Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can I have some advice from a christian viewpoint please?

I live with my widowed mum (I'm 36). I've always lived with her and I work full time. We get on extremely well together. I am not married, as 'it's just not happened yet'. I'd loved to be married one day, but can wait. Mum and I enjoy each other's company very well and go out a lot together. She is my best friend too. We do have our own very few friends of course, but we have no family whatsoever (all dead). The problem is, I have had comments made by christians at church like, ';You can go places without your mum you know'; and from a pastor, ';You really need to try and detach from your mum, as it looks like you do everything together but have the sex!'; I feel I am being judged and also being a christian, I feel it is my duty to (1 Tim 5 v4) look after her, in which I have no complaints about. What do you think? I love my life with my mum.Can I have some advice from a christian viewpoint please?

If your pastor is harassing you like that that is a lawsuit waiting to happen!!!

Find a church that will accept you for who you and your mom are UNDERSTANDING CARING AND FAMILY!!

U dont need a comment like that from ANYONE not even a FRIEND!

BTW I have fallen away, but that is not the church for you two!

I fell because of people like them!!!Can I have some advice from a christian viewpoint please?
May I also thank you all for your little words of encouragement along with your answers i.e. God bless, etc. Do you know? I even had a church member say to me ';You're not your mum's husband you know?'; I forgot to include that one in my original question!!

God Bless you all too. Poopsy xxxxx

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You need to do what makes you happy - That said, you also need to have a life for yourself. Try and spend some time with friends away from your mom at least once during the weekend and twice during the work week.
God didn't say it was wrong to live with your parents. Only time you are to leave the home is when you marry. I know many women who still live with there mom and father. So if you feel that is where you should be then stay until the day you marry.
It is possible that they are suggesting you detach yourself some in order to allow other people into your life ie. a male potentially a husband. However, Biblically you are under no obligation other than to care for your mother. Perhaps they are concerned that your attachment to your Mum is hindering you from pursuing your life.

These may be suggestions that may or may not fit your circumstance. I would suggest you take these issues with you as you pray and ask for God's direction. Do not allow them to judge you, once you feel secure in what God is saying, then tell them you are fulfilling what you are called to do at this time in your life.

The Lord knows the plans He has for us and if submitted to Him they will come to pass

God Bless

Pastor G
Wherever the Lord leads go. And if that means staying at home with your mom.....then so be it.

Don't listen to anyone else on this one......except the Holy Spirit.

It sound to me like you might be from England. We have a saying here in the states:

';Bloom where you're planted';

If your ministry is with mom.....stay with mom.
DEAR POOPSY,YOUR PASTOR SOUNDS VERY DUBIOUS,if you are sad or unhappy or being victimised etc,i could understand the critics,but look at their lives,they dont sound very christian to me.To criticise and pull to pieces someone who is happy and harming no-one,is to me,the working of old nick himself.Continue as you are my love,and make any changes when and if you feel like it,but never let anyone tell you how to live your life when theirs will not stand scrutiny.
take no notice even at church you get nosey busybodys who havent got anythink better to do than poke there noses into other peoples buisiness and gosip about sick and complete rubbish good luck huh
The key is in your last sentence. It's your life, and no one else can live it for you. God didn't create us all the same; different things make different people happy and satisfied. If you are happy and satisfied, then God is blessing you and the life you are living.

I would tell them exactly what you stated in your last sentence and leave it at that.
If you're happy with your life, don't feel pressured to do things differently or take on something new just because some pastor made some comments.

Change things only if you want and need to, not because what other people tell you.
Tell them to worry about their own life and let you live yours.

If that's what you want then that's fine.

Do remember one thing though... Your life is your own. Just like in any relationship you need to your own space. You are all your mom has so there may be the tendacy to feel guilty about going out and doing your own thing.

If that is not the case, then, have fun!
WHO are these people to judge YOUR life and the way you choose to live it? I see NOTHING wrong with your living arrangements with your Mum, and YES, I am a Christian. For quite a while, both myself and my (then) small son lived with my Mum, as she was also my best friend. Yes, we both had other friends besides each other, too. But, if you enjoy each others company, and get on well together, there is NO REASON why ANYONE should place ANY KIND of judgment your YOUR life. You aren't doing ANYTHING wrong! Rather, CHERISH THESE DAYS, Honey. Make the most of them. I lost my Mum to breast cancer when I was 37--and she was 65. If necessary, you may even want to think about changing churches that you attend because this is no way for a TRUE Christian (especially a Pastor) to behave. WE, as mortals, are NOT here to judge each other. We're here to love one-another.
I think they should mind their own business they meen well but they probably already made up their mineds about you .

Next time tell them thnks for your concern but you are ok .
You are fine. If your mom (mum! I love that) is going according to 1st Timothy 5:1-14 then her church should be supporting her solely, but obviously that's not happening or they wouldn't have judged you so harshly.

As for the marriage thing, as long as your mom isn't going with you on dates, I don't see anything wrong with having the excellent relationship you have with your mother.

Be patient, if you want a husband, then God will give you one. It may very well be God wants you right here, supporting your mother. If your family is all dead, then why listen to their judgments? Use what time you can with your parents.
I think you're right on. There is nothing in the Bible that says you should leave your parents except in getting married. It doesn't say you should move out when you're 18, only when you get married, so you're totally in line with the Bible in staying at home with your mum. It's a blessing probably that you get along so well and have that place with her.

Christians are all too often guilty of ';thinking like the world'; -- They take the world's opinion that when you turn 18 you are an adult and should be on your own. Christians also often confuse their opinions with scriptural mandates.
I don't like the sound of that pastor one little bit. Nor your church, much, if it is actually a church. Christians should be interested only in your spiritual and physical needs, not in arranging your lifestyle. Love Jesus and do as you like.

if you get along that well with your mom, and you enjoy your life, forget what everyone else is telling your life...
If you're happy, more power to you, carry on regardless I say. Without wishing to sound harsh, the comments made by your church friends are not very Christian-like and should be ignored.
You do need to look after your mum, it's brilliant that you can have this sort of relationship with her! The only snag is that one day your mum won't be there, and you say you have no family, so who will look after you when you get old?

You sound like such a caring person, perhaps your church friends think you would make a good mother and thats why they want to see you get out more and meet new people to have your own family one day.
Don't listen to them fools, if your happy with your life with you mum then by all mean, stay with her( besides, do you see any of them fools getting along with their mum's? not really). Stay with her, you and your mum are all you have and it's best if you stay together.
I don't see any problem with your relationship with your mom. It sounds like others might be concerned that you may need to develop some additional relationships. The pastor's comment was inappropriate, but they make mistakes too. Keep doing what you're doing, but be open to new relationships.
a pastor saying this is very out of line...i would look for a more open minded church...what sign are you? some dont want to be alone but some dont mind.. try Methodism.
When you get those comments, tell them that she is your Naomi, and Boaz hasn't shown up yet. That should help them to understand your relationship better.

I understand where they are coming from, but if you are happy and content in your life, then there is nothing wrong with that. I applaud you for looking after her. Just remember that when Boaz does come knocking, he will have to understand and accept your relationsip with her up front, know that he's getting both of you, and not expect you to turn your back on her for his sake.
my guess would be that maybe they are just trying to get you to become a little more independent. So when she does pass away it might not be so hard? Just an opinion, but do what you want right? It is your mother, and if you are happy with being with her than who cares.
Cry out to God, He will surely show you the way you must follow.. I'll pray for you too..
It's awesome that you are taking care of your mom. Live your life the way you want and be happy. Not sure what type of church you attend, but those people (ESPECIALLY the pastor) are way out of line. Sounds like they need to get a life of their own.
u have to love life with mum but ur mum can not give u wherever u need in life specialy the other sex(man)so u can be with ur mum but in the end u need a partner and mum couldn't be that partner and u have to have ur own life
Yes, it is your obligatory duty to see to your mums welfare. If you have a loving and fullfilling life that is great. Your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is what is most important.
I'm sure you are to be commended for the care and companionship you are offering your mother.

Many people have found a way to keep their loved ones close, and still lead a romantic life.

Please do what is right in your heart and don't worry about what others tell you.

They do not have to live your life, and will not be held accountable for doing the wrong things, but you will, so stick to what is right.

Good luck %26amp; God bless...

I had to think about this one as it's a bit complicated. Lets take the religious element out of it and see what we've got. Basically, your a single woman living and looking after your mum. Thats about it aint it? Forget about the comments ( what a daft thing to say, As if you can forget) I dont mean to sound cruel but basically your griping about being alone and you think that the world is treating you bad. You aint got a bloke and your lumbered with your mum whos probably very demanding. Your 36, not exactly in the first flush of youth but still in a position where you can choose and you also know that you have to make up your mind in the next couple of years. This is all going in one direction aint it? Your giving out a cry for help and that cry is, How can I get away from mum without hurting her?She is so dependant on me. Never mind what it says in the bible, your duty is to yourself and so is your mums. A really loving caring mum would want what is best for her child and not monopolise her. My advice is to find a life for her and then get on your bike, and if you feel guilty for a bit dont worry as that will wear of in about five mins. This is the best advice that your going to get so use it or loose it and remember that nobody out there is going to help you, Your future is in your hands
Become an atheist. They do not care what you do with your private life. Nor will they judge you for being middle-aged and living with your mom.

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