Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some Christian Advice for a friend..?

A young man has just lost his job (he is 23years) due to false circumstances.....insomuch, he has suffered a nervous breakdown in the process, and his family and friends that I know of has forsaken him, last tuesday he came back home from a psychiatric ward......he is still and quiet, hangs his head, and does not speak (has he lost his voice). I don't know what to do, he was a long serving member of our church and also an active member - I am confuse, and do not know what to say or do.....someone please help me out here!Some Christian Advice for a friend..?
Have him read the book of Job. Job's friends and wife left him when he lost everything but because of his faithfulness, he was blessed with even more than he had before. Assure him that God will never leave nor forsake him.Some Christian Advice for a friend..?
It must be determined if your friend's condition is due to chemical imbalance, or faulty thinking.

If it is chemical imbalance, there is not much you can do ....only a qualified doctor.

If it is due to faulty thinking, you must draw him out in conversation and find out what his is thinking that is not wholesome.

You may want to read to him, even from the Bible upbuilding passage. Then discuss.
I believe those are demons possessiong him, since you believe in the Lord Jesus, rebuke those demons in His name. :)
just pray pray and do more praying
First thing is to PRAY for him. Go to him in ahumble manner. out of the love that you have for him ans ask him. tell him your concerns for him. embrace him and pray with him. We are to share ones burdens. Christ told us this himself. Life is not always easy. it is up to us to face life with the the knowledge that God is with us, it is up to us to call on him in FAITH. to assist us in times of trouble or confusion. I offer a prayer request list if you would like to put your friend on it, please feel free to go to my site and fill in the information, i pass it on to priests all over the world. it is very powerfull. please go to

to the contact page and there you will be able to input your request

May God help you in your situation
It sounds like, from what you wrote, that this man has had many traumatic events in a web of fair weather friends and family who added to his burdens rather than lifted him up in his faith in Jesus and God. Faith is the dynamic that carries people through trying and difficult times. It is the one thing that will bring him back to the ';living'; and put him on the road to thriving again. He will be able to emerge triumphant because the spirit is easy victor over all.

If your church has been more social than spiritual, more secular humanistic than a place for worship and prayer, then it has failed him miserably as well as the psychiatric community and family and friends.

God is with Him. Tell him this. Tell him to rely solely on Jesus to bring him back, to witness the truth in his heart about these faithless people around him, and to allow God to lead him to the better ways of dealing with life's problems. For as Christians know, God writes the truth into every sincere and believing heart.

Heaven is within you and Heaven is within him, God is within you and is within him. If you go and talk kindly with this man, the way Jesus would, you would allow the Holy Spirit to speak to his heart. Make your appeals to his inner spirit.

Tell him Jesus will stop at nothing to repair his broken spirit and to lift him up to the full stature of a son of God that he is and should be.

Remind him to renew his faith even hourly if he must; to take the time to enter into prayer and communion time with God; to listen to the truths being witnessed to his heart every moment and to trust in Him to heal his heart, his wounds. To trust the wisdom of the realization that not all people are perfect and they aren't who he should rely on now.

Go and tell him the truth: God loves him now, and has been knocking on the door to his heart without ceasing. Become a goodness magnet and listen only to that which he knows is good and true to do in order to heal from these tragic events.

It's love that is the greatest healer in the Universe of Universes. He must first forgive himself for his own failings. If God forgives him these, then why shouldn't he forgive himself? This is not healthy or pleasing to God or Jesus for a man to kill his own soul over this. What is it to a man if his body lives on while his soul withers because he has lost his faith in himself as a son of God?

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