Sunday, December 27, 2009

Anyone have advice on starting a Christian singles group at my church for people mid thirties and up?

Of course I would enjoy getting to know any single men in my large church better but I also think we need a place as women to support each other. Single ';older'; :) adults go through so many different things and it is hard to find good fellowship. Has anyone had any success starting and keeping a group going?

ThanksAnyone have advice on starting a Christian singles group at my church for people mid thirties and up?
I can't really answer how to get one started, but one thing I strongly suggest. Have singles in charge of it. As a single adult, it ticks me off when they think they have to put a married couple in charge of a singles program. As if we singles are not ';spiritual'; enough or ';stable'; enough to lead our own program.

Two things to avoid, in my opinion, besides the biggie above, are to keep the group from becoming a Christian version of a singles bar or a whining place.

Maybe start as a singles Bible study (not studying singleness, but just growing deeper in your relationship with Christ). Then you can start planning activities to do in the evenings. I think activities are an important thing to singles so they can connect with others and have people to do things with.Anyone have advice on starting a Christian singles group at my church for people mid thirties and up?
Our church began with 8 people in a living room. 8 years later we have over 25,000 members. They have what they call ';home teams'; and IN these HOME TEAMS, you can start up just about ANY kind of group you want. i.e. Mom's Play dates, etc etc. You could do the same at your church.
Skinny dip night at the local swimming can call it a baptism party, have it once a month.

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