Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christian advice on forgiving E X T R E M E L Y evil people?

I was wondering if anyone can offer advice on forgiveness and ending anger toward truly evil people, I'm talking seriously evil people who have purposedly abused others or even ';ruined their lives';. (i.e. maliciously broken up a marriage, disfigured you physically or mentally, always on purpose).

What can someone do to reclaim their lives ... hate-free without being obsessed with this person, especially if they have gotten away with their deeds?!Christian advice on forgiving E X T R E M E L Y evil people?
I wrote a post about this last week. Short recap. Had a dream I was about to be murdered and I asked God not only to forgive the man but to bless his life so that he might repent. In this dream an Angel came to me and explained that if the most horrific things were about to happen to you, it doesn't matter the end will be that you end up in Heaven with God.

Using this scenario is my way of coping with the evil around me. We are constantly bombarded with news of evil people. We need to remember that these people are influenced by Satan and pray for them. Is it the hardest thing you may ever do, of course it is, but Jesus was persecuted for the sins that each and everyone of use have done or will do as Christians. How can we do any less than forgive those who have done evil things? We pray that God will touch their hearts and pray for the Christian advice on forgiving E X T R E M E L Y evil people?
Forgiving someone who has hurt us doesn't change the past, and it may not even change the other person (although sometimes it does).

But listen, it does change you! Have you ever stopped to think about the damage you will do to yourself because of your failure to forgive? When someone hurts us, all kinds of emotions try to take control of us: anger, hurt, bitterness, resentment, depression, hopelessness鈥攖he list is almost endless. We also may want to lash out in violence and revenge, or we may even plot how we can get even with them through malicious gossip or in some other way.

But every one of those hurts you far more than it does the other person. Anger or bitterness, for example, are like an acid, eating away at our minds and hearts鈥攁nd even affecting us physically. They also hurt our relationships with others; who likes to be around someone who's constantly angry or bitter? The Bible warns us against becoming like someone who ';dies in bitterness of soul, never having enjoyed anything good'; (Job 21:25).

The first step in forgiving someone is to turn to Christ for the forgiveness we need. Then ask God to help you forgive this person just as He has forgiven you鈥攆reely and fully. An unforgiving spirit cannot live in the light of God's love.

The best revenge is to get on with your life.

If you are a christian, you are called to forgive. You are not called to forget. What do you need to do to be able to move on? How have they gotten away with what they did? Was it a legal issue? Can they have charges placed against them? If so, and you are in a position to do it, then do you want to do it?

You will not be able to move on and let go of the anger until you find a way to come to peace with the experience. You need to find closure for yourself. I would suggest seeing a counsellor to talk it over.
We see in (Matthew.18:23-35) Christ shows us an illustration of taking an account of sins, and how that if we can be forgiven our thousands of sins, then we also should forgive another their one or few sins against us. The type of sin is not in question, only the amount. Nevertheless, the ruining of a person麓s life, or the breaking of a person麓s spirit is exceeding grievous, and I personally do understand, because it has happened to me as well. We must look to Christ, who endured the cross, despising the shame, and consider Him who endured such contradition of sinners against Himsef, lest we be wearied and faint in our minds. We must realize and accept that the denying of our self and the carrying of our cross means for us to take the wrong and forgive, and though we know it seems unfair and is sometimes a great injustice; we must look to the end of our sufferings for Christ sake, the salvation of our souls.
Forgiveness is a act of the will sometimes we state we forgive even though the feelings are not there. Ask God to work the forgivess in our heart. Forgiveness is for our own benefit not the other person, because without it we become bound to that other person in an emotional prison.
I don't need to be Christian to tell you that vengeance often does more harm than good. I suggest surrounding yourself with people who can help you heal and who are sympathetic to your problems. You must never allow yourself to think of revenge. Your hatred will fade with time.
Isn't all sin ';sin';? I clearly understand that there are some awful people out there (and I used to do some pretty mean things), but we need to keep the focus on the Lord. Satan's children long to destroy God's children. Keep this in mind as you keep putting one foot in front of the other. We are in the midst of a spiritual battle for our souls.

Know for sure that these people are emotionally wounded. They need your prayers. Jesus commands us to pray for our enemies. Believe me when I say that praying for your enemies will help you heal. It's an absolutely awesome thing.

Some times, we forget to free ourselves when someone has harmed us. It is very important to not keep ourselves in chains with guilt. Once the Lord has freed you, why should you be held captive? Take this freedom and apply it to your wounds. it makes for a healing salve!

It's much easier said than done, but I also look to the cross in times of difficulty. Didn't Jesus forgive and ask His Father to ';forgive them for they know not what they do';?
ive known a few incredibly toxic cruel people bent on ruining other people, and the best way to handle it is move on and be happy in your own life and achieve all you want, because it is impossible to forgive somethings, but definetley not good to obsess or let hate over take you.
i agree that vengeance is not good or healthy; but if you focus too much on trying to forgive that person wont help you let it go

just let it go, and stop worrying so much on trying to conjure up feelings of forgiveness
If the misdeeds are already done, then forget those things that were done to you. You can leave the punishing to Jesus when He comes back.

To forgivene is difficult to do.

But learning how is the start of healing.

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