Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need advice from Christian teens?

I love my friend, just as I know God does, but she's an atheist and sleeps with her boyfriend (we're 17), swears, and has no spiritual guidance. I have taken her to my youth group but she left early and she always asks me to turn off my Christian music when she comes over.

I just feel like she doesn't want to be saved!I need advice from Christian teens?
Atheists don't need to be saved from anything. Neither do Christians or anyone else, for that matter. Let it go.I need advice from Christian teens?
well you cant help poeple who dont want to be helped.
Maybe the best thing to do is lead by example. Don't force her to church activities with you (that never works, it just pushes people away). Let it be known that you have your trust in God and that when bad things happen, you know it's ok. If she has questions, answer them. If she has problems, let her know you're praying for her. But unless she expresses an interest, don't force it on her.
You want advice from Christian teens?

Are you TRYING to fail?
God is forgiving. Atheists do not go to Hell. You don't have to be saved to go to Heaven.
She sounds like a great person to me.
You are not responsible for her salvation... leave her alone, she has made it clear that she is not interested. God know her and knows her heart.

You just live your Christian life and be an example to her and others and maybe one day they'll realize how God has bless you and will also seek God.

Be an example unto her and don't push your believes on her or others. Let God do the saving.
Honey you are only a teenager!!!! It's going to be really hard to even talk to your friend about it..

So you should try to explain your views if all else fails wait for her to get older when she will understand it better.

Also when listening to your music tell her to suck it up because as much as you might like her as a friend you have a right to listen to your music as well as she does hers.

And about sleeping with her boyfriend:

Scare her out of it!!!! You need to tell her all the risks: the STD's, the pregnancy factor, the great amount of sin, Look it up online if you don't know.

At least tell her that you don't appreciate her language and why and she should stop.. If she doesn't then give her a look or say her name in a pestering mommish voice. That works around my friends.

She might seem like she doesn't want to be saved but that is because she doesn't know why she needs to be!

You sound like a great person!!! Just don't push your friend too much!

Hopefully that's helpful!!
wow. i thought i was the only one that felt that way too. i have an atheist guy friend. he steals, uhhh do almost sexual things, just all sorts of things. he thinks he's too smart for God or anything like that. just keep on being the good Christian you are. eventually they will ask a similar question ';y do you act like that?'; or ';y do u think that?';

(idk something like that) and just explain your reasoning

WARNING: try not to cave in in doing things that worldly ppl do. it will make it harder
pray for her tell her your testimony %26amp; what god did 4 everyone:)
it's her choice and her life to live. you can only advise her so much but the rest is up to her. respect her beliefs and try to find out why she doesn't believe in God.
Prove to her that your god exists. Oh wait... You can't.

Nothing real requires faith.

Olivia please don't listen to all the other answers that you have been given. none of them are true. I am a christian teen and i think that you should pray for her and i will too. God will give you guidance on how to help her. I think that you should have a talk with her soon. tell her about god, who he is, and what he's done for us. read her stuff out of the bible and if she still doesn't listen, it's all in God's hands. Keep praying for her and I will too.

i hope this helps you!!
Perhaps if you provide her with valid scientific evidence that your god exists then she will reconsider - as would many people...
You can't force it. If your god feels she can be saved, then as a loving god wouldn't he push her in the right direction?

If you attempt to convert her constantly and she doesn't want to be converted you could put your friendship at risk.

She doesn't believe your god exists. Trying to convert here to Christianity is the same as someone trying to convince you to worship a unicorn.
';I just feel like she doesn't want to be saved!';

She doesn't. Hence the atheism.

I've been in situations where Christian friends try to save my soul, but in all honesty it puts a dent in our friendship. So I suggest you let her be, if she wants to convert she will in her own time, but you should know that she won't, in all likelihood. If your God is really so forgiving and loving he will understand.
Hello. I am sorry that I answered this question because I am not a Christian. But I am a teen. You should try and understand how your friend feels. If she does not believe in God, then taking her to church will not help. She probably acts like she doesn't want to be saved because she believes it will do not good. Remember, she does not believe in God. How would you feel if she tried converting you to atheism? I think you should just let her believe what she wants to believe.
She doesn't -- insofar as ';saved'; means living in accordance with your religious beliefs. Not everyone needs ';spiritual guidance'; or likes Christian music. If she isn't trying to pressure you to live according to her values and beliefs, then you should have the same respect for her. She's your friend, not your conversion target. Friendship needs to be based on mutual respect if it's going to work and remain healthy. You can express your concern as a friend for her well-being (like asking if she and her boyfriend use protection), but ultimately, her decisions are hers to make.

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