Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Can I get advice from someone with a strong Christian faith?

My friend is going to be staying with her sister for a few weeks while their parents go on a cruise for their anniversary.

Well, my friend found out her sister is in a gay relationship with another woman. This woman will be staying in the house for one of the weeks my friend is there. My friend is really uncomfortable and doesn't want to stay there. We both have a relationship with Jesus Christ and know the lifestyle is unholy.

I'm really worried about my friend being stuck in that situation for 2 weeks so I want to offer to let her stay with me. My parents will want to know why she's no longer staying with her sister though. I can't lie to them but that would involve betraying my friend's trust.

I'm really worried and I can't ask my youth pastor because my friend doesn't want anyone to know about her sister (her parents don't even know).

Should I convince my friend to tell her parents? It'll cause a huge family problem but I can't do nothing. I feel like I'm being tested.Can I get advice from someone with a strong Christian faith?
If you knew someone was about to walk off a cliff, would you stop them?

Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing but you must not tire of doing what's right. You'll reap a righteous reward. BlessingsCan I get advice from someone with a strong Christian faith?
I would have your friend tell her sister you are thinking about telling. You are not obligated to keep her immoral secrets for her(your friend's sister). Be honest with the gay sister and let her decide whether she wants to pursue immorality in her parents home or whether she will change her mind and not inconvenience your lives by feeling like you need to lie. If she really wants to keep her gayness a secret from the adults she will agree that her friend will not stay over. Leave it up to her.
I don't have a Bible verse for this one, so I'm kind of stumped. This is just my opinion.

If it was me, I would ask my parents. I they ask why she doesn't want to stay with her sister, I would just say that you would like her to stay with you. If they press, I would just say that I'm not in a position to betray the reason. I wouldn't beg or complain if they say no since I couldn't tell them the reason.
If her sister lives close you can go and be there for her during the day. You can also preach the gospel to both of the girls in the relationship. Instead of convincing your friend to tell her parents you should both try to get the sister to tell her parents. If nothing can be done pray and trust the lord. The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.

God Bless

Are you afraid she will 'turn gay' in her sister's wake? The fact the sister is inviting someone to stay while the parents are away is either sneaky and underhanded or approved by the parents. You can ask your parents about the sleepover arrangement for your friend, and just say you would love to have her stay with you; no explanations needed. What your friend's sister does is between her, her partner, her parents and her maker, ultimately.

Pray, but don't snitch.
I think your friend should use this time to bond with her sister and maybe understand her and her lifestyle a little more. She shouldn't go to try to convert her just spend the time with her and she can share her faith with her and her sister can share her lifestyle with your friend and they both might learn something. If Jesus only spent his time with people that agreed with him where would Christianity be today? BTW I am not a Christian but I hope you take my advice just the same.
I would say let it be. Your friend may be there for 'such a time as this' who knows, your friend may have a positive effect. Your friend is not the one who is in this relationship, but they can still sit a good example. Christan's are not 'harmed' by proximity to sin, only when they give in to the sin. I would NOT cause more trouble for the other two. That would just build more resentment.
Don't get involved in family affairs that are not your own first off. Second off how do you ';know'; their lifestyle is unholy Christ never makes any sort of reference to it in the bible. Hmm seems like i know christ better than you and I don't have that creepy ';relationship'; with him. Man Christians are so unchrist like, but what do I know go on cast that first stone.
Well I think that your friend should tell her sister that she if uncomfortable with her lifestyle and if she could keep it clean while she is there and ask if her partner could find somewhere else to stay while she is with her sister. If her sister won't agree to this then I think that she has to tell her parents why she won't stay there. Remember what Jesus said that He will divide a mother against her son a father against his daughter. May our Lord help you with you problem
you do not say your friend or her sisters age but her parents are expecting her to stay in the home with her sister so I think she should. I suggest you pray on it with her pray for her sister and this friend if she stays. if she does not want to stay there while her sisters friend is then just ask your parents if she can stay that week as she is feeling like piggy in the middle.
Unless you really feel like God is telling you otherwise, I highly suggest you stay out of it.

Pray for you friend that she makes the right decision, but do the best you can not to interfere. This is a family matter and if you get too involved, it could come back to bite you.

Take care and God bless!
How does her sister feel about the predicament this creates for your freind?

does she care about what her sister thinks?

Is her sister afraid that her parents know of her alignment?

do you think they would chose differently if they did?

Pray about it, talk to her sister, let her stay with you, and let her sister explain!
I think she should stay with this girl and let it challenge her. Gay people don't have cooties. They're just sinners like everyone else outside of Christ. If there were someone staying with her that did not know Christ, but wasn't gay would you feel the same way? Ponder that question...
Why don't you and your friend dress up in Puritan clothes, go to her sister's house, march her sister down to the town square, lock her sister in the public stocks, and put a sign around her neck saying: ';Repent all ye who turn thy back on the word of God!';....?

Sounds like a plan
Just because someone close to you has a relationship you don't approve doesn't mean that you are to avoid them. It may be uncomfortable but that person is still your friend's sister. You friend should stay with her sister. After all, it is only for 1 week.
I think she and you should just tell it like it is. This is a good chance to take a stand for righteousness and against immorality. Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Her allegiance is to God first and his righteousness. That's standing firm in your faith.
Good job keeping a secret.

Your friend should go stay with her sister, keep her mouth shut about her opinions, and try to learn something about her sister and the person she cares for. Maybe it will expand her horizons a bit and not make her so judgmental.
If your friend is uncomfortable about the situation, she needs to speak up, not you. You can (and should) be supportive of her, but she has to do this herself.
It is only for two weeks . Her sister will have to answer for her own lifestyle. Tell your friend to be active -out and about those two weeks so she won't be home too much,Just to sleep.
THATS STUPID. just as lying is a sin, so is being gay. god forgives both. stop judging people, and grow up. just because they are gay doesnt mean anything. their still people.
First off She should tell her parents,

every thing. then go from there. She should not stay alone with here gay friend or here girl friend and they should not be in the house alone. A friend in Christ Alan.
if your friend is uncomfortable, then she doesn't have to go. you're gonna have to talk to someone about it and so is she.
hai friend.....unka msg read panninathum reply panna asai than...but na eng la type panna maten...so nenka enta tamil la ketenkana solren ok va anything is wrong i say sorry pa,,,,
That's discus ting. -- The part where your friend doesn't want to be around someone who is gay. Go back to 1950 where you belong.
Don't be afraid, let love be your motivation.
Jesus ate with sinners. I think your friend will be fine,pray for her. Maybe God will use her in this situation.
Tell your parents and hers..it may not be too late to help her life the right kind of life.
Leave them alone.Why are you so fast to judge others?
I thought Christians were meant to accept all people that's what Jesus did.
we live in a fallen world that is filled with fallen people....

1 Corinthians Chapter 5

9 I wrote unto you in an epistle NOT to company with fornicators:

10 Yet NOT altogether with the fornicators of THIS WORLD, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go OUT of the world.

11 But now I have written unto you NOT to keep company, if any man that is called a BROTHER (or SISTER in the Lord) be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.


13 BUT THEM THAT ARE WITHOUT GOD JUDGETH. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person (BELIEVER).
She should first tell her sister that she is uncomfortable with the other woman staying there, and that out of respect see if there can be other arrangments made.

I do not think you should tell your parents yourself, but if the two of you together could talk to then. YOu may not even have to tell them the exact reason, just that she is having problems with her sister and she would feel more comfortable staying with you. Maybe you could say that she does not want to stay while her sister's';significant other'; is there. No need to say that it is a woman.

Pray about it, and be there for your friend, but I would not get in the middle of her family drama. Just be there when she needs you.
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