Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can anyone please help by giving advice to my Christian friend on this complex situation fragile situation?

I am a christian but had been struggling with sleeping with a couple boyfriends i have had in the past.

I recently over the past few weeks have felt extremely strong convictions from god about it, and have repented and decided to stop.

The only problem is telling my boyfriend whom i have been with for 6 months.

I feel like i love him, and i want to spend the rest of my life with him.. although we haven't slept together much we still have.

Right now I'm just dealing with the decision i have made to stop and figuring out how to tell him.

He is also a christian brought up in church and knows how to live for god, just doesn't always.

I want to know that doing the right thing for god is always the best thing, and there are men out there who will wait for me even if it isnt my current bf.

I dont have any close christian friends to talk to except my mom, and sometimes you would like a different prespective especially when it comes to telling family members all your business.Can anyone please help by giving advice to my Christian friend on this complex situation fragile situation?
If your BF really loves you, this should be no problem for him.

And if it is a problem, then he is not the right one.

We as woman, single, and in a relationship, if not married, , we are covered by God , He is our Husband.

We should be His bride, until we have a husband, Then we shall both, husband and wife, be of His glory.Can anyone please help by giving advice to my Christian friend on this complex situation fragile situation?
Thank you 4 choosing my answer,

I'm Blessed knowing that I could be of some help

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This is a very wise decison if you follow thru. Yes according to the Word of God the Bible you must stop. Tell him that you both know that premarital sex is sin and since you are a Christian you are not going to ever have sex again until you are married . This is God's way . God bless you for doing the right thing!
I couldn't bare having to justify every thing I do, whether is be ';making love'; with a boyfriend or whatever. Surely God would want you to be happy. And after all, you are a christian, so he loves you anyway, right? Enjoy life and don't be weighed down with guilt.
You are right. It is your choice whether to have sex or not. So if you no longer want to, then he should respect your decision.

And yes, there are men in this world who will wait for you till your ready or till yall get married. So if he isnt willing to wait, then he isnt worth it. He should put morals above flesh.

Good Job :)
She should say pretty much what she said here-

';I recently over the past few weeks have felt extremely strong convictions from god about it, and have repented and decided to stop.';

Also tell him that she's sure he'll understand, as he's a Xtian too.
Especially in this day and age I know it's a struggle to do the right thing. The original word used in the bible for repent actually means ';to change one's mind for the better';. So, do not beat yourself up for past decisions. If you are a follower of Jesus yours sins have already been forgiven. Ask for His help because only through His righteousness can we defeat worldly temptations. It sounds like you are already changing your mind for the better so just keep it up!

God Bless!
you have a choice too, and god will forgive you too. you should not have to put up with your boyfriend if the only thing he wants is sex. you are very nice woman.
Perhaps this link might help your friend in thinking things through and in trying to find the words to explain her feelings to this boy.鈥?/a>

If he is unable to accept her feelings, then he is not the right one for her. He knows better and he must realise that he has probably -- one way or another -- led her astray. There are still girls who wait and there are still boys who are prepared to wait for them. It is sad for her that she has already slept with several boys, but the Bible tells us that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Doing what God wants is always the right thing.
Well, congratulations on making a wonderful decision. There are many reasons to wait until marriage to have sex and I must give you kudos on making such a decision.

Since your boyfriend is a Christian it should be easier to sit down with him and just explain that the Holy Spirit has been convicting your spirit with the decisions you've made in the past. Explain to him that you have asked for God's forgiveness but the word repent does not mean just to ask for forgiveness and confess your sin, but to ';turn away from'; the sin.

If he truly loves you and respects you and honors his relationship with Jesus Christ, he will be very understanding. If he doesn't, then he is not the right one for you.

God bless and may God shed His grace on your conversation.
I have been where you are at. After meeting my wife, we began phone sex- she was on west coast and I was on east. To make matters worse, I had not gotten divorced. When we met, we began to have ';fun.'; We had discussed not having fun but we both gave in to our temptation.

Let him know that are being convicted by the Spirit to make this decision. Ask him to make the decision with you. Before having the conversation, ask to pray with him. That will be a big indicator how his heart lays with God. Pray that the right words are given so neither one is feeling attacked.

Just know that if you follow this path you will be blessed by God. Always follow the Spirit of God and you will never go astray.
I commend you for taking the first step in the right direction ... confessing your sins before the Lord. However, now the real work starts! You have already let the foxes out to play and it will become an almost impossible task to cage them again.

Song of Solomon 2:15 Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes.

The ';little foxes'; are the obstacles and temptations we face prior to marriage:

1. Uncontrolled desires

2. Mistrust and jealousy

3. Selfishness and pride

4. Unforgiving spirit

From now on your boyfriend will view you differently and you him. In the back of your minds you will always have that nagging question ... If he/she did it with me what's to keep him/her from doing it with others?

Make that commitment to God and stand by it! Don't let anyone sway you from keeping yourself pure for the person you marry. You may no longer be chaste and pure but you can honor that commitment to ';keep'; yourself from doing it again.

God's grace and peace to you. God bless.

P.S. If you can get the book, ';Solomon on Sex'; by Joseph C. Dillow please do. He does a great job of explaining it.
Because you love this man and want to marry him, and because you are not currently married or even engaged, it is vital that you break off sleeping together at once, while explaining why. That is going to take some tact, but it may be the turning point in your relationship.

Here are some talking points:

1. I am no longer comfortable in sleeping with you.

2. We both know that God wants us to reserve sex for marriage, which is a matter of ';forsaking all others.'; We can never honestly promise to forsake all others after marriage if we don't have the discipline to be chaste with all others now.

3. I love you, and I would consider becoming your wife.

4. Dating is a time to get to know one another in freedom, without any demands or pressures. I'm fine with resuming dating, with a lot of talk, fun times together, romance, and physical closeness that draws a line well before sleeping together.

5. If you can love me on these terms, we can continue to grow closer and decide together about our future. If not, let's just be friends.


God calls us to be holy, even as He is Holy.

When I was filled with the Holy Spirit, God convicted me of fornication.

I had a talk with my then boyfriend, and explained to him that

I could not sleep with him until we were married.

For quite a few years, he slept on the couch,

and I slept in the bedroom. But as the Lord shut up my mouth,

and took me out of it, and I allowed God to work on him,

without my help, he slowly began to come around.

We have been married a few years now, and recently,

he rededicated himself back to God, as he was in a back-slidden state. You cannot change people , but obeying God,

and walking in love, will help bring about change.

God Bless You.

Good question. Thanks
If what you say is true, you are on the right path. Doing what God says is always right, but not always easy.

If your bf truly loves you, and truly wants to do what God says, he will understand and support you in your decision. He will help you find ways to keep your commitment, and God will bless the both of you for it.

If he does not, then He is not the man for you.

There are godly men out there that will respect you, and honor God by waiting.

God bless
your friend was right to stop what she was doing.

if her boyfriend loves her he will respect her choice.

following God is never a mistake,

that being said I have to say it's not always easy but the Lord can give strength where we have none.

she should pray and ask the Lord for that strength and guidance.

if this is not the guy for her,she should wait on the Lord and see what he has for her, His choice for her will always be the best.

God never lets us down and if she will just put her faith in him she will be fine.
FIRST of all if they are IN SIN , THEY are Separate From God......

And just cause they GO to a building(church) that doest make them a christian.....

People make mistakes but the WORD says to lay aside EVERY Weight and SIN that so easily besets us.....

She cant have her cake and eat it too......She is in Sin and NOT in Christ.....

SHE first needs to Repent and be BORN AGAIN...not GO to a building but GO TO GOD through Jesus Christ.....

Its time to STOP putting blinders on to peoples sin and SPEAK THE TRUTH to Your Neighbor....YOU and ME are going to stand and give an account for every word and every deed we say and do.....

WE are the Only Word of God some people read or can YOU NOt SPEAK IT TO THEM out of LOve !!!

Truth is Love, not turning a blind eye or flattering them with , there is an Excuse......NONE have an EXCUSE...not One of be in Sin!!
if you love someone, are in a relationship and an adult, then being intimate is not a problem....there is no god, and don't waste your life trying to please something that does not exist..
EvangelistPaul - ';Doing what God says is always right'; - right so when nutjobs kill people because ';God told them to'; it is OK by you?

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