Sunday, December 27, 2009

Help!!! (advice on Christian bands--read details!)?

I like a lot if Christian bands--and most of the music I listen to is metalcore. I just love screaming too. but, my mom doesn't totally agree. ex: she'll hear something like the devil wears prada, underoath, inhale exhale, haste the day, etc....and she says it's ';scary';, and that she doesn't believe that they can be Christians and sound that way. and it's no use arguing with her and trying to get her to see it my way--she just turns around and makes it seem like i'm out-of-line.

I hope this isn't too confusing. I just don't know what to do! I want her to understand that they can sound that way AND still be Christian.

thanks!! ^_^

p.s. she likes some of my music. like family force 5. they're Christians, and they scream sometimes, but i don't think she's really heard all that much of them...Help!!! (advice on Christian bands--read details!)?
Show her the lyrics, if you havent tried that already.

Sorry im not exactly sure hat you're asking for, but here are a few christian bands i listen to. Im not christian or anything, i just like the music:


(not technically a christian band, but they are religious). I love their cover of Enjoy the Silence. Their stuff definately isnt metalcore...but i like both it and metal, and your mother should approve so check it out.


You might have heard them. They're a full christian band. Not metalcore either. More...alternative rock? With some screaming? I really dont know. But its good. Check out Im So Sick and I Can Feel You All Around Me


Christian. And really good. You mom might be slightly more approving.

The rest of them you already mentioned. Theres a good chance you've heard of these already, but if not definately check it out. Definately more likely to be mom approved than the devil wears!!! (advice on Christian bands--read details!)?
Maybe ease her into it with a band like Hawk Nelson. lol

I don't understand how she thinks they can't be Christians.

That's like saying a republican isn't allowed to love the environment. haha

Have her listen to ';Some Will Seek Forgiveness'; by Underoath.

That's a great song..she may warm up to them just a little.
i had the same problem. i used underoath to convince them. i had an article in HM magazine that was an interview. it really showed they loved god and wanted to share him. next i showed her the lyrics that obviously showed their faith. then i showed their myspace blog, which did the same. then i showed her their drummer aaron gillespies side project, the almost, which is very christian. she was convinced.


u gotta listen to the music and see if they really talk about talk about Jesus.

Listen if the songs really glorify God.

If i does, you can try to explain to your mom what each song is talking about.

hope that helps you =].
my mom thought that about pillar and a few bands that my brother was listenin to one day but then we found some of their really good songs and let her read the lyrics. she still isn't a big fan but as long as we don't blast it she can live with it. Its like when i complain that I can't stand my rents old country music. its annoyin but it doesnt mean its evil. good luck %26amp; God Bless
My mom is the same way.

Show her the lyrics to the songs.

Especially TDWP they have some deep christian lyrics.

If there is no use arguing, then dont.

Its your music, it not bad and if your mom cant realize it, just dont discuss it.......
Play some blessthefall and underoath. Get her the lyrics sheet to some songs. Because there clearly christian bands.

if you dont know blessthefall play some of their older stuff for your mom; Pray, Rise Up, Pretty much anything on their ';his last walk'; cd
tell her screaming is just a way of expressing extreme passion

then show her the lyrics of these songs.

also listen to august burns red..theyre a good Christian screamo band.
start her off on some lighter Christian rock, like reliant K then you can gradually build her up to the heavier stuff.
show her some stuff by slayer, mayhem, venom, or emperor or gorgaroth, then ask her which she would rather you listen to

this would be the far more extreme way to gain her approval
Don't forget August Burns Red!!

Now, how you sound doesn't determine christianity.
if they were really christian do you think they would be in a band making money for themselves off of the lords name ?

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