Wednesday, December 23, 2009

True Christian advice only: Is it truly inevitable?

To those who know about the New World Order. Do you believe it's inevitable? Is it truly prophesied in the bible? Shouldn't we fight for our rights until the end and spread the word to everyone? Some of my family members and friends either don't believe it can happen, don't care or too lazy to do anything about it. It scares and frustrates me to see that Christians don't want to fight for our country. Our constitutional rights are deteriorating before our eyes! Some just can't believe that it's possible Obama is a cruel hoax used to bring in the one world government. I'm terrified because my loved ones won't be prepared for our future devastation. I cry everyday because it's a possibility that my son and I won't survive this tyranny in the future. How can I deal with this overwhelming feeling of pain in my heart? It's going to be so do you cope knowing this? I've prayed and read verses on faith and having no fear but it's not enough. I don't know how to handle's tearing my heart to pieces.True Christian advice only: Is it truly inevitable?
In my opinion, What will be, will be.

Yes it is prophesied.

You should, do what you feel that you should, with constant prayer for guidance. Ask God to change things, if it's his will to do so, and for him to guide you in his will, and ask, and allow him, through the Holy Spirit, to comfort you.

As for the worry and fear, worry and fear are some of Satan's best weapons. He uses whatever he finds that works the best on the individual that he's trying to mislead, or aggravate. Remember, that if you are a true Christian, you will always have, not everything that you want, but definitely everything that you need.

As for others, all that you can and should do, is have faith, joy, love, care, and humbleness toward them, to be the best example for them. Do what you can, but once you've told them about God, you don't keep echoing the point. That just drives people away.

The, same way as being ritualistically religious does. All that you can do is be yourself, and let God shine through you, and pray. But the rest is their individual decision, not yours, to make.

Those who have heard, or are saved, don't need to be witnessed to.

As the Bible states, the reason that the Jewish church rejected Jesus was because he refused to follow the religious crowd, or their traditions, but instead ate dinner with the tax collectors, spoke to whores, and befriended people who were gentiles and those who had even been demon possessed. They're the ones that need to be witnessed to, so just focus on them, and keep asking for guidance - you won't have time to worry.

Take it easy, have true faith, not worry, and keep the sword of God sharp!True Christian advice only: Is it truly inevitable?
The New wWorld Order began back in the dark ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, and the rise of the ';divided Roman Empire'; including the ten tribes of western Europe..

Yes I know what you are referring to though, and YES it is inevitable, just remember that the unity at the VERY end will only lasta short while, and then the end will come suddenly..

Email for my article on Bible Prophecy on Daniel and Revelation, and the NWO.
The Bible was written by men, therefore just as falible as men are. Do you take anything you read in a bookstore or library as faith? The bible was written the same way. Actually worse, it was stories taken out of dozens and condensed into one book by the editor, leaving out the ones he did not like.
This new world order nonsense is just crap.

I saw my government nearly ruined by the disease called fundamentalism. The symptoms are bigotry and ignorance. Americans spoke up and we voted that ignorance out of our government.

So keep your buy-bull babble in your homes and churches, and NOT in the laws, government, and the schools of the USA. Fundies no longer have any power and they also have no respect.
I'm sorry that you're suffering because of these beliefs. They're just not true, and I'd recommend counselling by a trained, qualified, professional counsellor who has no connection with a religious organisation. I hope you find help to come out of this harmful and false belief, so that you can feel secure and happy.
I understand how you feel. I find the only way I can cope with something this big is to give it to the Lord. You can't do anything about it, so give it to someone who can. It may take many prays, but keep praying until one day you'll realize you aren't dwelling on it anymore. He won't let you suffer if you lean on Him. God bless you Sugar.
Do not be afraid, if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, He will protect you. The best thing to do is pray, with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind. Jesus will hear you, and He will help you. Trust me, the world is far from achieving a new world order. Just stay vigilant, but do not be afraid, for Jesus is with you, always.
news flash it isnt your country you may have a controlling share but the minority isnt a pandemic that can be cured

how are your constitutional rights deteriorating?

there is no tyranny unless you define tyranny as freedom of choice
Your country? The last time I checked, this country was founded on the freedom of religion, not the domination of it.
stop... breathe... relax

the world is AWESOME

wow. or you could hide under your rock from the non-existent apocalypse.
NWO is not prophecised in Revelations...

That is a crude and plainly idiotic conspiracy theory.
The Bible is the only truth.
You see the thing that some people failed to get is that the people who will bring what has been called the ';New World Order'; might (I said MIGHT) not even be aware that they are bringing it. Even if there is not and has never been an actual organized effort involving the Federal Reserve and recent important politicians to bring America to a certain place; it may get there anyway just by the natural course of time in part to the natural characteristics and foolishness of man and in part by people being led and misguided by Satan. There are some who are not a part of any organized conspiracy yet they actually believe that a one world government (*cough* European Union *cough* United Nations *cough* transnationalism and ';international'; ';law'; *cough*), censorship/control of the media, the extermination of organized religion , banning of public prayer, and taking away our right to bear arms is actually good. They, however, could be led by people who are indeed part of a conspiracy.

But you have to do what you have to do. It will come regardless; but you still should try to fight it. Let me put it to you this way; God may have made some people hungry as punishment; yet Jesus still instructs us to feed the hungry. God's will will be done regardless.

It's tearing my heart to pieces also. My best advice would be to make sure your and your loved ones' souls are in the right place spiritually, trust in the Lord, continue to pray, and seek out guidance from the Holy Spirit. This will greatly increase your chances of being ';saved';. What happens to the World is what happens.
Jesus said to occupy till he comes. That also means to take up the responsibility of the gift of this republic and protect it.Get the word out about the freedoms we are about to lose under this false messiah.Peoples hearts need changing.Read the 91st psalm. God never leaves the believer defenseless.The liberals can be stopped.One thing that obama has done is bring their agenda out in the open and it will be up to the folks to put a collar on him . And that would be the constitution which he has put under his feet and wiped them on it.
People been ruled by the power people for centuries They don't seem to mind. We just went thru the biggest crash since 29 and many people still haven't a clue what the hell is going on
Pick up the book ';What in the World is Going On?'; Seriously.

It addresses some of these issues, and addresses things like the rebirth of the Roman Empire as prophesied by Daniel, that is likely the European Union. It also discusses power structures that are required and the proposal to modify the EU to something similar.

Everyone ought to read the chapter on Islam. It should be a must read.

There is also a good deal of discussion on the Rapture, and other Biblical prophecy, America and its place in prophecy, and other good information.

I highly recommend it.

But really, you shouldn't worry. If you're a Christian, you've got nothing to worry about. Regardless, as rotten as Obama is, he's not the Antichrist, and he's not the guy to issue in one world government, so you can calm down about this.

Pick up the book. You'll get a lot out of it.
It is inevitable and the only logical conclusion. The cashless society will in fact solve so many problems that the freedom it costs will be deemed worth it. The technology has only been available for a short time so we are in fact the first generation that could fulfill the plan. Data centers that could manage such a load are only reaching the required capacity now. But let me remind you what God has to say about all this - ';Take no thought - for God will provide your needs'; - it does not say build a bunker and hide from it. You will be ok.

I would like to have emailed you, but see that I can't.

You specifically ask for: true christian advice. This intrigues me because it is said that every one is a true christian!

Well, I believe that I am trying to be a true christian because I try and lead my life in the footsteps of our Creator's Son, Jesus Christ. This means that I look to the bible for answers and due to this, I can tell you that, in one way, yes it is right to feel fear if one is not on the right path and does not want to listen to their Creator, BUT, for those that do listen and take heed, there is no fear at all; just faith and hope for the future.

Did you know that the bible talks of the New World Order as Paradise on Earth for all the meek to reside on?

Armageddon is very real, but it is the fight between our Creator and satan and all those that follow satan!

What I would urge you to do is to contact me and once you find out who I am, then to contact any of us that you think you would feel comfortable with!

Our Creator does not want us to be terrified of the future and you won't if you take in the knowledge of what He Wants from you.

I do so hope you contact me.

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