Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need Christian advice...Should I tell?

Well, I used to be really on fire for God, but then I slowly started backsliding. My marriage was falling apart, and I felt like I was the one who was doing everything in the marriage. Before I knew it I felt like I had completely slipped away. During this time, I started drinking socially and found myself in a couple of almost situations with this guy I'm friends with and who is now my boss. Well at a party 2 and 1/2 months ago some things happened that shouldn't have happened. I feel horrible about it. He and I don't speak of it and act like nothing happened. Since then I have been trying to turn my life around and get back on track with God and trying to work things out in my marriage, but I can't quit thinking a/b what happened. The problem is I haven't told my husband a/b it, and a part of me feels like I should, but then a part of me feels like I should just let it be my burden to live with. Is it possible to be completely forgiven by God for what I did if I don't confess to my husband? Should I tell him? What would you do? And please, I don't need any criticism. I know I am a horrible person for what I did.Need Christian advice...Should I tell?
forgive yourself for it, and i would not tell my husband just to ease my conscience, could end your it over with god, and is is possible to be forgiven by god, all one has to do is ask and repent. your not horrible just human. focus on god, and u won't be so tempted to do whats wrong.Need Christian advice...Should I tell?
Oh you're not a horrible person for what you did. Surely your husband did things to hurt you and haven't you chosen to forgive him? Lots of couples get past infedility. It's not a completely unforgiveable thing. I believe God can forgive you even if you never tell your husband as long as you are truely sorry and promise to never do it again. God is a loving and forgiving God and he will forgive you for anything. You need to forgive yourself for what you did.
I would be honest to your is better for him to hear it from case a third party decides to tell. You may need to get marriage counseling. I don't think you can be truly happy in your marriage with such a huge situation hanging over your head. Pray to God and ask for strength and guidance..He will be there for you in your time of need. Good Luck!
you do need criticism.... drinking isn't an excuse for improper behavior. Drink didn't make you do the nasty with your boss your own desires and weaknesses did.

God can forgive anyone but your husband may not be as magnanimous.

You think you are being noble by keeping your adultery to yourself but you are just being a liar

Get right with your spouse
srry to be a party crasher :D If something exists in the universe than it is matter or energy. Since god is neither than he doesent exist.
Keep you mouth shut, God is a great forgiver but husbands and boyfriends are not.

Its a problem you personally must come to terms with.
well the right thing to do is to confess, and pray that your husband forgives you.
You are not a horrible person for what you did - you are only human and people make mistakes. Hopefully you have learned to keep away from the drink now. The first step to getting over this is to forgive yourself - you need to know that you have learned from your mistake and then move on, nothing is ever gained from tormenting yourself over something you cannot change. Forgive yourself and God's forgiveness will be there too.

You have to think about a couple of things with regards to telling your husband. Firstly, would you be telling him simply to release your own guilt? Would it achieve anything other than destroying him and then ruining your marriage? If you can forgive yourself as above, and there is no chance of him already knowing what you did, then move on. Put all your concentration into getting back on track with your husband and your life.

Perhaps you should think about moving to another job too? It might be easier for you to move on if you are not reminded every day of your mistake.

What you did back then you did during a time of confusion in your life. God will understand and will forgive you, but as I said earlier, nothing will change unless you can forgive yourself.

I hope you sort things out.
You are not a horrible person.

I wouldn't call myself Christian, but I do believe in God. I also believe that you are responsible for your own actions and you need to forgive yourself.

I cheated on my husband and it was the worst thing I ever could have done, telling him. I wanted a divorce long before I cheated. Didn't love my husband for a long time as he was a cheating, abusive alcoholic. Even so, it was harder on me to see the pain on his face and to have to answer his questions. He wanted to know specifics and I just cried and answered every question he had. He wanted comparisons. He cried like I've never seen anyone cry. Seeing his reaction to this made my guilt 1000 times what it was. I have only recently forgiven myself, and I've lost a lot due to the guilt. This was 2 years ago.

Even though you are staying with your husband, I feel that telling him is not the answer. Bear the burden on your own. If you must, talk to a preacher OUTSIDE of your church because yours will surely tell your husband.

As far as God forgiving you, that's on you. I don't understand any of that at all. I don't believe any God is unforgiving.
No one can tell you what to do - you are the only one who knows your entire situation. I can tell you that my husband and I have been married for 6 years, and in the first two, two and a half years, he had two affairs. We were both raised in the church, and both did the same kind of backsliding you mention - it starts slow, and suddenly you are completely lost thinking, how did I get here? For my husband, it was sexual impurity. For me, it was social drinking that quickly became full blown alcoholism. My point is, when my husband confessed the affairs to me, I was absolutely furious, hurt, etc. But it got us into marriage counseling, and forced us both to take a good strong look at our lives and priorities. I'm not saying that year was easy, but looking back on where we were and where we are now, it seems worth the price of the pain. We are closer to each other and God, and our relationship is so much stronger. He won't watch movies that have ';racy'; scenes, and I won't even walk down the aisle that sells alcohol in the grocery.

If you do decide to confess to your husband, make sure you have some ideas for change to suggest to him. Tell him you want marriage counseling, think you should find a new job, are willing to do whatever it takes, etc. Be prepared for him to be very angry and hurt for a long time. Pray for him, yourself, and your marriage, and be willing to let God work in your lives. Also, pray together - even when you feel you'd rather spend the time ripping out each other's hair. :)
Tell God. God is the forgiver. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter. Yes, you feel conviction, because you ARE a Christian. This is a good thing, btw. You should be more worried if you didn't feel guilt.

But what you have to consider is the potential damage to your husband in his knowing this. It will hit him at his core being. He might forgive you and he might even be able to let it go. But he will never forget.

And what he does with that is anyone's guess. He could become hateful to your children. Really, take this one to GOD and leave it there.

The Bible says we are to confess our faults to one another. I think it goes more to the basic root faults, not this. Humans are not God. We can understand your need for attention from your husband (we've all been there). We can understand the effects of alcohol (either from drinking or our reasons for abstaining). We are told all through the Bible to forbid adultery. Don't put it on a person.
Ouch.. This is a hard question. Well first know that you are only human. God has already forgiven you. As long a you have asked for repentance. If you feel like it is something that you need to confess to your husband then do so. Conviction is a way that God helps speak to us. Pray over it, God will help you. Nothing can be built off of a lie. What would you want if you and your husband were in each other's shoes? Learn for your mistakes. Maybe you need to stay in prayer, stop drinking, and change who you allow into your circle. I will keep you in my prayers, This is the best advise I have......PRAY
You're not horrible, just human. Don't tell your husband unless you can deal with the potential fall-out. It's up to God to judge you and you already know that he's forgiven you.

Get a grip, talk to your pastor and don't be so quick to try to justify your poor behavior. It was a mistake and I doubt there is anyone who can say they've never screwed up.

If you learn from this lesson, great. If not, you're going to have a long, probably lonely life ahead of you. Good luck.

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