Sunday, December 27, 2009

I feel like my path to being a better christian has become disconnected?Any advice?

i've read purpose diven life,and read my bible regularly.My boyfriend and i would like to find suggestions to becoming closer to God as a couple aswell.I feel like my path to being a better christian has become disconnected?Any advice?
There are 4 things you need to do in order to grow as a christian:

1)Saturate your mind with the Word of God. You just can't read it enough.

2)Spend quality time in prayer

3)Get involved in a smaller bible study group where you can get fellowship

4)Do the 1st 3 things consistently

Make sure you are in a good bible teaching church that teaches the bible literally. I suggest the Calvary Chapels although there are other good bible teaching churches. This link can help you find a Calvary Chapel close to you..........

Here's another link you might want to look at......鈥?/a>

Go to that link and click on 'broadcast' and then click on 'audio archives' or 'video archives' and you can listen or watch Charles Stanleys messages. You might find them extremely interesting.I feel like my path to being a better christian has become disconnected?Any advice?
My best advice is just pray. That's where you really find your friend, Jesus, and God. What I try to do is I go and take a walk for at least part of my lunch time on a trail behind my building, where I stop and pray. Then I can pray about whatever's going on in my life, any concerns I have, strength or answers I need, or people I care about. If someone comes along, I try to stop and just look at the birds, or watch the clouds float across the sky, or watch the trees of the fields.

Prayer helps so much in getting closer to God, because it gives you answers you need for your life. And God strengthens you when you pray, because He honors any act of love and worship we give. But for our OWN life, nothing works better than prayer. Because it is here that God can meet us and prove to us that He cares about our personal trials and pains and hopes.

As far as drawing closer to God as a couple, my advice is to have no corrupt communication among you. In other words, if your atmosphere is always holiness, then you are listening to righteous music all of the time. You are watching righteous programming, your conversations are on God or on friends or family or the world, but they are geared towards righteousness.

The other thing I can suggest is personal counsel as a couple together with your pastor and his wife. And talk to your boyfriend about how you would like to see God use you to minister. You may be able to work together on beginning ministry together in some way.

Prayer will strengthen every one of your endeavors, because it is talking with your Father. And your Father always strengthens you when you draw near to Him!
The Purpose Driven Life can be a great book but it does not draw us closer to God, though it does reveal things about God to us so we may draw closer to him.

Now, you said that you have been reading GOD's word and that is Great for your growth. To grow together as a couple, do that together. Spend time daily in prayer and devotions together as well as yourself.

I will share with you an interesting statistic. Today, 46% of all marriages end in divorce. Of those marriages where the couples spend only two minutes a day together in prayer, only 2% end in divorce. Of those that pray and read God's Word together daily, only 1 in every 1050 marriages end in divorce. God's Word is powerful in united couples if they are aligned with his Word.
Have a baby!
You know, that is not an uncommon feeling. Just like in any other area of life, growth comes in stages. We don't just automatically grow up to our current height. It comes in inches at a time. Maybe God is just giving you a chance to 'grow' into your shoes!

Do you and your boyfriend attend a church? If you've read purpose driven life, you know that a Christian without a Church is an orphan. Understand, church attendance is not a prerequisite to salvation, but it is put in place by God to give us a place to connect with other Christians, to find community, encouragement in times of despair, accountability...
You might start reading the Bible and praying together. Also practice the presence of God. Try spending each day as if God is there with you as you go about your routine.
Just ask how to become a better person. Religion seldom does this for anyone.

If you have compassion for others no matter what they are and honestly do things for others without ever expecting anything in return then you are on your way to becoming a really great person. Few will ever know you are but you will know and that is all that should be needed.
Usually when we feel this way , a good thing to do is to examine ourselves to see if we have any sin that may be unconfessed or is being continually practiced. Are you and your boyfriend having sex outside of marriage? Seek God through prayer and ask Him what is keeping you this way. Even if there is no sin , sometimes we will go through dry spells in our life. It could be a test to see if you preservere. maybe some pastoral counsel is needed? Do you guys attend a church regularly? I go to an assembly of God church. They are awesome! If you read the psalms it always helps. David often speaks of his suffering and encouragement in the psalms . So seek God , stay in prayer and in church, continue to read the word and I will pray for you as well! One good thing to know is this: God loves and will always respond to a hungry heart that seeks Him , so that is good that you are concerned about this. Just know that He loves you and wants most for you to let Him be your best friend who is first in your life. That is when we are most complete.He could be doing just that! Maybe He is in a hot pursuit of a more intimate relationship of prayer with you! seek him every chance you get in prayer. Always keep Him as your top priority in your relationships and you cannot go wrong. God bless you !
No one has to tell you how to love God %26amp; get closer to Him.

It is a matter of giving all to Him %26amp; continuing in the word,%26amp; staying strong when athiests %26amp; false teachers try to sway you.

Myself,I grow closer with God everyday.I pray %26amp; talk to Him like a father through Jesus of course.

Did ya hang up on Jesus and forget to call Him back? (Prayer). Keep your conversations with Jesus going. Prayer is a lifeline to God. It keeps our relationship with Jesus close, gives us security and hope when trouble is all around us. Get involved in Bible Study. One of the best that I've been to is B.S.F. = Bible Study Fellowship. It is offered all over the United States. Don't know about elsewhere. It is christian and nondenominational. I learned alot. God bless
Continue to read your Bible, and pray to God asking for the spirit, and for Him to help you walk in His way. He will answer for sure.
I know exactly what this feeling of disconnectedness is from. Your own logic and intuition is telling you Christianity is a load of rubbish.

Reading the bible is enough to make anyone an atheist. Check out the following website if you really want to know whats is said in the bible.
It's just a pause. It's not permanent. His Grace is sufficient. The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing. Be blessed.

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