Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sometimes, when logic fails, is the best advice you can give to a Christian simply 'lighten up'?

Logic always fails when you're arguing with a Christian because Christianity is predicated on total denial of logic. In such a situation, it's pointless to offer any advice at all. It's about as effective as going to the zoo and trying to explain quantum mechanics to a ring-tailed lemur. Best to just walk away and save your time and effort for someone who's capable of comprehending what you're saying.Sometimes, when logic fails, is the best advice you can give to a Christian simply 'lighten up'?
If logic is failing with someone, (not just Christians, but believe me, I feel where you're coming from) then any advice would be wasted advice. Accept them as they are, and ignore the fact that they don't accept you as you are. Just let them continue to live in their world, the probably need the security it offers them. Save your advice for someone who is willing to listen. Sometimes, when logic fails, is the best advice you can give to a Christian simply 'lighten up'?
I appears that way but look at it this way when you own a vette you probably wont race everyone on the street because you already know what you have and you have nothing to prove. same goes for God It sure would be nice if one of you chevy sprint drivin unbelievers would do what your suppose to do so I can have someone to race against
It is a misconception that a Christian cannot accept logic, matter of fact, is it not the Christian Apologist who argues using logic? Beware, when it comes to matters of logic, it is often the blind who claim sight.
lighten up?


I just tell 'em to go find a Crusade someplace and waste as many people as they can. This usually glazes over their eyes a bit and fills them with serenity.

I don't know why this happens...

\/ lol, keep those thumbs downs coming!
I have only met a few atheists in here that a basic understanding of logic. Not saying they aren't intelligent but they logic skills haven't been developed.
Oh, my advice includes an ';up';, alright; but it's usually preceded by a ';shut the ****';...
True logic and true faith are compatible. But some folks, including Christians, are not skilled enough to handle some problems.
Instead of trying to use logic and reason with them, you could try repeatedly smashing your face against the nearest wall.. It would be far more productive.
That's a bit of a generalization. Most Christians are joyful people that are quite light-hearted. Don't let the handful speak for the whole.
They don't have the ability to ';lighten up'; their whole existence is to keep on guard of evil thoughts and intentions ...
Absolutely. That should go for the fundies and angry athies.
They would just think you are making a sick joke about the crucifixion.
No, just ignore them. They will not listen, and we will not listen
Wow I would have to say God bless you too! bd
wow god bless you
in ted haggards case, yes

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