Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christian relationship advice!!!

Ok, well am a Christian 19 year old and well am really shy with girls I like specially when they are beautiful, I have known of girls that like me but I noticed that all were not really who they said they were, some did things that were against God, and well never met anyone worth actually going after, but now there is a girl that is Christian, not only that but just thinking of her makes me feel something I have never felt a since of compleness, joy, and peace all together, the only thing is that she is my best friends sister, one told me that I am one of the only people that he would allow his sister date, the other one has told me many good things about her, to me it felt like he was triying to encurage me, and added this to the sentence ';the guy that wants to date my sister has to go threw three people, him self, his brother, and ocourse my dad'; he said it in good way I thought it was meant for me, like a clue. I have a good relationship with her parents they are always happy to see me and her dad has told me that I am welcomed in their house any time, he jokes around with me and her mom is ready nice to me.

now the thing is that I can't tell if she feals the same as me, she is also shy, the only thing I have noticed that are a is that she laughs at my lame jokes, the time we have talked she kept replying and went on to ask me questions, every time his brother ( my bestfriend) tells/asks her that we are going to go see a movie she has always gone. Now the - are we don't talk very much, when we are all hanging out she keeps her distance but does not back off if I get a little closer to her, she avoids eye contact with me.

Now heres what I need to do

1st tell her brothers that I like her. And see if they can help out.

2nd see if she likes me or not.

3rd if she does the ask her dad if it is ok with him and ask her out.

so how can I do this? Please give me some Christian way to do this.

Ps. There is this concert in universals studios called ';Rock the universe'; and since she really likes the band called ';Skillet'; she ask her brother for a ticket for her birthdate so they both have tickets, I mentioned this to her other brother and told him that I was not sure that I wanted to go, and he told me that he would get me ticket. but I want to see if am even across her mind before deciding to go.

Please help me make the right and Christian desision, am going to her house today.

thank you all.Christian relationship advice!!!
It's a concert not a wedding! Get a ticket and go. Worse that can happen is you spend a couple of awkward hours. But upside's worth it. This is what we call in the investment world a ';low risk investment';.Christian relationship advice!!!
tell them all God lead you to the decision :)

tell her dad you respect her and her religious choices. You would do nothing to hurt her. and tell him how you feel about his daughter.

You sound very responsible and concerned for doing this the right way, good for you! I would set up a meeting with the brothers, they probably already know that you're interested. I would then go to her dad (they love that stuff) and ask his permission to see his daughter. Upon approval, then I would just simply ask her if she's interested in seeing you. If she says no, or not at the moment, then you can ask why or just trust that everything happens for a reason and there's a bigger plan. It sounds like she may like you as well but is just too shy to say something.
Sacrifice a baby goat over top of a pentagram, then when the red guy with the horns and the tail appears, sign his little piece of paper and you'll get everything you want.

Kidding, if you can't tell. You really should go to the concert with her, it'll give you a chance to get closer to her. Your idea of seeing if her brothers can help is a good one, too.
I'm not Christian, but I doubt you could mess this up. You seem like a very respectful guy and that is wonderful. Like the other person said, possibly ask her dad for his permission to date her. That's really respectful and really old-fashioned nice. The only thing you can do is get to know this girl better to see if she likes you. It definitely seems as if she does. Going to the Skillet concert with her sounds like a great idea- are there any other Christian activities around you can attend with her to get to know each other? How about even going to church with her? Any way, I'm sure she's really into you, but the only way to know is to ask her if she'd like to do something so you can get to know her better. Best of luck!

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