Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need christian advice, son has a ';gay'; friend?

My son, who is 15, has a school friend (same age, I believe) which he talks to and invites over frequently, and I am just fine with this. But recently I found out (from a parent) that this friend is gay.

The last thing I want is my son to be corrupted into homosexuality. Now my son has never given me reason to believe that he is gay, but it saddens me that I had to go to another parent for this information, instead of my son telling me. Plus, lately it seems that he has been distancing himself from me, so you can never be too careful.

So the last time the friend came over (a few days ago), I kindly asked him to leave my home. The friend complied, but needless to say my son was very frustrated with me. I told him that it was just something he'll understand when he gets older, and that he'll appreciate me doing this eventually. But despite this he was still angry (stubborn teenagers), but he'll come around eventually I hope. It's been a few days now and he still seems a little upset.

Do you think I did the right thing? We go to Church regularly, so I thought by now he'd know that homosexuality is a sin. What should I do if my son stays upset?Need christian advice, son has a ';gay'; friend?
Sorry - I hope your son can demonstrate Xian love much better than your homophobic hatemongering.

Really!! what else did you expect?

.Need christian advice, son has a ';gay'; friend?
Get over it, eventually you'll understand and possibly appreciate him for being himself. Whether it's straight or gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay nor having gay friends. And teaching him that it IS wrong is just setting him up to be a prejudiced individual that will probably be miserable for life.
homosexuality is not a disease. I don't think you did the right thing!! I am a christian but that is insane. Homosexuality is a sin but you know you can't keep your son away from every single sinner in the world he wouldn't get to have contact with anyone. Your son was being a friend to someone who might have needed a friend that is christian. You not allowing this person to come over is wrong.
I think you did the WRONG thing. Sure, homosexuals do something you dont believe in, but not everyone has the same beliefs, and being homosexual does NOT make you bad or evil.

It saddens you that he didnt tell you? Do you not think *this* reaction is why he didnt tell you?? Dont you think it saddens him that you are such a bigot your son cant even be friends with a gay person??????
OMG are u kidding me... this still goes to prove my point that Christians are the worst and most judgmental of ALL religions.

it shouldn't matter what he is gay or not i have gay friends, mormon friends, Jewish friends, atheist friends, and other kinds of religions

they all except me for being Atheist even there parents (who know I'm atheist) accept me so quit being judgmental because your son wont go to ';hell'; it doesn't exist
Your son most likely didn't tell you because he knew you would react like this.

Your son can't catch gay. He either is or he isn't.

Your son has every right to be mad at you in my opinion. You acted intolerantly towards his friend. The discrimination you shown him is no different than telling a child of another race that he can't play with your son.
Wow... you're either a troll or...

A horrible bigot.

Your son is right to distance himself.

I don't blame him.

You might want to take a more understanding approach... this is a great way to alienate your child, and ensure that he will not want to spend time with you as he grows older.

If he's gay... I worry for him. With having to deal with the likes of you, and your attitude.
Remind him that Jesus hated a lot of people and none more than the homosexuals.

That, of course, was sarcasm.

If you truly want him to be a good Christian then you must become one yourself. Everybody has sinned... everybody. And to deny your kid friendship because the friend supposedly has sinned is to deny him friendship of every human he encounters... which of course is unreasonable and therefore pinpoints his confusion and thus his (and your) frustration.
accept him as jesus asks. Not the patriarchal distorters of The Word who simply wanted for there to be more christian babies to be born than helenist Roman kids. P.S discrimination is a sin Homsexuality isn't.
Did you ask the Lord for advice? He may have brought this child into your son's life because he/she needs love. It is not our job to ';clean up'; people. That is God's job. How can your little light shine if you turn it off and shut the door? Remember, Jesus himself was counted as a sinner because of who he hung out with. Love one another as I have loved you.
Anna, according to 1 Timothy 2: 11-15... since you are a woman (I'm assuming from your name) you have no authority over man, and you should be silent. According to your god, your only option is to be silent and let your husband decide what to do. We can't pick and choose which verses to follow/ignore now can we?
I can't believe you're serious.

I'm LDS (Mormon) and a good friend of mine from high school came out of the closet after we graduated. We still hung out after that until he moved to go to a bigger university. Surprise! I'm still straight! Still Christian!

I hope you're being sarcastic. Homosexuality cannot be transferred to people, it has very clear biological origins. If you son isn't gay, then he isn't gay. It's not some disease he can catch.
Did you do the right thing? No. What you should do is NOT force your religion on your son and allow him to not only believe what HE wants to believe, but also let him make his own choices about his sexuality.

Why am I answering a troll? Practice.
I am very sad for your son, that he has you as parent. What you are teaching him is to be intolerant of people who are different from you. Would you have kicked the friend out if he had been a different race?






It's not a disease. You can't catch it. Be glad that you raised an open-minded son. Now appologize to your son's friend.
Your son is wiser and more compassionate than you.

People are not ';corrupted into homosexuality.';

But, methinks I smelleth a troll...
if your son does not have the natural biological desire for the same sex having a gay friend cant make him gay no more then hanging around a republican would make him go out and get a palin 2012 bumpersticker.
Make sure to tell him to chant ';Line line dot dot, operation cooty shot!'; While poking his arm repeatedly. This should rid him of teh gayyzz!

I feel very sorry for anyone who takes you seriously, and even more so for

anybody who agrees with you.
Good ole Christian love.

Do you seriously blame his teenage years for his anger? Don't be surprised if he tells you he's an atheist.
I didn't even read the post, because you're already on my blocked list.

Listen lady, you need to either stop trolling, or stop coming to R%26amp;S.

These people truly amaze me.
Your son has shown more love and compassion then you have.

He has learned from the church well, but this move you have made has pushed him away from your god.

Nice parenting.
obvious troll is obvious
You can't catch 'gay'. You can, however, catch 'idiot' and this is what you appear to be suffering from.
Just show him hours and hours of hardcore heterosexual porn. That ought to cure him.
I heard that gay kids try to make out with their friends while their mothers are trolling on the internet.
I think you did the right thing. Your song might be gay and not tell you. I am not saying he is. I am saying he might be. If he was my child I would simply change his school and the location where we lived at, but I live in the City and its very easy to do that here. I don't know where you live. You are being a good parent. Be careful and watch your son carefully.
Its your house ,you choose i think you were did the right thing

you should be the Queen of your own house.DONT YOU GET SICK OF THE GOVERNMENT teaching in public schools Gay is

This is definitely the right thing to do. Good on you for caring for your son enough to not want him corrupted by this terrible disease.
We become like the people we associate with. If you don't want your son to turn gay, you did the right thing.

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