Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Little Advice Needed (: *-Christian-*?

I'm a Christian, I'm nearly 17, I'm at college,

The longest relationship I've ever had was six weeks, I've never even kissed anyone who doesn't do drugs. Obviously, everyone deserves better that a boyfriend who's always drunk so I've decided to aim higher. I've been single over a year now which I'm fine with because nobody has really taken my interest.

...Up until now; this guy who I know through friends, when asked about drugs he was like 'are you maddd :| do you like boys who do them or something :S' he plays football semi-pro so he's never even touched a fag. He's nice so far, obviously I've been hurt so I'm very wary about things but I'm meeting him on friday.

It's annoying because I really like him but I feel like I've let myself down because I was trying to wait and go out with a Christian (as the no sex before marriage thing always made me end relationships that were going too far). I was trying to wait because I've liked a boy from my church for ten years haha :$ but I always think, this is never going to happen and put it to one side because I'm not sure If we will ever be together.

Obviously things with this new guy won't last forever but I've realised I'm really scared because I don't want to get hurt againn.

Please help me, I'd be grateful :D xxxxxxxxA Little Advice Needed (: *-Christian-*?
Listen i am also your age, Ive gone to church my whole life..

God has someone for everyone.. Hes had someone picked out for you before you were born.. Let Him lead you, He'll let you know in your heart if your doing the right thing,,

PS: I dont think Gods picked out anyone for you thats not a christian..

People in your life will either bring you closer to God or further away,,

Hope ive helped and havent bored you too much haha

Good Luck!!! :-)

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