Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christian advice on gay marriage?

I'm feeling torn about the issue of gay marriage. While I don't agree with homosexuality, I don't believe that we as Christians should be able to tell them they cannot marry. Where do you draw the line between being judgemental and being discerning? Shouldn't we let them live their lives here and let God decide how to handle them instead of forcing them to follow our rules? It's not like abortion which is outright murder, these people are only harming themselves...any thoughts?Christian advice on gay marriage?
I feel that gay marriage is wrong. God intended for marriage to be between a man and a woman. However, whether there is a law about marriage or not, they can still have a relationship without being married. I think that it's up to the people, and if they make the wrong decision, they will be judged by God, however we as Christians should try to help them differentiate between right and wrong.Christian advice on gay marriage?
I agree with you. Forcing gay people to accept the religious definition of marriage is forcing religion, period. We can't do that, we can't force religion at all. Marriage is a civil right for everyone, including gay people. If there's a problem, that's between them and God.

If people wanna protect the sanctity of marriage, let's make cohabitation and divorce illegal, yes? Ahh, but Christians would never agree to that, because now we're talking about an infringement of %26lt;their%26gt; rights. When it's their rights, they're first to bellyache about it. But when it's the rights of gay people, they're all for inequality.

Civil unions are the same as the ';separate but equal'; thing that Black people had to endure for decades. Separate is not equal.

Btw, your name is HILARIOUS! : ^D
No where in the bible does God or Jesus tell you to attempt to legislate the lives of secular people.

It always amazes me how Christians take on the mantle of trying to change the behavior of secular people, instead of trying to save them.

If your God is real, all you have to do is introduce us to him, and he will take care of the rest.

Instead, many Christians feel the need to do the work of conscience improvement for thier God, which speaks volumes to those of us who don't see any evidense of his existence.
We must vote the fundies out of our government, our laws, and our schools.

If anyone is against gay marriage than don't marry a gay person. Otherwise, it is none of your damn business who marries whom.

Same goes for abortion, if it is not your uterus involved it is none of your damn business.
There are always going to be gay people in the world, and there always have been. Allowing gays to marry is not going to cause people to become gay, and forbidding them to marry is not going to make them become straight. Allowing gay marriage would ENCOURAGE MONOGAMY! I'm not saying we should force the church to perform gay marriage, just that gays ought to enjoy civil rights.
They cannot marry for the same reason that cows cannot fly. It is impossible because it contradicts the definition of ';marriage';. It isn't a matter of ';letting'; them marry. You can allow cows to fly but it still isn't going to happen.
Actually abortion isn't outright murder last time I checked the law, think what you like you still sound like a right wing bigot to me. I thought christians weren't supposed to be so damn begrudging and mean with their love and tolerance.
christian advice on gay marriage is about as valuable as a priests advice on marriage.
Romans14: 13Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
I can't answer this right this moment, but please keep this Question open so that I can come back an answer it later today or tomorrow. Thanks so much!

Kudos to you for being somewhat tolerant and respectful.
We are not harming ourselves, and you would be right on the mark to mind your own business.

BTW, are you having any doubts about those who eat shellfish?
Homosexuality is just as bad a sin as abortion. There is no sin greater than the other.

It is our job as Christians to teach people what God's laws are. Marriage is between a man and a woman. We are not being judgmental, we should tell people lovingly. We do not hate the PEOPLE in sin we hate the SIN.

This is our belief because it is one of God's commands and we must obey.


';Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.';

—1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NKJV)

';For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.';

—Romans 1:26-27 (NKJV)
I understand what you mean. Honestly as a Christian, I feel that we love everyone no matter who they are. However, we should not and will not approve of their lifestyle (having sex with same-sex person). They can still do whatever they want. They have the right to. But they should not have the right to make us approve of their lifestyle. We should all be able to think whatever we want and have whatever beliefs/customs.

Prop. 8 is about changing the definition of marriage.

I believe that we SHOULD keep the traditional definition of marriage which is between 1 man and 1 woman.

If anything I think homosexuals may have ';civil unions'; which is with marriage-like rights. But they cannot have ';MARRIAGE'; because that's only between 1 man and 1 woman.

The reason why this is important is because if the definition of marriage gets changed so will everything else. There may be a possibility later that marriage can involve humans with animals to accommodate people who do beastiality.

Moreover, some churches/religious organizations who find it against their beliefs to marry homosexuals, for instance, would have to marry them because if they don't, it will be an act of discrimination. There will definitely be more law suits.

Also if the pastors/priests talk about homosexuality as immoral, they may get sued for hate speech.


They should if anything fight for ';civil unions'; with marriage-like rights.

This is where I slightly differ in opinion with the leaders of my faith. As a Catholic, I have learned that it is not my place to judge others on their decisions. I have learned to love my neighbor as I love myself. I have learned that the scripture does not speak about gay marriage. It does frown against lustful and promiscuous activity, that both homosexual and heterosexual alike engage in. I believe that if two people truly love each other and pass the same processes that heterosexual couples must pass to get the green light to marry with the church's blessing, then sexual orientation is a non-argument. If we as Catholics believe that marriage is the sanctity between two people who love each other, then we should not be upset. Love is our true devotion. And if two people love each other we should rejoice in their love.

We should be more upset about the +\- 41% divorce rate in our country. If almost half of our country can't get their marriages right, then how can we block people who are trying to do the right thing, by marrying?

I am not afraid of what my children will encounter regarding homosexuality. I am completely capable and confident that I can intelligently teach my child about the issues that they will encounter, and I believe I will be able to instill the same moral and ethical compasses in which I have used for my own life. I also believe that Jesus will guide my children to do the right thing as he has shown me to do.
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