Thursday, December 31, 2009

CHRISTIAN ANSWERS ONLY!!!! I am a 14 year old Christian boy and need advice on.....?

How do I talk to this Christian girl at my church.I have a crush on her and im afraid to go and talk to her.also,she is almost always with her friends so that just makes it harder.CHRISTIAN ANSWERS ONLY!!!! I am a 14 year old Christian boy and need advice on.....?
Just go up to her and introduce yourself and start a conversation with her about whatever is going on around you at the time or in your town or something that happened in church..............Then jut see how she responds to you and let things happen naturally from their................CHRISTIAN ANSWERS ONLY!!!! I am a 14 year old Christian boy and need advice on.....?
i'd say, when you can, talk with her friends. not about your feelings of course, but just talk. make them your friends. then when you ask her out, she'll have friends to ask about how cool you are.

this is just one idea. wait for more before you choose. and be accepting of other ppls answers, not just cristians. they are ppl just like us.
Start by saying Hi.

Another thing, being that you are a Christian start praying now for God to put a christian girl in your life. Someday God willing you will get married. Pray for a christian spouse. I did just this and have a wonderful husband and am blessed with a beautiful family. Pray to God about EVERYTHING including this girl.
Walk up and say your Jewish.

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