Sunday, December 27, 2009

I am confused. I am a christian needing advice...?

I am a christian that is seeking answers right now. I have been thinking that I want to be a christian scientist. But, I read that christian scientists do not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and I do, wholeheartedly. The reason why I was thinking about christian science is because I definitly think that instead of God and science being separated and people believing in one or the other, I think that it can be connected and both can be used to explain the other. I have studied a little about this in my quest for answers. But, no matter what, I will never stop believing and loving God. So, what is a good christian denomination for me that teaches science with the bible and will help me grow? Because I am disillusioned now with christian science.I am confused. I am a christian needing advice...?
I'm a scientist and know many others who are Christians. We believe in the message of the bible and not some of the specifics that may not mean what others think they do. Creation is a good example. God is truth. Science pursues the truth to understand how God created the universe. God does not deceive. He would never, ever, have made the fossil record look like 6 Billion years, and then said it was only 6,000 years old. In the new testament, it says that to God 1000 days are like 1 day. It is not that precise, it just means, our days are different than His days.

In proverbs is a very scientific account of creation. See if you can find it. There was a lot of science and design involved.

Take care,I am confused. I am a christian needing advice...?
when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the fountains of the deep, when he assigned the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him as a Master Craftsman.” -- Proverbs 8:22-30

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First off I want to say Christ loves you! You will find the path that he has choosen for you. If you see a door open, follow it, for he has opened it for you. Your heart will lead you in the path meant for you. Good luck and God Bless!
i dont know of any personally, but i applaud your faith in God. never stop searching, never stop seeking... the more u learn, i believe the more u can make informed decisions. do not let Anyone ever put u down, make u feel bad, make u feel u are wrong. at the same time, do not make others feel bad if they do not understand or believe the same thing u do.. but i'm sure u don't do that :).

i've heard there was a scientist who studied DNA..and thru his research he actually Became a Christian! i'm not sure of his name, but he wrote a book. and just because there's no particular ';group'; u can connect with, it doens't mean u are wrong, or don't have valid questions. keep doing what u are doing, and don't give up hope. always stay positive, and focus on the positive.... those christians or non christians who only focus on judging and negativity do not progress, they stay stagnant or degress. :) good for u!
Maybe you should try a different religion. Why pigeon-hole yourself in with Christianity? Study all religions, then decide.
Look into Islam.
My answer is to pray about it. Everyone can give you their opinions, but that is not what you need. You have to let God tell you where you are needed.
denominations are a trick of the devil. Jesus came to earth to tell us to love each other and we have spent the last 2000 years killing each other (at times literally) over how he sad it. i suggest finding a good nondenominational Church.

i agree that science and Faith should work together.
Here's your advice, child....

Stop wasting your time with religion. It is such an awful waste of time. Just enjoy life. When you die, it is alllllll over. Why can't people fathom that the end is the END?
Whatever people may think of Jehovah's Witnesses, they do teach the Bible and science are in complete harmony
I grew up myself hearing some teachings of the christian church, there are some GOOD POINTS. The key word is ';filter';. you have to realize that there are some good points and some bad points in the bible. I personally learned a lot from various HOLLYWOOD MOVIES. Music has also taught me alot. My advice is for you to believe in your fellow man before you believe in any god....don't get me wrong it's great to have a sense of god, but first believe in man.

I don't know if you ever heard of the term ';vegan'; as in the ETHICAL diet and such to say... but if you have the moment check out some of the writings on this link:
Your dissolution with ';Christian Science'; is well deserved.

I am not one of ';God';. HOWEVER .... If you suspect something; Stand back, Take a LONG look. Approach SLOWLY. Be aware

of your surroundings %26amp; BE CAREFULL!! The decision you make

today may very well effect the rest of your life.

(i left C.S. behind %26amp; am doing just fine)
Christian Scientists are neither christians nor scientists.

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