Thursday, December 31, 2009

Any advice of how to explain Jesus to a new Christian?

they are not sure about Jesus, but they believe in God.Any advice of how to explain Jesus to a new Christian?
God is pure! without spot or blemish

He can't hang with you, if you are not pure, else he would become blemished.

If you believe that Jesus' death was effective in removing your impurity, then you become spotless and can hang with God.

Jesus, the great spot remover.Any advice of how to explain Jesus to a new Christian?
actually i DO in fact rock. here is a link to my Christian Rock band

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the very word ';christian'; is derived from Jesus's last name...

Jesus Christ!

if they don't believe in Jesus, then they're not a new christian yet,

jewish and islam believe in God too,

many other religions have God ...

american indians have 'the great spirit'... same thing, different spelling
Did Jesus or his Apostles follow a religion called Christianity? Who were the first 'Christians' ? Who founded Christianity and do the teachings of Christianity conform to the teachings of Jesus?

The teachings of Paul, the true founder of Christianity, cannot be found anywhere in the teachings of Jesus or in those of prophets before him.鈥?/a>
As a spiritual advisor, I use this tactic alot with Christians.....first tell them who Jesus actually is.....what he done...his teachings....and by all means tell them to read the Bible....and this is another thing that's very important.....let them know that not all interpretations of the Bible may not sound or be the same coming from people....and ';new'; Christians, they can become easily confused by everyone's beliefs coming at them all at see?...and one more thing....(please don't take this personally)....unless you are a long-time or full-flegded Christian yourself and know alot about the Bible, please don't try to do the educating.....because like I said....if one doesn't know something, then how may he teach it to another?....but by all means stick by your friend...and help lead them in the right direction....God bless you....
I think that it is something they have to find out for them selves.
Let them get into the vibe first then you can explain it to them! =)
They need to go to church,read the bible, ask a pastor, etc...
Just give them a bible and let them interpret it the way they want. That's what so many people do anyway.
everybody talks about him dying on the cross, but listen to what he said to deserve such a fate...

love one another...

better to give than to recieve...

you don't believe in jesus for the pie in the sky reward...

what he said when he was here!!!

spartacus died on the cross too, good story,

but if you read jesus words...

i think it's in what he said more than just dying for us
maybe i can help you..... can you give me your e-mail add then we could help your friends. my e-mail add is
how could they be a new christian without knowing of Jesus. You should say a potential christian. In that case any explanation will probably generate great guffaws of laughter or a stunned silence followed by, ';are you seriious?';
Easy, belive what you wish to belive
Tell this new Christian that Jesus was one and three at the same time; that he was also God; that he died, stayed three days in a grave then was resurrected; he dwells in all the believers but is unable to prevent them from molesting young boys, paying for gay sex or calling for the murder of people of other religions.

That oughta do it.
Just tell them to dive into the Gospels. Nothing like The Word.
explain to them that one cross equals their salvation.

he came from heaven to earth

to show the way

from the earth to the cros

my debt to pay

from the cross to the grave

from the grave to the sky

lord i lift your name on high

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