Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need Christian advice...?

I was sexually abused when I was 11 by a family friend who was only a few years older than I was. I've since moved from the area, so I don't see him anymore, but I'll be moving back to the area in a couple weeks. I plan to attend my old church, where the guy and his family are active members. I know I'll see him often, but I don't want to leave the church just because he's there. I don't know how to deal with it.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I know I should forget forgive and leave him in my past. I did forget him for a couple years, but what happened keeps creeping into my mind. The memories got especially bad when I had my first boyfriend (at the age of 17). I wasn't able to hold my boyfriend's hand, let alone let him kiss me. What happened has changed my personality, and it took a lot of things away from me.

How should I handle seeing him around the church (did I mention that he's the new music director for the youth group?), and do I have a right to not want to be around him?Need Christian advice...?
I will pray for you. I think you are going to need Christian counseling. Call a pastor from another church who doesn't know either of you and ask for Biblical advice. I really think you should join another church.

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