Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christian ppl advice . . . I need to help a friend, actually were not friends anymore . . .?

In the past, she always drank alcohol, smoked and did drugs. But then an awesome bf came along the way and he kept her from all that. Then she went on vacation, and cheated on him and then broke up with him and went back to her old life. I want to help her get right with God, anonomysly, since were not friends anymore. How can I help? I wanna like send her a message to her cell phone . . .Christian ppl advice . . . I need to help a friend, actually were not friends anymore . . .?
cause, like, sending a message to her, like, cell phone will certainly, like, make her change her ways.... silly girlChristian ppl advice . . . I need to help a friend, actually were not friends anymore . . .?
nataly.... annonomously pray to God and ask Him what you can do for your friend and that God make Himself known to her in a way that she will be unable to dispute and that He show her His love and Grace....then pray some more...

God Bless you :)
Pray for your friend. You do not state why you are not friends anymore. Go out of your way to reunite with her, and just hang out with her and listen to her problem, and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to bring your friend to God.
I used to be a Christian and definitely am not now-Luckily, I grew up with a girl who's as uptight as they come and since I didn't make very many other friends, I never got into drinking/smoking/drugs, etc...

But, if someone started telling me that my life would be better if I chose to have a close relationship with God, or something along those lines, I would automatically shut my mind from whatever else came after that. I have 'issues' with the religion and it sounds like your friend does, too. I would send her a really nice card, sign it anonymously and not mention any religion at all. Your friend is probably angry and hurt right now (if she's picked up that behavior) so it's probably best not to 'stoke' her anger. Put a pen or $5 in there-just to make her smile.

Edit: I have an ex 'friend' who quit talking to me after she found out I was no longer Xian. It hurts so you probably can't believe how much it would mean if you were there for her. W/o being preachy-just set an example. And, I'm sure she'll respect any boundaries you set. She might try to test them but you can 'say no' w/o completely leaving.
just tell her that she cant live her own life anymore and has to live by what you think is right. that's all this rant boils down to. you don't approve of her life and want her to live yours. butt out...
Why anonymously? Perhaps now that she is hurting would be a good time to be a Christian friend.

Pastor John
I f you love this person at All.....pray.
just tell her she is not outcast in God's sight ,pray a big prayer for her and shes not too far gone for the mercy of God, even tho u not friends any more tell her God cares more for her more than anyone else...then when u done this, u have done your job, its then up to God to perform that miraculous transformation.
John 3:16
That's a tough one.Approach her head to head.Let her know of your true intentions.If that doesn't work,pray.It's awfully hard to help someone who won't help themselves.
Personally, I don't care for the anonymous route on anything. If you're not on good enough terms that you can write to her or speak to her, then just pray for her.
If you鈥檙e not friends anymore, I鈥檇 say leave her alone. Any communication might be unwelcome and might make it worse. You can always pray for her without letting her know.
I would tell how much she means to you and everyone.If your her freind it should be easier to get her to listen to you but you shouldnt give up.

Prayer its the magic word.
She needs to get her life together and it doesn't necessarily mean getting right with God. Why not send her a letter (anonymously) to let her know that someone cares about her? If she knows your handwriting, type it. Or send a greeting card signed ';Concered';.
Well first off the reason she might have gone to her old ways, is because that is one of her coping mechanisms. Even though she cheated on her bf it doesn't mean the break up was not stressful for her. A lot of people turn to drugs and alcohol for a chance to escape the reality of life. So you should be empathetic to begin with, but secondly since you aren't friends with her anymore it could be difficult to reach her. You might want to mend your friendship with her first. Just pray to God that he will direct you and guide you, and that ultimately restore her to him.

To be honest, I think you are judging her on your behalf because she is sinning, but even though a sinner is not right with God, approaching them from a point of view like that would put them on the defense and blur their idea of what Christianity really is. So just mend each others relationship, pray to God for guidance, whether she gets right with God or not you need to love her and support her anyways and hopefully she will decide for God.
she has to intropect her life herself, and make that decision. the advice on her cell phone could be..where have you gone?
Pray for her and keep asking for prayer for her,God hears you,don't ever give up on the lost.It took my sister 20 years of praying for me and now I am a true believer in Christ,nothing is impossible threw Christ Jesus.God bless you and your friend.
You can love her despite her actions.

Compassion biblically was never reserved for those who met moral standards, yet was lavished on those society saw as sinners, scum of the earth.

I'd honestly look in the mirrior and ask God to show me how to love her as He loves her.
why anonomysly? you need to talk to her face to face about this.
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