Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christian parents, I need some advice?

There is someone nearby who I think may be a very bad person. He likes drugs, alcohol abuse, sex, etc. He does not stand for what is right: He has no morals, and I think he wants to corrupt my kids. He wants to take them away from the Lord.

Should I do something about this, or just let them make their own decision about him?Christian parents, I need some advice?
You say nearby, but are not really being specific. Whether you mean nearby (as in proximity) or even nearby, as in closeness (family member), yes, you should avoid allowing your children contact with that person. If it is something unavoidable, then any contact with that person should be closely supervised. Remember that in the first 5 years of a child's life, the biggest influence are his/her parents. After that, it becomes their friends. You need to instill the proper discipline in your children now, so that when they are older, they will make wise choices about what to do with their life, and who to hang around with.

James 1:5 instructs us that ';if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask it of God.';

Also, James 5:16 - ';The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.';

God bless and hope this helps. -----------------------Christian parents, I need some advice?
Teach your children. If they are young, keep them far from this person. If they are older, just continue to teach them and keep an open communication with them. Let them know what you expect of them, but don't force them or you will push them away. Do hold them accountable for their actions. And most importantly let your children know that you are on their side and that you want what's best for them. Give them an open forum to communicate their feelings with you, where they can feel safe coming to you if something does happen. You're not always going to know where the danger is. It can come from where you least suspect it. You want your children to know how to navigate life's minefields safely, and to know how to make smart decisions when you're not around to guide them.

If this person has been known to corrupt minors, then perhaps the law should be called. Other than that the best thing is to train your children to avoid trouble.
hmm... it depends on you children's ages. If they are old enough (you can decide that) sit them down and say ';There is a neighbor near by who doesn't know God like we do, I would like it if you would stay away from his house (tell them where he lives). I don't want to scare you but I would feel comfortable if you would stay at least 6 houses away from his house (or you can come up with your own number) and if he does come up to you (you can show them what he looks like) run away. Don't talk with him and DO NOT go in his house or his car. Make it very clear what yo want. And if your children are older (pre-teen, teen) You can even tell them what he does. Say ';Johnny, this man is very bad. He drink alchoal and he uses drugs that aren't right. He even has sex with alot of people';. This should scare them into not wanting anything to do with that man. But you know your kids, can this be enough to stop them? Or are they the very curious kind where they would walk up and ring his door bell? If that is the case just tell them you are going to alert the neighbors and they will tell you if you go near the house or talk to that man. And if I do catch you, you wil be in BIG trouble.... this should be enough to stop them!

Oh and you can go to this website

You can put in your address and it will locate all of the sex offenders in your area. And if they are on the list it will say what they did to get put on the list. You can use this also to see if this man is a sex offendor!

you sound like a good mom!

good luck!
How old are your children?

That's probably a big factor.

Also, how old is the guy?

you have a right to keep your children away from certain people who creep you out, especially if they are adults.

Now if your kids are 17.... and the neighbor is of an age... you can tell them to stay away, but it may cause more problems then it will fix. Just discuss with your children how you feel. Its important to be honest and open with them.

And pray about it.
Step in and fight for your kids, don't let them make the wrong decisions because you want them to have their own minds. When they are old enough to make those decisions they will have some foundations and guide posts for direction.

Go get them, have a long talk with them, then go camping or get away some where and reestablish a good relationship with them, soon.
If you forbid them from associating with him, chances are they will rebel and do it on purpose. Instead speak to them about this person, indicating that you want them to make the right decisions regarding him and his possible influence on them. How this conversation goes depends largely on the age of your children. Make sure they know that you trust them and you want to protect them. Trust goes a long way with most kids.
Depends on how old your children are?

and I would limit time spent around an individual like this if you have young children, but if they are old enough to use their brains and have some common sense about them.. don't worry too much!

Kids are actually smart. Well many of them, I can't speak for all.

Cinn =)
obviously, if your children's lives are in danger or this person is a bad influence, you should step in and protect them.

i also question your sanity for believing in mythical beings...
You need to take a stand and remove this person from your kid's lives. When your kids are 18 and on their own, you can't protect them from the evil in the world, and you can't control their decisions.
live your life as close to Christ as yo8u can,your kids are watching you! Be an example to them and your neighbor maybe you should bring something to them and be a good neighbor....if you are a Christian.
Ahhh, this calls for the application of the old Bible Belt. Take the largest Bible that you can find, walk up to the guy and swing it soundly at his head and BELT him with it.

Brightest Blessings,

Raji the Green Witch
Mind your own business. I doubt he's interested in your kids. You have no right to judge other people. Your own religious text tells you that. I know you're gonna report me for being rude. :P
teach your kids. Your kids are getting bad influences from more places then just that person, just teach your kids what's right.
dzodiak - attitudes likes yours are bad

it may help if you remove your kids from this galaxy as they are too close so some think
Act like the responsible parent you should be and protect your vain and naive kids from parasites.
If you haven't been already doing something you are at fault. You start raising your kids in view of this when they are wee ones.
Hey, buddy.

If you keep posting questions about me on the internet, I'm going to have A COURT INJUNCTION filed against you!

Got it, pal???
talk and pray with your kids for this person. Let your kids know

the truth about consequences.
Wait, I thought you were busy taking them away from the lord yourself. Are you saying you are on his level?
where does he live I want to invite him over for tea.
There's logic in your trolling somewhere, my dear Death.

I'm not sure where, though.

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