try to bear this name as worthily as they should, they seem like angels! It is rather hard though, especially when everyone around you lives like the devil....but I am trying, and most people think I'm weird :-) but the Bible says that when someone wants to make a difference, you have TO BE A LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM THE REST!! JESUS SAVES!!
Words of jesus barely carried any intelligence. Any philosopher would speak better than him.
Here's some True FACTS about christians:
hell was created by christians - so shall they go there, to burn in their hell!
christians have KILLED more people in the history of humanity than any other group.
christians have persecuted millions of ';non-believers'; just because they DIDN'T believe in ';christianity!
christians are by far the most brain-washed - brain-dead believers in the world today!
do you admire them now???
Here's the Solution for christianity and religion:
Create a Private, Personal, Direct, Divine Relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion's and atheist's beliefs.
Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.
Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!
Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!
';religion is Spiritual fraud';; ';religion is the Worse invention of humanity'; - Jesus Christ, Buddha and any one else with Spiritual intelligence.
atheists = all the people in religion = all the ignorant fundamentalists = all the cults/superstitions
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