Sunday, December 27, 2009

I am trying to grow more as a Christian. Any advice?

I am trying to better my life. And I know I need God in order to do it.I am trying to grow more as a Christian. Any advice?
have faith... pray and seek God more everyday! this is a never ending jourrney and not a destination that you will arrive at... keep growing and be humble!

.I am trying to grow more as a Christian. Any advice?
Find a bible teaching church that will help you grow in your faith. Get into a bible study. Read the bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. I will pray for your growth.
Read the Bible every day. Pray for God's guidance. And use his name when you pray to him. He has a personal name. He tells us it here.

(Psalm 83:18) 18聽That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
Grow in what specific area(s)? That may determine how for you to do it presently.
2 Tim 2:15 Study to show thy self aproved, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God.

Thru Christ all things are possible.
You need to study the Bible, as God commands this. If you would be a Christian in deed and not just word. You could use a prepared Bible study from some religion, or you can (as I have done) study on my own. I use a KJV with Strong's notations, and a complete Strong's concordance. Search by name, word or subject. When you have exhausted one then you take the weight of evidence as the truth.
Try getting a Life Recovery Study Bible. :)

Also, maybe you could find a group through your church, like a Bible study or women's group.

Try listening to Christian radio when you have to drive. I listen to sermons and Christian talk shows during my commute. I feel closer to God because I'm learning about him! :)
Give everything you own to the poor, just as Jesus demands.
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