Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pregnant Christian and needing comforting advice?

am 31 weeks pregnant. I am thankful to have made it this far in my pregnancy with my so far healthy little girl. I have been having a rough past 3 days. My husband has told me that he married me while still in love with his ex and he took my virginity and he didnt even love me at the time. This is horrible news for me.

He has put me through so much since we have been married -- porn addiction, trying to meet women on myspace, carrying pictures of his ex in his wallet and wouldnt carry my pictures, mentally and emotionally abusing me... I dont know what to do anymore. I feel like im becoming weak because today I said if I wasnt pregnant I would commit suicide. I do not need to kill myself + I wont because I love my child and I would really like to raise my child and im so afraid that shes going to die because I have been very upset and crying. Im so ashamed of myself because she is going to have a trash bag of a father. I need to leave him but I am very sick. What should I do?Pregnant Christian and needing comforting advice?
OK, first things first...

31-week-old babies do NOT die because of their mother's emotions. She's not going to die because you're upset. Can not happen. Period.

Second... Even in the Catholic Church (and I pick them because they're pretty darn strict on marriage) you would have grounds for annullment. As in, the marriage wasn't valid -- because he never entered it honestly -- and you have no reason to feel guilt for turning your back and walking away.

BUT... 31 weeks pregnant is hardly the time to be putting yourself through something as stressful as that...

Is there someone you can go to? A family member? (Your mother?) A friend? Someone you can stay with for a few weeks until the baby gets here, to give you a respite from what you're facing at home?

Is there anyone you can talk to? How about your pastor?

Someone to help get you through this time, and through the weeks after your beautiful daughter gets here, until you have the strength and wherewithal to leave him.

We are never given challenges without also being given the strength to face those challenges. You can get through this. But you don't have to go it alone. Find someone you can turn to, and let them help you find that strength.

You deserve better than him.

And you will find it.Pregnant Christian and needing comforting advice?
y first husband was horrible. He was both physically and emotionally. I left him when my daughter was 2. It was the best thing I ever did. She is now 20 and a sophomore in college and he is and always was a GREAT father.. just a really bad husband. I am guessing you are young because of some of the things you have said he has done. I would contact your family if you can and get the hell out. It is far better to be a single parent than live in an abusive home. I have since remarried (11yrs) to a wonderful man and have 3 other children. It's GREAT to be in a loving marriage. You owe to yourself to find a man that will treat you with all the love and passion you deserve. Good luck.
I would leave him and go move in with a friend or close realtaive. if he has been this way before he will kepp being that way.
Crying and being upset will not effect your baby. You need to get counseling. Talk to your pastor or find a marriage counselor. They will help you figure out if you should cut your loses and leave your husband or stay and work things out. He married you for a reason so must have feelings for you. Maybe he is punishing you when he is really trying to punish himself. Could be a number of things that is why you need to seek professional help with or without your husband. They will help you through this. Being pregnant doesn't help, hormones etc

It doesn't sound like you are in labor just emotionally drained but still be aware if you are having contractions you need to contact your doctor. Good luck to you and may the Peace of the Lord be with you.
Well, now you know that not all people who profess to be ';Christian'; are really Christian. You've got to stop beating yourself up. Ok, so you made a mistake (haven't we all) but you've got to stay strong for the baby. There is someone out there that is right for you and your baby, you've just got to have patients. You don't deserve the SOB. He'll get his in the end. Do you have any parents or siblings you can talk to? How bout someone at church? You need mental support right now. Pray and ask God what direction you should go. He will guide you and give you the peace you need. He didn't put you on earth to be miserable. He has a plan for you...just ask.
If I were you, I'd go home to my parents and divorce his sorry A$$. And I would try to get as much child support out of him as the courts will allow. I would give him a hell of a time with his visitation rights too. You can also tell your lawyer and the judge what kind of things he said to you too. He can't possible love this child and treat you this way. Or else he is as stupid as a rock. Talk to your Doctor too and let him know what is going on at home. He may be able to help you too. God Bless you sweetie. You can make it on your own with the baby. I did it twice with 2 kids each time. Their all grown with kids of their own now and we are so very close.
Sweetie, my heart goes out to you. Firstly, I want you to know that God will never give you more than you can handle, so pick your head up and be strong for you and your baby. Do you have family you can turn to? If you do, pack your bags and go to a family members house, or a close friends. I pray there is someone you can turn to. You and your baby are better off without this jerk. If you stay with him your baby will grow up in an unstable household. As for the pains and such that you are feeling, go with your gut, if you think something is wrong, by all means go to the ER. You are under enough stress as it is. I hope I helped, keep me posted on how things go. Good Luck and be strong!! You have been blessed with a child for a reason!
I am so sorry you have to go thro this, please Hun do what you know is best, what is your gut telling you? he's a low life selfish jerk and if he hasn't changed by now (meaning you being pregnant) then he'll never change down the road. I hate men who treat women and their unborn children this way, it leaves you with so much stress. Go somewhere, where you know you'll be okay and pray to god, he will give you strength to help you %26amp; your baby. Don't stress out the baby it needs you more then anything else right now, the pains you are feeling are probably from stress and go see your doctor so he can check up on you, let him know whats going on. And for your husband. Divorce him, get child support and move on with your life, you and your child will be just fine without him, And i wont doubt down the road he would try to come back to try to work things out, and thats funny how things happen, because they only do that when they know your truly happy %26amp; moved on your own life or with someone else. I beleive god will help you. My heart goes out for you %26amp; your baby. keep me updated hun. i am so sorry.I know in the end you will be okay.
Wow hun, try to take a deep breath. This really saddens me! I don't understand how anyone-man or woman could do something like this. One thing- if he is putting way too much stress on you-you really need to get away from him... if you can, go to a family member or friend and stay with them. You do NOT deserve any of this, and the stress is not good for your sweet girl.... however, I do not think you'll lose her. But if there are ways you can make yourself happy, you need to be strong and do it. Nobody wants to be divorced, but when this whole marriage was a lie because of him in the first place, you need one. This pig will not change. I'm sorry. Trust me on this though- there are others out there. You do not want to hear that at this time I'm sure. And it may take you a while to find a special someone. You will have your sweet baby girl to focus on in the mean time, she will take up all of your energy, trust me!

I have to say this as well- as a daughter of divorced parents (who were married 24-almost 25 yrs)... my mom for some reason-not sure why to this day divorced my dad. I look up to my dad. He is sweet, caring, kind, and loving. He would never cheat on my mom, never did, never did anything harmful to her... he was a good Dad, and honestly, I've always looked for a partner who met a level so high I put my dad on. This took me years and years- men who cheated, lied, flirted with anyone and everyone, abused me sexually, degraded me, was emotionally abusive, etc etc. I had almost given up entirely... that's when my grandmother told me, You will find someone when you least expect it. And then it happened. I met my husband. I thought we'd be good friends, but he turned to kiss me, and he was such a great guy- and I realized, he's not my dad, but pretty darn close. I'm not trying to be gross when saying this- it's just I really need a GOOD guy who won't cheat or do anything bad to me. So I will tell you the same, you WILL find someone new eventually-give it time, and don't wait for it to happen. It will when you least expect it to.

For now, leave your husband, get support from a family member or friend, and raise your precious baby. You have something to live for now- I was the same in the past- thinking about suicide when bad things happened... but what saved me was my family. When times are at an all time low- they ALWAYS come back up... I know this was always true for myself in many cases. Hang in there. I will pray for you. You are going to be a great Mommy. And you don't need your daughter looking up to a bad father. She may in the long run end up sticking with a bad man herself and settle, and you don't want that.

Goodluck, you deserve much better. If you need to talk, I can always be there for you-
install netdog porn filter ,
I know you are a Christian, and probably not a big believer in divorce. Ask youself this question however, ';Would I want my daughter to marry a man like my husband';. By staying with him you are setting an example for your daughter that no words can erase. You can tell her ';you are wonderful, and should be treated well.'; but she will have seen the way he treated you and think it is okay. Please, go to your church, family or other support group and get away from him. He is stressing you out which in turn hurts your child.
Sounds kind of like Princess Diana's story. She wanted to kill herself when she was pregnant. Her husband was madly in love with some other woman. Her virginity was taken by him, and he didn't care. Think about how hard it was for her to walk away, and yet she did. You can too. God does not want you in an abusive relationship.
Wow girl.. I think you need to kick him out now... You need the house for the baby and all her things are there.. you can't move that stuff out now. I would get him gone before the baby leaves, he is adding stress to you by being there.

First, your baby won't die from stress at this point, but it can bring on labour

Second, you have a reason to live.. .your daughter

Third, if you are worried, go to ER, but I would right now kick him out before the baby comes (if he refuses to leave call your brother or someone to have a man to man and then change the locks). with him gone the only stress you have it getting over him

Fourth, pray, get your bible, put on worship music and remember 'all things work out for good'... God has a plan... all you have to do is follow it and you will see the path. Even when you feel blind.. you will know the way, even unciously.

Fifth, about yoour 'baby's dad being trash'. No baby is ever an accident. This baby and it's genes were a miracle by God. Without this father, this child would not be who she is meant to be. She needed these genes and expereinces for the journey God has for her. So let itgo to God. He has a plan... and his plan is perfect.. .even though it sucs to you right now. She is perfect to God, genes, parents and all. She is not less becuase her daddy made crappy decisions (I realized this after my babies daddy turned out to be someone totally scary)... It is all meant to be. Follow your heart. Stay in the Word
oh, sweetie!

all i can tell you is there will be a special place for each of us to go when we die. you will meet your Savior, and he may not. plz just focus on your child right now.

if he's not in love, let him go. you dont want you or your daughter to get hurt.

i hope this works out for you!
I would rather raise a child alone than deal with a man like that. I am sorry that he is a jerk and maybe you should find family or friends to stay with so he does not stress you out and cause you or your baby any harm. He is obviously not a man if he has to treat you like that. This is the worst time to be stressed and want to end your life. For the sake of yours and your babys health...get away from him. Trust me. You dont need him. There are good people out there that can help you and that care about you.
don't worry girl u can make it just b strong and stand up 4 ur rites!! divorce him now these kind of men don't deserve 2 live!! he just a crazy horny sex man!!

he a basterd jus leave him!!!
Sounds like you are having signs of preterm labor.

I can't imagine staying in a relationship like that but the best you can do for him is pray for him. Maybe a short seperation is what you need but that should be that last resort. Try praying for his heart to change.

Get the book ';Powers of a Praying Wife.';

Praying for my husband has saved our marriage. We almost got a divorce last year.
please be strong, your giving the greatest gift of all time to the world, ur man sounds bad i ask u to get a divource and allow him do his nasty things, life is b-ful and u sound like a b-ful girl if he doesnt love u or came the relation please get strength to leave bc ur lil girl doesnt need a ******** for a father, but be strong u get ur rainbow, at the end of this strom i promise if u leave him and take care of the baby u will do well
oh my gosh. I'm not christian but I can tell you that commiting sucide and showing that guy that he got the better of you is not the way to go. He sounds like a total waste of skin. You deserve better than that, I hope you find a man thats gonna treat you and your beautifull baby girl right. Go to your family if your feeling weak, I sure they all love you and would be horribly upset if you killed yourself. Just remeber that their are other great people out in the world and this idiot your with is only one of the bad people that don't know a thing about being humane and nice to other human beings.

Good luck and be strong :)
i may not be a mom but i know that when my mom was pregnant with me my dad just left her. at the time she prayed to the good lord. to help her through it. if your a true Christan then you would pray to the lord. ask him to help you through this all.its all up to the lord now. also ask people to pray for your health and the baby's health. i also suggest you go to the doctors and find out what is going on. you will be in my prayers good luck and congrats
sweety I am so sorry this is happening to you right now but you have to be strong. Your daughter did not ask for this life and you have to be strong for her and yourself. She needs you right now and not him. You don't need him either. You are so much stronger than him, you are carrying a wonderful gift inside of you. Let him go cuz if you don't what are u teaching her. To be weak to a man and for her to end up with a man or boy like him. In your heart u know what is right to do. She is the most important person in your life forever. I have a three year old daughter and i love her so much. She is my mini me and she is so wonderful. If my daughter was not in my life I would not a purpose here. Move out and live with family, I know it is hard trust me but it is the right thing to do. Thruthfully he probably wants u to lose this baby so he can blame you, I know it sucks to lose your virginity to him but so what don't lose your baby to him. And if you are feeling anything pains get your bum to the ER the two of you matter ok please do it for the baby and hell do it for me I care email me if u ever need to talk please
That man is an idiot. Don't worry about him. He'll get hit by a car or even get full blown AIDS.
you should call your doctor that happend to me i had Diarrhea and had light pains and i want any ways to the ER i had my son 13 hours later
Breakdown Lyrics


We all come in from the cold

We come down from the wire

An everybody warms themselves

to a different fire

When sometimes we get burned

You'd think sometime we'd learn

The one you love is the one

That should take you higher

You ain't got no one

You better go back out and find her

Just like children hidin' in a closet

Can't tell what's goin' on outside

Sometimes we're so far off the beaten track

We'll get taken for a ride

By a parlor trick or some words of wit

A hidden hand up a sleeve

To think the one you love

could hurt you now

Is a little hard to believe

But everybody darlin' sometimes

Bites the hand that feeds

When I look around

Everybody always brings me down

Well is it them or me

Well I just can't see

But there ain't no peace to found

But if someone really cared

Well they'd take the time to spare

A moment to try and understand

Another one's despair

Remember in this game we call life

That no one said it's fair


Let me hear it now


let me hear it now



Let me hear it now


let me hear it now

Get down with yo' bad self


I've come to know the cold

I think of it as home

When there ain't enough of me to go around

I'd rather be left alone

But if I call you out of habit I'm out of love and

I gotta have it

Would you give it to me if I fit your needs

Like when we both knew we had it

But now the damage's done

And we're back out on the run

Fun how ev'rything was roses

When we held on to the guns

Just because you're winnin'

Don't mean you're the lucky ones


Let me hear it now





Let me hear it now

';There goes the challenger being chased

By the blue blue meanies on wheels

The vicious traffic squad cars are after

our lone driver

The last American hero

The-the electric centaur

The demi-god,

The super driver of the golden west!

Two nasty Nazi cars are close behind

The beautiful lone driver

The police cars are getting closer-closer...

Closer to our soul hero in his soul mobile

Yeah baby!

They about to strike, They gonna get him,

Smash! Rape!

The last beautiful free soul on this planet is written if the Evil Spirit arms the Tiger with claws

Brahman provideth wings for the Dove

Thus spake the Super Guru'; *

';Did you hear that';

Knockin' On Heaven's Door Lyrics

(Bob Dylan)

Mama take this badge from me

I can't use it anymore

It's getting dark too dark to see

Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, ha ha ha ha yeah

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, ohhh yeah

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, ha ha yeahh

ohhhhh yeah yeah

ohh yeah yeah

Mama put my guns in the ground

I can't shoot them anymore

That cold black cloud is comin' down

Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, ha ha ha ha yeah

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, ohhh yeah

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, ha ha yeahh

';You just better start sniffin' your own

rank subjugation jack 'cause it's just you

against your tattered libido, the bank and

the mortician, forever man and it wouldn't

be luck if you could get out of life alive';*

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door...

Down On The Farm Lyrics

All I need is some inspiration

Before I do somebody some harm

I feel just like a vegetable

Down here on the farm

Nobody comes to see me

Nobody here to turn me on

I ain't even got a lover

Down here on the farm

They told me to get healthy

They told me to get some sun

But boredom eats me like cancer

Down here on the farm

Drinking lemonade shanty

Ain't no body gonna do me harm

But I'm like a fish out of water

Down here on the farm

I write a thousand letters

'til my fingers all gone numb

But I never see no postman

Down here on the farm

I call my baby on the telephone

I say come down and have some fun

But she knows what the score is

Down here on the farm

I can't fall in love with a wheat field

I can't fall in love with a barn

When everything smells like horse ****

Down here on the farm

Blue skies and swimming pools

Add so much charm

But I'd rather be back in Soho

Than down here on the farm

On the ******* farm!

Are you born in a ******* barn or what?


Hold still

Right Next Door To Hell Lyrics

(Stradlin / Caltia / Rose)

I'll take a nicotine, caffeine, sugar fix

Jesus don't ya git tired of turnin' tricks

But when your innocence dies

You'll find the blues

Seems all our heroes were born to lose

Just walkin' through time

You believe this heat

Another empty house another dead end street

Gonna rest my bones an sit for a spell

This side of heaven this close to Hell

Right next door to hell

Why don't you write a letter to me yeah

I said I'm right next door to hell

An so many eyes are on me

Right next door to hell

I got nowhere else to be

Right next door to hell

Feels like the walls are closing in on me

My mama never really said much to me

She was much too young and scared ta be

Hell ';Freud'; might say that's what I need

But all I really ever get is greed

An most my friends they feel the same

Hell we don't even have ourselves to blame

But times are hard and thrills are cheaper

As your arms get shorter

Your pockets get deeper

Right next door to hell

Why don't you write a letter to me yeah

I said I'm right next door to hell

An so many eyes are on me

Right next door to hell

I never thought this is where I'd be

Right next door to hell

Thinkin' time'll stand still for me

**** you


Not bad kids just stupid ones

Yeah we thought we'd own the world

An gettin' used was havin' fun

I said we're not sad kids just lucid ones yeah

Flowin' through life not collectin' anyone

So much out there

Still so much to see

Time's too much to handle

Time's too much for me

It drives me up the walls

Drives me out of my mind

Can you tell me what this means...huh?

Since I Don't Have You Lyrics

I don't have plans and schemes,

And I don't have hopes and dreams.

I don't have anything,

Since I don't have you.

And I don't have fond desires,

and I don't have happy hours.

I don't have anything,

Since I don't have you.

Happiness, and I guess,

I never will again.

When you walked out on me,

In walked ol' misery,

And he's been here since then.

%26lt;font color=red%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt; In the song ';Since I Don't Have You'; I don't believe it says ';Yeah, we're ******!'; at all.%26lt;/b%26gt;

(spoken) Yeah, we're ******!%26lt;/font%26gt;

I don't have love to share,

And I don't have one who cares.

I don't have anything,

Since I don't have you.

You, you, you, oh, oh!

You, you, you, oh, oh!

You, you, you, oh, oh!

You, you, you, oh, oh!

You, you, you, oh yeah!

You Could Be Mine Lyrics

(Stradlin / Rose)

Special Thanks to Bernie Taupin and Elton John*

I'm a cold heartbreaker

Fit ta burn and I'll rip your heart in two

An I'll leave you lyin' on the bed

I'll be out the door before ya wake

It's nuthin' new ta you

'Cause I think *we've seen that movie too

'Cause you could be mine

But you're way out of line

With your ***** slap rappin'

And your cocaine tongue

You get nuthin' done

I said you could be mine

Now holidays come and then they go

It's nothin' new today

Collect another memory

When I come home late at night

Don't ask me where I've been

Just count your stars I'm home again

'Cause you could be mine

But you're way out of line

With your ***** slap rappin'

And your cocaine tongue

You get nuthin' done

I said you could be mine

You've gone sketchin' too many times

Why don't ya give it a rest


Must you find

Another reason to cry

While you're breakin' down my back n'

I been rackin' out my brain

It don't matter how we make it

'Cause it always ends the same

You can push it for more mileage

But your flaps r' wearin' thin

And I could sleep on it 'til mornin'

But this nightmare never ends

Don't forget to call my lawyers

With ridiculous demands

An you can take the pity so far

But it's more than I can stand

'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older

Tell me how long has it been

'Cause 5 years is forever

An you haven't grown up yet

You could be mine

But you're way out of line

With your ***** slap rappin'

And your cocaine tongue

You get nuthin' done

I said you could be mine

You should be

You could be mine


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