Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christian advice needed please - How do I know who God wants me to be with?

As in marriage? Before I was Christian, I had a son who is four. I have been trying to work it out with my son's father but he leaves for months at a time and doesn't answer calls or messages and then shows up talking about being together. He is Christian, but he smokes marijuana and drinks during the day. He also barely ever calls and like I said before, he disappears for months at a time. While he was gone the last time, I thought it was forever that time and I started seeing this guy who was a friend and I began to really like him. He is not persay Christian, but he does believe in blessings and Jesus and says I would be a blessing in his life. I really like so much about him, he is pretty nice, good with my son, kind, attentive, caring and he spends time with me. He calls me, and we do family oriented things together. He has been there for me when my son's father wasn't. The thing is I started to see him because I thought there was no chance between me and my son's father but my son's father came here the other day saying we should start seeing eachother. I don't know what to do.Christian advice needed please - How do I know who God wants me to be with?
move on without the pot head!Christian advice needed please - How do I know who God wants me to be with?
In this behavior, the husband has departed from the marriage and Christianity; there is no such thing as coming and going in the faith of Christ, and being faithful to the sanctity of marriage. Unfaithfulness is not exclusive to meaning an affair only, but also to all aspects of the union.
This is a chance for you to ask the Holy Spirit what is the best and happiest thing for all to do. He will let you know.
You dont wana be with someone whos not on your level. Pray for him- (the father). The bible says not to marry non Christians.
God tells us not to judge anyone, but we can examine the ';fruit'; in a persons life. Your child's dad says he's a Christian, but the fruit exhibited seems to say otherwise.

Being a Christian is so much more than using the ';Christian'; label. Pray that God changes him, and while he's being changed, prepare yourself for who God has for you. It may be him, may be someone else, but let the Lord do the chosing. When you can, join me in my group standupwithChrist as we seek God's way for living.

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