Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Christian Advice?

First I want to say that to everyone who answered my last question I really want to say Thanks. You really gave me the encouragement I needed. But I have something that's really bothering me right now, (actually I have a lot of things that are bothering me right now but too many to get into now). So In my Money Management business class Im playing that stock game. I'm in a group with other guys around my age. No they really have a blasphemy problem. I mean they do it non stop and especially in front of me because they know I'm Christian and think its wrong. My question is should I ask them to please stop blaspheming in front of me or just ignore it? Though I have a feeling if I asked them to stop they'll want to do it evan more. Any advice would be appreciated. Some Christian Advice?
First I want to commend you on your stand. It is rare that a young person will accept Bible standards and actually try to apply them.

About your classmates, I am going to to tell you a couple of things that I have seen. Back in my trade school days there was this shop aide who would say effing this and effing that. Every other word was the F word. So he asked the instructor, ';Hey Paul, why in the Eff won't this effing light effing go off?'; The instructor had had enough of this after about three weeks of hearing him so he answered him like this, ';Why in a Eff, didn't the Effing Effer's Effing Effer Eff the Effing Effer's Effing Effer, You EFFING EFFER???';

The guy stopped cussing when he realized how he sounded. But I don't recommend this to you because it could get you expelled.

What I will recommend is since they are doing it to offend you, you need to turn the other cheek as Jesus said at Luke 6:27-29

';27 But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.';

Paul wrote that returning kindness for evil was the Christian thing to do at Romans 12:19-20

This is just one way that you will be treated for being Christian. If they crucified our Master, we should expect no less as His slaves. Pray for them and ask for the patience to endure. You will be fine young brother.Some Christian Advice?
It depends on how old you are. If you are college age or older, try asking them to stop. You have the right to ask for what you want.

Keep in mind, though, *they* have the right to not give you what you want. If the language that bothers you continues (or if you're in high school or middle school) you may just want to ask the teacher if you can either get into a different group, or else do a different project.

I'm an agnostic, but I think it's immature for people to deliberately bait Christians who were not previously hassling them.
Im going through the same thing! This morning a guy said my middle name was the B word, he also blackguarded to me ALOT of times. I was about to cry! But anyway, your going to deal with things like that in life, just pray for the guys. And ask nicely for them to watch what they say in front of you. Like, ';Hey guys, could please not talk like that in front of me?'; Then if they dont stop, ask the teacher to switch your group or something. Good luck!
If someone asked me to stop saying the word f*ck in front of them, I would.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so considerate.

Tell them that it bugs you and you wish they would stop.

But if they're immature jerks, it's likely they'll keep doing it.

So, I'd recommend ignoring it. Give it up to God. He'll take care of it.
Yes I would ask them to please stop doing this and explain why. If they don't listen maybe you should hang around with another group. I have had friends and co-workers to curse around me and I would always say okay next time you say something bad you have to put a quarter in the quarter jar :) This seemed to work and let them know, hey I don't like your language in a nice jokingly way. Just another idea
Be a man. Tell them to stop before you take regulatory action. There are laws forbidding harassment and discrimination. Use your rights for Gods sake and for fellow people. You are not under command by God to take punishment, take action, correct the evil doers, and make a descent society. `FCC forbids such words on radio and television, this applies to public class rooms as well. You wouldn't allow them to molest you daughter. Don't allow them to do this. Contact a ministry if necessary or an attorney for lawsuit provisions. Good luck. You need support.
There is nothing wrong with asking them to stop talking that way. You can also pray for them as well. Can you change groups and join a different one to get away from them? Always remember that He who lives inside you is greater than he who lived in the world. God bless you.
Pray to Jesus, He always helps. I'm sure if you explain to them that it really hurts you to hear them blaspheme our Lord and Savior, they will stop. You could even use it as an opportunity to witness to them about how awesome it is to be saved! If not, Jesus will certainly make things right.
What are they doing specifically. Saying 'god damn'? ';Jesus Christ';? If they are, I don't think you can stop them, it's part of culture if you live in the US.
Just ignore it and pray for them. If you confront them about it they are bound to do it more
Pray for them.

Block it out. What does the instructor of the class have to say of this?
Your right. It would probably cause them to do it even more. They will probably accuse you as trying to control them and there free speech. (Typical Christian stereotype stuff thrown back in your face). Wisdom (Or common sense) would be to pray about it to the one whom they blaspheme. Before you do though, ask yourself why you are praying.

Question: Are you praying for them or about them? Which way would the Lord want you to pray? Do you want these men saved or just to shut up so you don't have to here it any more?

Epistle of James 5:16

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Here is a challenge for you. You may be the only bible that another man ever reads. Welcome to your ministry. The best thing that I can tell you is to ask the father out of a Godly love for these people and watch how fast the answer comes. And with that comes the ability to deal with this God's way. Stay in His will and He will equip you.
You know them better than us that are answering. If you think they would care if you asked them to stop, they may. On the other hand, if they think they are bothering you and reveling in it, then it may work best that you ignore it. Let you light shine in positive behaviors that may make them start to consider that there may really be something positive to this Christianity stuff.

Finally, you could thank them for the blessing.

';Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.'; Matthew 5:11-12

And remember, ';Woe to those who call evil good and good evil'; Isaiah 5:20

Tell them this. ';Hey guys, can you please respect me and my religion and not use God's name in vain around me?'; Most likely they will agree. If they keep on or say no then reply. ';All I am asking for is a little respect but if your not going to give it to me I will go into another group.'; They may laugh or what not but even so you stated what you needed from them and if they dont do so, then you dont have to deal with it. Just ask the teacher or whom ever and tell them you would like to switch groups because of vanity.

Always use what my teacher tells me.





The OFNR you use it the easier it gets.

Observe the situation

Tell them i know you FEEL its ok to use God's name in vain

but i NEED you to stop.

Can you please stop because it is agianst my religion?

It is as easy as that.

Your welcome.
You should kill them like your bible tells you to.

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