Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christian college athlete in need of advice w/life plans.?

I am a sophomore college athlete but I don't know if that's what I want to do right now. Sports have always been my life (and my father's) but I want to travel and go places. I have a love for Europe and I desperately want to go back. I know I need to get a degree but right now I feel like God wants me to do more than just the 4 years of college and the typical life of a college student. Any advice at all will help. I have so many ideas and thoughts in my head and I'm going crazy.Christian college athlete in need of advice w/life plans.?
I would say that if you LIKE college, yet still have these other yearnings you should stick with college, because you would probably come to regret dropping out.

If you are absolutely miserable or something of that degree in college than perhaps it's not for you and you should consider something else. College isn't for everybody, but it is a great thing so you'd have to think about it.

As it is, I would highly recommend staying college. For one, with the better job opportunities you'll get with a degree, you will have more time and financial security that you can use to travel with AFTER college. People with no college degree are not usually people that have any kind of disposable income. So that is one thing to consider.

Also, what about study abroad? Study abroad is a great opportunity to travel like you want to while also remaining in college.

Good luck!Christian college athlete in need of advice w/life plans.?
What gets me is you people always feel the need to add the word ';Christian'; to your title.

Like is makes you life more significant by adding that title to make yourself appear more righteous than others.

What is even funnier is people like yourself are always trying to figure out your whole purpose of life, you will never know the answer.

You are a human, get over it and to succeed in a normal society, then one must abide by basic living standards and goals.

What is sad is, people like your self always saying god wants more of me, wants me to do more; bogus!

If there is a god and you follow his so called word, then you would know he gave all choices made up to you to make.

Make mistakes, learn from life and most of all enjoy this life that was given.
When you announce yourself as a ';Christian'; in today's aggressively secular society, you open yourself up to abuse from sneering atheists who are eager to demonstrate their self-righteousness. Don't do it. Keep your beliefs private.

To answer your question: You know the perils of changing horses mid-stream. Unless you've got a plan (which probably includes returning to college one day), you should finish your degree first. Who would pay for your tour of Europe?
I know exactly what you mean and are going through in order to make the correct decisions God can view as a rightous choice that will form part of your judment and save you from the Lords Wrath on all nations (especially P.akis) ...i advise you to constantly read the Bible, possibly speak to your local priest, but whatever you want to do, make sure you are HELPING others with whatever it may be, just remember, God is either your God, or money is....your choice my son...
God doesn't want you to do anything, YOU want to something.

That voice inside your head isn't your god's, it's yours.

Do what you want, not what your daddy wants and especially not what your god wants.
If you like travel, try international business major, or talk to your academic advisor for other careers that will let you go abroad.
Do you have the option of studying abroad?

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