Thursday, December 31, 2009

Any good advice for an Avatar of a Christian-Mormon?

Umm...mormons do believe that Christ died and rose again for them. Sorry to tell you all, but they are christians whether you want to believe it or not. Warren Jeffs was the leader of the FLDS church, not the mormon church. Try to get that straight!Any good advice for an Avatar of a Christian-Mormon?
An image or something from SeaOrg would do.Any good advice for an Avatar of a Christian-Mormon?
Princess Cupcake- That is what we believe.

Wyomugs- you are only slightly correct as to our beliefs. Mormon.Org states them. There is really no proof of the Trinity in the Bible - the trinity is a concoction of the Council of Nicea.

Your a guy, so the YW torch would not work- Some people have temples, some have pictures of the Christus (you know the one at Temple Square).
I'd showcase a sense of humor.

Use the Mormon kid from South Park.

It presented them as very good kind christian people. It was a little harsh on Joseph Smith, just in case you haven't seen it. But nothing compared to Catholics or Scientologists.

The Bleeding Mary is the only thing that's ever offended me on television, and I still found some humor to it.

I figured people would get on you, and Princess Cupcake obviously knows nothing about the Church of Latter Day Saints. But I have to say that despite all the media, the mormons I know have been very kind and Christian and make for good neighbors.
You could photo-morph a pic of Romney and Huckabee.
There's a few on here that have pictures of temples. Those are pretty cool. Maybe a painting by Greg Olsen.
Just be yourself

That is what we all are best at doing

If you need a symbol of your asperations, then choose something uplifting.
There are several of us who have pics of the closest temple to us, but not everyone has a picture avatar, many have one similar to what you have. Some have something that better represents their personality. Then there's the Senator's avatar, his doesn't have anything to do with Mormonism.
I'm not sure if there's anything specific you could have as your picture; perhaps a Temple, or something that symbolizes (to you) the three tiers of Heaven? Then again, I like Yggdrasil's suggestion too! :)

But I'd like to clarify that Christian-Mormon is a redundancy, not an oxymoron. Mormons are, and have always been, one out of tens of thousands of Christian sects.
You seem to have a very nice one now. And as for the other part Christian is as Christian does. I've seen and heard a lot of people who call themselves Christian but don't act like it.
You mean the little picture next to your name? It looks like you've figured it out pretty well to me.
I would think anything that's tasteful and that you like. Most people use a picture, an approximation of their appearance through the Avatar maker, or a favorite image.
Looks about right...too bad you can't show off your garment! LOL. Just kidding. I've known alot of Mormons, and they are just as Christian as Baptists and Catholics. They have additional beliefs, but they are Christian all the same.
Don't forget the took the words right out of my mouth!!!!!!
wtf isnt that an oxy moron?


oxy moron
Hmmm.... that would be hard. Maybe a picture of someone who is both tall and short..... or would those two traits also be mutually exclusive?
No such thing!
Stop it.
Christian Mormon is an oxymoron.
go to heel?
whats that
Babs... sorry to burst your bubble, but mormons are NOT Christians. Yes, they say they believe that Christ died for our sins, but they do NOT believe that Christ IS GOD... but the Son of God. They do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity. They believe that Christ was a CREATED BEING, and not THE Eternal God, BEGOTTEN of His Father before all worlds were created. THIS is the main difference in the doctrines... and the doctrine of the Trinity is BASIC to THE Christian belief. (Oh, the also believe that Jesus was FULLY human who BECAME A GOD upon his death, and that God The Father and God the Son are SEPARATE beings... Those are ALSO NOT basic Christian tenets.)

JUST because a religion acknowleged Jesus does NOT automatically make it a CHRISTIAN religion. Take Islam, for example. THEY recognize Jesus, but NOT as being God. Just try going up to a Muslim and saying, ';Hey, you're really Christian, aren't you?'; and see how far you get!

As for the original question... I agree... ';Christian mormon'; is an oxymoron.

Have a blessed day.
a picture of Warren Jeffs?

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