Thursday, December 31, 2009

CHRISTIAN ANSWERS ONLY!!!! I am a 14 year old Christian boy and need advice on.....?

How do I talk to this Christian girl at my church.I have a crush on her and im afraid to go and talk to her.also,she is almost always with her friends so that just makes it harder.CHRISTIAN ANSWERS ONLY!!!! I am a 14 year old Christian boy and need advice on.....?
Nicely ask her if you can talk after church. Then just tell her that you like her... Its the only way you will know.

She's either gonna say yes or no. If she says yes ill be glad that you asked. If she says no it will hurt but thats just gods plan for you... time and god will heal all things.



PS i know its hard but anything worth wanting aint guna be easy.CHRISTIAN ANSWERS ONLY!!!! I am a 14 year old Christian boy and need advice on.....?
not a problem, sweetie i know what its like... but God will see you through it.

Good Luck and God Bless

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Just because you and she are Christians doesn't mean you have to talk to her any different than a non-Christian girl. You do have the advantage of having something in common though, which is always good, and if she is a nice Christian girl, then I am sure she will be kind towards you, even if she is with her friends.
Dude, i say just go up to her and talk to her.... ask her about her day or start out by saying if she is sitting ';Hi, can i sit here'; or if she is standing just go to her and say '; Hi, my name is - and what is yours? just satart a conversation, besides it is a church, she is not going to be mean in a church....
Hey man, we've all been there.

Thing is, we all just have to man up at some point and not be afraid to talk to someone.

Try to just become good friends with her first.

Once y'all are, you can get her number and talk to her that way, so she won't have her friends around and you can talk to her one on one.

Good luck buddy.
I'm 57 and were I not married I might have the same problem. However, there will come a time when you will get a chance to talk to her without her friends. Also, if she knows who you are, and I assume she does, talk to her anyway. Gently join in with her group. See what they are talking about and join rather than change the subject. After awhile if you can hit it off you will by just being another friend. Hope this helps.
I don't really see the reason why an answering person must be Christian to answer this for you. Although, I personally AM Christian.

Anyhow... what you should do is find some way to break the ice. Wait until she's not with friends. Or, taking an indirect approach, get to know one of her friends first... then move on to initial contact.
ask if you could talk alone and just start talking to her about the sermon that was delivered or about the bible passages that were talked about during that day. idk how to help you with that cause im Catholic, but thats what i would do if i saw a guy that i liked...good luck!
I think that you should tell her you want to show her a bible verse, and then read her Psalms 32:5. She will think you're so adorable, and she'll be hanging out with you almost all of time, instead of her friends. Good Luck :)
ask her to sleep with you. it always works. if it doesn't, get some drugs and dose her up. That'll surely work! Goodluck! hahaha

-for the record, please no one actually do this to someone. I was joking. I refuse to be held responsible for your actions. lol
sorry kid its a public forum so you cant ask religious discrimatory questions

do it again and ill have your account deleted
do it step by step, first make friends with her, it is always nice to start a relationship with being just friends.. then make you move..
Try and have eye contact with her at first, then if she replies back get near her when she is alone and ask her her name and go on from there...for a 14 year old guy this should be easy :) don't be afraid
well just say to her hi and then talk about what you both though of ';todays session'; (if you get what I mean)

Good Luck
....just talk to big deal.. her friends wont care..maybe just introduce ur self to all of them. and get her friends to like you too
talk about witch burning with her...................... like me....... i am a witch............. witches like....... well, sexual things. i am sue that will set the mood for you guys....

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