Thursday, December 31, 2009

Publishing advice -- I have a Christian sci-fi novel ms ready along ';Archon Conspiracy'; theme. Recc's?

geared toward agnostic/undecided audience; a ';make-'em-think'; to stand on its entertainment value as fiction, as opposed to a bio piece about how I wrote about what I knew. UFO/alien phenom reality, but evil. Benevolent space brothers = BS! Title: The Nonevent Principle. What agency? I will check Writer's Market (of course).Publishing advice -- I have a Christian sci-fi novel ms ready along ';Archon Conspiracy'; theme. Recc's?
Most publishers don't accept unsolicited manuscripts. If you're going to do the work and do all that mailing, consider sending some to a few agents, unless you're prepared to do all the contractual negotiations yourself. I like - it lists agents by genre.

But don't get your hopes up - most submissions never get looked at. In fact, most get returned unopened. And those that get opened and read, get ripped apart. Just be prepared for rejection and criticism.

EDIT: With self-publications, you'd pay for every copy you print. You'd also have to market and sell them yourself, which would be ridiculously time consuming for an individual. Also, with online books, most publishers wouldn't touch anything that's been posted on the internet. Why would they pay good money for something that people can read for free online? You're really doing yourself a disservice by posting online.Publishing advice -- I have a Christian sci-fi novel ms ready along ';Archon Conspiracy'; theme. Recc's?
Maybe you should consider self-publishing. This is the age of the ';information super highway';.

Can you say EBOOK!

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