Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Christian advice about the workplace and stuff?

I am having a toleration problem about the people at work because when they open their mouth more often talk about their whores and stuff they do which i don't need to hear...coz i want to be holy in thoughts at least i put in my mind i want to do that to please God somehow.....

i've beeen asking GOd in prayers whether i should resign or not.....and I find it difficult to know what God really wants..the way I should live life....ofcourse everywhere a Christian is faced with his or her fellow sinners.......... and its affecting me greatly that my annoyance and toleration level is not that high...though...

help some advice...should i resign? its annoying me a great deal, i had to kick the chair coz of my anger and to show them i don't approve their language...Some Christian advice about the workplace and stuff?
Hi up, up and away,

if your desire is to be holy, i would suggest that you follow the example of the holy one Jesus.

Jesus dwelled in the midst of sinners but did not participate in their sins.

It shouldn't surprise you that non-believers act and talk like non-believers (after all they have no reasons not to swear and be lude). i think you can respectfully ask, but your kicking the chair shows a lack of self-control. The Scriptures tell us be slow to become angry, quick to listen, because the wrath of man does not bring forth the righteousness of God (James 1:19) your kicking the chair did not bring forth God's righteousness but rather forth your own anger and frustration.

Bad company corrupts good morals. Is it possible for you to stay in their midst and not be influenced to imitate their behavior? There are proper ways to go about it as well- but i think you don't want to come across as a self-righteous person- esp. considering your witness was greatly hurt by your chair tantrum.

Jesus has called you there to be a light to people who need Christ. Your heart ought to break for them and not just simply be angered by their sin. Jesus always corrected sin and spoke the truth but with grace and an attitude of love.

Hope that helps,


P.S. - In terms of protecting your thoughts- you can read Scripture during your lunch break or perhaps listen to praise music, or sermons on tape.

You can pray for the Spirit to help you to endure...

i think as people around you swear and stuff and notice that you don't participate they'll ask you. My co-workers often ask me about my weekend and i tell them about church. i also talk to them about common issues- like right now i shared with them about a girl i'm praying about and some of the things i've done to encourage her. i think there has to be some common ground for you to build a bridge with which you can eventually share the gospel with them. You don't always have to be so adamant and ';overt'; about your Christianity - you just need to share your life and Christ will naturally be a part of it. It's to a point now where sometimes they ask me how was bible study or church?Some Christian advice about the workplace and stuff?
Just say, ';Hey, I feel uncomfortable with talk like that because I have a need to respect other people..'; Do you realize that they are disrespecting themselves ? This is how they feel (worthless) about themselves...just say ';Yeah, I just don't care to hear that kind of talk.';

Another suggestion is to act bored with they don't get a reaction that amuses them..


If you take any legal action, such as filing a complaint , make sure it is in writing, with date and signature. Then if they take action, you can prove your position.

And , of course, PRAY....

';Be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves...'; the Bible

This is interesting as a learning experience.

Anger is natural and is a result of what you are telling yourself, ie. '; They shouldn't talk like that ...';
and here you are bitching about your god.
so what is your question?
get up and leave the room if possible. remember you have to live your life as a living testament to the lord. god doesn't want you angry and at the same time you are pushing these people away from Christianity. they will generalize and think that all Christians act this way. be strong brother and remember when you are a christian you have great responsibility you must live your life the way god intended especially in front of nonbelievers. they will put us down and say that we are no different than they are.

don't try to handle this rage alone for without the father nothing is possible pray that he helps you to rid your body of this rage.

god bless you my brother. stay strong
The first thing I need to know is whether you have confronted them in the spirit of Christianity. Just politely ask them to refrain from speaking about such topics or using the language in your company, If you've already done this, then its time to take the issue to the supervisor, if you can't get satisfaction there, then go to the manager, if still no, then to his manager until you get to the owner. This will cause some strife you'd better be prepared to handle, but if you know how, you should be able to convince them of the harm you see in it. This way its dealt with before it goes to any body's reputation in the work place.

I have had to go through this myself and it can be very difficult. I thing that it is incumbent upon you to express the heart of God on this topic in your work place though. What about the next Christian that has to work there. May be they will be very young in the Lord and not handle the circumstances as well as you can. Especially if you have the option of moving on to another company. Remember, this is supposed to make this work environment a better place to be for believers, not leaving a bad taste in the mouths of unbelievers. Do a little study on the affects of courtesies and the lack their of, upon our society. It will arm you to speak logically, and with care and concern for those engaged in this behavior.
WOW girl u got a tough life.Don't u realize Ur brained washed in to believing that stuff,All u got to do is believe in Ur self.
You know what? This is a neat question.

Every person has the same problem. Why do you suppose this? If you quit, where will you go that will ';fit'; your ways? Unless your independently wealthy, I would suggest staying there. If it is a job that can be replaced easy, go for it. BUT...........

Remember this.............

You don't think God, knows what you are going through? you think you have to tell Him what is going on? Have you considered, God puts a person in a place for a reason? Why? maybe it is called ';Spiritual Growth';. You don't need it?

You just said, you kicked a chair. hellooooo?? What is Spiritual Growth? When you can go to work and regardless what some thug says, you overlook it and rejoice in Christ and have a GREAT day knowing, when you get off work, you have a loving home to go to. What better way to show a person how valuable a loving home is, than to have them in a postion of NO love all day?

Set a Bible on your desk. Have reading material around. If you can listen to the radio, listen to Christian stations. There is something about the ';presence'; of God, that make people squirm. you don't believe that? Look at this site.

You have something that they don't have......The Power of the Living God on your side. Praying to God is one thing. KNOWING, ';HOW'; to pray really is another. Believe me when I say, ';Knowing How';. It took me several several years to learn this. I promise you my good friend, prayers are not just prayers. All prayers are NOT created equal. don't you ever believe that. When you have the awesome power of the Almighty God on YOUR side. There is nothing and nobody can do absolutly NOTHING to you. What you could have done to them could be devasting. Please, believe this. There is NOTHING more powerful on the planet earth, than that of PRAYER. Learn...Learn..Learn..';HOW';, to pray. Jesus Himself had different ways of praying. people don't really notice that. They just read where He did and overlook the scenario factor.

God, said: You can move mountains. He said it for a reason. because it is TRUE :)

I love it. Look how many atheists are telling you to QUIT, RESIGN. hahahahah They have a miserable life and want you just like them. hellooo???

Misery loves company. %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

You are not an island unto yourself. You'll run in to this every where you go. Keep yourself in line and do what's right for you. Treat them with respect and no doubt you'll eventually get it back. Kicking chairs is going to get you no where.
Try praying for them!

And pray about it, ask God what HIS will is in this situation....Give it over to Him and He will show you an answer.

Living with that much anger does no one any good. BTW, you can't change other people's belief systems or behaviors. Don't fool yourself.

A job isn't worth getting this much worked up about.
The longer you stay where you are, the more it will get to you. I don't know why you would want to develop tolerance for that. I was in a workplace with the lowest, most base, vile, lazy, dishonest, and ignorant people I have ever worked with in my life. I was miserable and had to go on antidepressants. A guy clobbered me, and he and I were both fired. I missed only the income, but not the people at all. What looked like a bad situation (getting fired) turned out to be a blessing. I now work with people who are the friendliest, most professional crew I've ever worked with. Not perfect, but very good. Why wait until something bad happens, like I did? If you have marketable job skills, you would be better off somewhere else. Evil companions corrupt good manners. And you can't put a price on peace of mind.
Why don't you complain to Human Resources before you resign? Foul language and filthy talk does not belong in the workplace. If they harrass you for snitching, then tell HR that you are thinking of quitting because of the hostile environment that you are in.

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