Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice the christian way!?

u see i have a boyfriend right now and im scared of losing him, the problem is that my dad is an evangelical pastor. My parents dont approve of my former boyfriend just because he isnt christian. he has never been told about jesus so im the first person hes ever heard it from, i try to talk to him about changing and going to church but hes just a beginner i pray for him to, but it seems like its not enough, i dont want to lose him because i really like him and he treats me right. But my parents wont even let me hang out with him or spend some time with him just because hes not christian, i mean i know hes not the ideal guy for me but he can change and hes willing to do so, but slowly. I dont know how to make my parents understand that hes trying, all i want them to do is to give him a chance, it seems to me that nobody understands me and if i dont talk to someone soon i dont know what i will do, i cant say im going to go to my pastor for advice because they are my parents i need help!I need advice the christian way!?
Keep trying and keep praying! It would be a shame to see a chance for a preson to know God, and then just let him go.

If you truly care for him, you should keep trying and talk to your parents. Ask them if they would talk to him to get him closer to God.

No offense, but a Pastor shouldn't turn away a chance like this and judge him just because he's not a christian... Ask your father if you could just try to let this boy get to know God.

Let this boy know and approve though before you go saying he's willing to sit down and talk about God with your parents. Let him know what is going on.

Good luck!

:)I need advice the christian way!?
You're welcome.

Good! I'll pray for you guys, too.


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If he lives in America, he's heard about Jesus. However, your parents are being way too controlling. Not being a Christian doesn't make you a bad person, nor does being one make you a good person. You need to start showing your parents that you are your own person, capable of making your own decisions and that they can't control who you associate with. Try talking to a counselor at school or a teacher you like, they might be able to help a bit.
The beauty of religion - it causes more pain than anything ever invented by Man.

Here you love your bf, he loves you, but you're actually thinking about breaking it off because of your parent's religious views.

It's too bad your parents are so pathetically brainwashed. Guess you're screwed until you move away, and even after that, you'll probably be just as brainwashed.

Well, good luck.
Your most important concern here is to get Christ into his life.

It doesn't matter if he gets to be your bf or not, it does matter if his soul is saved.

Witness to him and pray for him. If you can plant the seed around where he is or will be that would be great.
We cant ever change anybody.. all I can say is pray... and Im sure your parents just want you to find a christian man so you can both grow together... dating one thats not a christian is much harder (stating the obvious)... you'll most likely bump heads on a lot of subjects... just pray about it and wait for the right one. =)
Show your father the New Testament, 1Corinthians 7:12, which specifically says you can marry people of other faiths. You don't say how old you are, but if you are over 18 it's your choice, not his anyway.
Do your parents not want you to help him??? Why would they not want you to be a witness to him and help him in his walk... If you don't help him learn who will... What if you are his one chance to learn... I don't understand why your parents don't want you to talk to him at all... They could be teachers and help him learn as well... Be good Christian examples... If he has never been exposed to the Christian life then he has a lot to learn... Someone needs to be there for him to help him learn, direct him the right direction and support him
there is nothing wrong with having a boyfriend who is not of the same faith. but if he is trying the christian life for you and your parents still dont approve (ie going to church with you. discussions on the bible or ideology ) i am sorry to say but your parents are in the wrong. no one is born into religion you are brought into religion. So if your boyfriend is trying your parents should realize that he just may become a christian.

For someone to do this it must be true love.
This may seem like an unrelated example but just hear me out.

After I found out that my brother was using drugs my family was devastated. We tried to do everything we could to help him and force him into a better life, but to no avail. Then I took this family program through the local addictions foundation, attended all sorts of groups like AL-ANON, NARA-NON, Families Anonymous etc. The most important lesson I learned throughout my experience is that ';You cannot change other people';. You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. Just like time after time I tried to change my brother, the experience I went through taught me that I can't change him.

For me, this changed my life forever.

With this, I also learned that you cannot be responsible for other people's happiness. You can only be responsible for your own.

As you can't change other people, you must remember that you can only change yourself. Furthermore, people won't change unless they want to.

So what is my point? Your parents are their own people. Your boyfriend is his own person. You can't force any of them to change.

This leads me to the bottom line, and you're not going to like it. You can't make everybody happy in this situation. Somebody is likely going to be hurt, angry, unhappy.

If I were you, I would be honest with myself. Ask yourself questions like: What are my priorities? What is it that I like about my boyfriend?

Also, the reality is that not everybody is christian. For myself, growing up Catholic, what matters the most is the values that a person grows up with, regardless of religion. If your boyfriend is a really great person who has values akin to your own, perhaps you could point those positives out to your parents. Maybe you could invite him over to dinner so that your parents could meet him and get to know him? At least it would probably help to alleviate their worries instead of you keeping them in the dark.

Cheers, and good luck.
okay, you need to make this choice right now and consider what i am saying to you. if you end up with this guy and get married (just an example), you are going to end up married to someone who is not a christian and doesn't want to go to church. then you'll start feeling awkward when going to church, so you just won't. you'll be changed from a christian to someone who is not looking to God for guidance and understanding, and you'll be living the world's way, not His way. I am going to tell you that even though you love him, you need to let him go. there's no use in being in a relationship with someone who is going to pull you away from God. I know it's gonna be hard, but you need to accept that. Hope you make the right decision and hope I helped.
Remember what the Bible teaches about the danger of an ';unequally yolked'; relationship. It is not of God. I can understand that you really like him, however if it is God's Will that you be together, then this guy will come to know Christ as Savior. However, you mustn't tell him that because if he likes you he may simply say ';Okay I accept Jesus'; but that will be a false conversion and he may go on the rest of his life thinking he is going to Heaven, when he never really trusted Jesus in the first place.

You should just spend time with him and other Christian friends. Let him see that Christians are normal people too, and he may get more comfortable going out with them and there may be an opportunity for him to learn about Jesus Christ and the reason for His death. Your boyfriend may come to know Christ as Savior if you are patient. But just pushing him away is wrong as well. Eventually he may open to the idea of going to church and worshiping God. If he eventually comes around to there and your parents see that he is genuine, they will likely loosen up and see the positives from your relationship.

Stay Pure!

God Bless

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