Saturday, December 19, 2009

What Christian advice should I give to homosexuals?

I would tell them that God loves him/her but hates the sin,

So many people that are gay are blind to the fact that they are being deceived by the devil, he will do anything to keep you from receiving God's blessings. Also ask them to think about these things

Did anyone in the Bible have a partner of the same sex? No

ex. Adam %26amp; Eve, Abraham and Sarah

God destoyed Sodom and Gormorrah because of the sins that were being commited. That's where the word ';sodomy'; comes from

Two people of the same sex cannot produce a child, God said be fruitful and multiply

The Bible speaks against lust, and unnatural acts

Here are some scriptures Romans 1:26-27, Lev20:13, Judges 19:22.

God loves the sinner, but hates the sin

there are so many people who have been delivered from homosexuality but you will hardly ever see it on t.v. Unless it's Christian television.

God Bless!What Christian advice should I give to homosexuals?
None. Just care for them and be there when they need answers to questions. God will deal with them. Nothing you can say will help. But be there when they are in need and be Christ to them. Remember to seperate sin from sinner and trust the Lord to call those sheep that are His.What Christian advice should I give to homosexuals?
And this is the problem! They will find thier own way and walk down the path that they think is right. Let them be.. to each its own.. judge not.
You don't. They don't need any. They are doing nothing wrong.
Depends -- what advice are they seeking?
You should be more concerned about finding out Christian advice for yourself.
How about leaving them alone to live their lives in peace.
Tell them to Pray out the Gay! If you pray really hard, and squeeze your buttocks together with great might, you can squeeze and pray the gay out through your mind, down your spine, and out through your behind.
What can you say to them?Be sexually repressed or force themselves to be with the opposite sex,while you are having concentual sex with adults or an adult that you are attracted to?

Just let them be.

If you read about any stories where people claimed they were ';delivered'; from homosexuality.

A)They probably are attracted to both sexes


b)They don't have sex with the same sex any more,but still fantacize.

If God hated homosexuality so much,he wouldn't have made people homosexuals in the first place.

It's not a choice to be attracted to the same sex.Could you choose to be attracted to the same sex now if you wanted to?No.Only if you're attracted to both sexes.So if you can't choose now,what would make you think that gays chose?
Great question. I've been trying to do the same. The person was in deep distress and did desire/exhibit a wish to change his lifestyle and I opted to give some advice. Otherwise, if he was completely comfortable in his lifestyle and wasn't interested in changing, I'd have let him be.

Contrary to what others may say, Homosexuality is a form of a sexual addiction and like most addictions, can be overcome through adhering to certain regimented practices, with the benefit of a valuable, essential support network.

I tried to tackle the issue just as if it was any other addiction and abstained from making any judgemental comments whatsoever. Christians have a way of passing judgement and condemnation on others (either consciously or unconsciously) and that is why many homosexuals may not be inclined or motivated to change, especially if they hear a Christian telling them to do so. It is a fact that some church communities appear to hold some hostility towards homosexuals and that is in complete contradiction to God's sacred commandment to love one another.

Whatever you do, try to reserve and abstain from making any judgemental remarks. I wouldn't even start quoting scriptures at the outset, otherwise that may just deter or scare away the individuals. Be subtle in your initial approach. Just lovingly encourage the persons, epecially to seek out whatever relevant counseling or support network is available to aid their desire for change and if you do make any spiritual references, simply tell them that even though God may disapprove of them indulging in such a lifestyle, he nevertheless has an infinite, tremendous love and compassion towards them as individuals.
No different than anyone else. As a Christian, serve and share the Gospel with them. Don't focus so much on the homosexual thing, but instead offer to listen and help. God will handle convicting them of any sins they need to be concerned about.
Would have to agree with schneb. Looking at some of your other answers think it's interesting that the ones who speak up for tolerance for gays are so intolerant of your question. Maybe their tolerance is just limited to special areas.
That it is a sin but that you still love them.
Why don't you get real!
what .. you are the great homosexual advisor? do not give advice unless asked for it.. and that is just your opinion..nothing else.
The creed and the colour and the name don't matter, I'll be there!
Offer no advice where none is requested. If it is requested remember, ';Let he who is without sin cast the first stone';. Nowhere in the bible does it condemn homosexuality. It mentions sodomy only from the later association of the city of Sodom with a sexual act that was not specified when the city existed. Leave judgment to your almighty and trust in him. It is not your place to be the judge of others. It is their choice that God gave them and they can ask their own questions of their God.
tell them that Jesus loves them no matter what.

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