Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christian advice on a moms role and how I can give her good advice?

Ok... I was a single mom for 7 years and worked full time and went back to college... things in life changed and am now not a single mom, etc.. we have more kids... and I';m back at college finishing getting my degree and have started my own company in the past 2 years. I work very hard.

One of my sisters has always felt in her heart that she is going to be a stay at home mom- she is a single mom. She knows someday God is going to bring her a good man etc... fine.

She currently does daycare all day so she can still stay at home with her kids- but she is feeling very frustrated and ';tied down'; beause she stays home and watches other people's children (like me and my other sister while her and her husband are at work and while i go to school during the days)

Anyways- she is seeking advice from me- she is really upset etc.. and struggling with wanting to do things- but being tied down at home watching kids all day.

I'm not sure how to help her. I have always felt a strong desire to start my own company and have gone by the saying, ';I want to be able to be strong and independent and support myself/kids whether i have someone else (husband) there helping too or not'; And that's what I've done and have been doing. SO I have a hard time understanding her desire to just be a stay at home mom. To me it all seems very Donna Reed- and completely impractical for today's times.

How can I help her? If God really did give her the desire to be a stay at home mom/housewife- who am I to 'argue' with that????

I just have a hard time understanding it- because sure- i'd love to stay home all day while the kids are at school and fart around and clean and get dinenr ready and go do whatever i wanted- but because of financial information it's just impracticle and completely out of comprehension for me right now...... you know?

I dont want to change her opinion and i'm not saying one of us is right and one of us is wrong- i just want some insight on how i can give her advice she is seeking....... because i'm not understanding her feelings/desires... they are very foreign to me.......Christian advice on a moms role and how I can give her good advice?
As a working mom, who has also stayed home, I can understand both sides. I have to work but now my kids are in school so I wouldn't be spending time with them anyway. My advice for her would be that she really pray and seek God's will. She may be feeling frustrated but prayer can change that. She may need to pray that God will lead her down the path that he wants her to take. As for you just pray that God will give you the words to say and the understanding that you desire. I will be praying for both of you.Christian advice on a moms role and how I can give her good advice?

As single moms you ought to know that the Bible writers are really after you!... In Bible times you'd be stoned to death...!!!

You won't get any honest advise from any Christian!

If you have the patience of reading Numbers 5:11-31 with all the foot notes you will discover that Jesus’ Dad in the sky is in the BUSINESS of making life miserable for the ladies, especially any pregnant lady. The Jewish Bible writers developed the idea of using their God TO MAKE MONEY PERFORMING FORCED ABORTIONS!!! Christians reject the fact that God is decisively pro-abortion only because they were trained since childhood that “God is love!” This portion of Holy Scripture is so sickening that it is totally ignored and even rejected by fundamentalist Bible believing Christians! In essence, the wife of a jealous husband is FORCED BY LAW OF GOD “to appear before the LORD” and drink a full dose of a sickening concoction brewed by the priest, made of dirt taken from the soil around the altar of the LORD that is covered with all the blood, fat drippings and ashes of the thousands of animals that are being burned up in a “sweet smell pleasant to God” that will cause the “womb to swell and the thigh* (*fetus) to fall away”…

Numbers 5:22 (NIV) May this water that brings a curse enter your BODY SO THAT YOUR ABDOMEN SWELLS AND YOUR THIGH WASTES AWAY.

[fn5] Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”* (*Yes! You better say it loud and clear so we can all hear ya!!!)


Either one of the 2 translations is OK, it means TO ABORT! This sadistic Bible God is in the hurting of pregnant women! Christians today don’t believe anything in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith, but they still want everybody in the world to be as gullible as they are obeying their preachers!

If the woman is lucky to survive the toxic test without anything “falling away from her womb*” (*aborting) then she is innocent of “suspicion of adultery.” There is a good chance that the child may be born sick because of the toxic concoction, but the Priestly Bible writers didn’t take that into any consideration, they were only concerned about the money that they can get for this service! If the pregnant woman aborts the fetus, the pregnant woman is stoned to death for adultery! This is 100 % God approved way of getting rid of any adulterous or UNLUCKY wife! BTW… notice that you had to bring MONEY to the PRIEST every time that YOU WANTED to perform this test on your wife! The Priestly Bible writers were promoting this test on your wife ANYTIME YOU FEEL JEALOUS! There is no limitation of any sort! NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE MEN ARE SUBJECT TO ANY ADULTERY “TEST!” (Lucky we! In Judaism, one is a JEW by birth ONLY if the mother is Jewish! You never know who the father can be!) In the Bible, JEALOUSY is a VALID REASON for a FORCED ABORTION! The first thing that Christians did was to trash this crap in the Bible! They won’t admit that it is in there! Saint Joseph should have taken his young “virgin” wife-to-be the Blessed Virgin Mary to have the JEALOUSY test done on her! The sucker didn’t do it, and now the world is stuck with Christianity! No other Heathen God ever known is as sadistically oriented as the Bible God! Christians ought to be shocked to learn that God answers prayers requesting any forced abortion, IMMEDIATELY! But since Christians hardly read the Bible, they flush down the toilet anything that they read in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith, or their current political platform. They are brainwashed to preserve their gullibility, aka faith “like a virgin unto Christ!” Spiritually speaking, of course!

Hosea 9:14-16 (NIV) Give them, O LORD— what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry* (*this is THE CLEAREST EXAMPLE OF FORCED ABORTION/MISCARRIAGE IMPOSED by the Clergy/Priests in the Bible stories, but today Christians ignore for political reasons! Their agenda is to sadistically hurt pregnant women in real need of an abortionThe Prophet Hosea is talking the Bible God into KILLING CHILDREN, AND GETTING UNSUSPECTING PREGNANT WOMEN TO ABORT! Christians and even the Pope totally ignore and don’t give a hoot about all the FORCED UNWANTED ABORTIONS on unsuspecting pregnant women that “God” does all the time in the Bible stories! The “GOD IS LOVE” bit is sheer religious hogwash of the most primitive sadistic sort that Christians still deep throat today like a charm!) and breasts that are dry. (…HOW EVIL MINDED CAN A PROPHET OF THE LOVING GOD BE? Yet, God rushes immediately to answer his prayer!!!) ';Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I HATED them there* (*the Prophet Hosea and God go to the same bar, and they found out that they both HATE the same tribe in Israel, ESPECIALLY their babies and pregnant women! It is all throughout the Bible that Christians hate to read!). Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will no longer love them* (*GOD won’t love them anymore for all of the most ridiculous reasons in the world!); all their leaders are rebellious. Ephraim is blighted, their root is withered. They yield no fruit. EVEN IF THEY BEAR CHILDREN* (*GOD ALWAYS TAKES IT ON THE INNOCENT CHILDREN AND THE PREGNANT WOMEN! The Bible writers knew how to “touch the heart” of religious people!) I WILL SLAY THEIR CHERISHED OFFSPRING.';

The Christian ANTI-ABORTION politics is based on some oddball verses in the Bible, because they believe that with “MUCH SUFFERING” they must go to Heaven, regardless of any adverse effect on the health of any pregnant woman (I Tim 2:14-15)! The Bible and Church dogmas are so full of Holy crap that it is no joke! Christians are imposing their misguided and in some cases sadistic “pro-life” views on the rest of the non-religious population just to fulfill a religious satisfaction imposed on them by the preachers who know how to handle the Bible, like a “2-edged sword,” spiritually speaking, of course!

Under God’s Law the parents of the bride must ALWAYS keep at hand the last period tampon (or ';cloth';) especially on the wedding day, otherwise the wedding party might turn into a PREGNANT BRIDE stoning party! The Blessed Virgin Mary was VERY LUCKY that Saint Joseph was such a good sucker to her!

Deuteronomy 22:20-21 (NIV) If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be found* (*It was obvious that the “Virgin” Mary was pregnant!), she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father's house. You must purge the evil from among you* (*In so many areas Christianity turned out to be quite a noxious evil in our society! Some Christian fanatics are determined to make life miserable for the rest of us in spite of what it is written in the Bible!).

Preachers won’t tell you this much because they know what to skim off the Bible for you so your faithful giving to The LORD won’t waiver! Regardless of what the Bible says, most Christians are brainwashed to blindly obey “them that have the rule” over them!

Deuteronomy 17:12-13 (NIV) The man who shows contempt for the judge or for the PRIEST who stands ministering there to the Lord your God MUST BE PUT TO DEATH! You must purge the evil from Israel* (*it is an EVIL worthy of death in the eyes of this Bible God to question the priest/preacher authority!). ALL THE PEOPLE WILL HEAR AND BE AFRAID, AND WILL NOT BE CONTEMPTUOUS AGAIN* (*a bit of Holy Mafia talk ought to teach any Christian moron a lesson -Rom 15:4 !).

Luke 16:17 (NIV) (Jesus said) It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law* (*more Mafia talk).
Your not sure how to help her? You can start by taking your ******* kids back.
Well, no offense to her, but she has chosen her own path and with all jobs comes responsibility... at home or at a real job makes no difference. sounds like what she wants is to have her own life and have it handed to her. She has a lot of growing up to. Also, let her know that a ';good man'; is not going to come under the christmas tree... one of those has to be EARNED. Believe me, mine did not come out of the box the way he is....
Sister Mabel, you're still on the same page as your friend, still in harmony in spite of your different callings.

Re-direct her to God.

Remind her that he wants us to go to him with all our concerns, and he wants us to be persistent in our prayers, ';praying incessantly';.

Encourage her to talk to her heavenly father, to throw her burden on him, he'll provide the relief, strength and direction she needs. Offer that you'll pray for her as well.

We're all so different, we don't all need to have the exact same behavior, feelings, drives and goals. But we all need God.

Be her encouragement, her support, her validation.

Best wishes.
I would tell her that God's order is always:

God first in ALL things;

Family is second;

Others are third;

And self is last.

Although self is always last, it is biblical and good to ';get away'; at times for rest and rejuvination, as Christ did on many occasions.
';Staying home'; may be what you call the problem, but if she's not happy it's because she is not listening to God's voice. We are never self-sufficient from Him.

on the same topic…
SHE NEEDS A BREAK,She has a good business, for the times that we are in.If she wants to change,she has to find something that she likes

and enjoy doing.Don't wait for a Man,enjoy yourself.God will bring a good

man, if she asks him (GOD).Pray Daily and GOD will give you PEACE.

I'm not sure I'm reading this right but I think you're saying that in the past she always believed that she wanted to be a ';stay at home'; mother but now she feels trapped into it? Is that it? And is this leading to her ';blaming you'; as she takes care of your kids during the day while you study and work? I'm confused as to what advice she's looking for? Is she worried that her initial belief (that god wanted her to stay home) is wrong?

If that's the case, why not look into other childcare options for your kids and maybe suggest she begin some college courses to see if she wants to expand her horizons.
Also make sure she does not touch animal skin with her bare hands or eats meat on a sunday. She also shouldn't do any household chores during sabbath or grow more than one crop in her vegetable garden. Luckily she's a woman so she doesn't need to worry about unknowingly having intercourse during her period. Does she treat her slaves well? Mind you, she may want to sell of her daughters into slavery, a perfectly acceptable act according to the same God that tells her to sit at home.
Every good outcome comes from a determined level of desire and calculated planning. Changing life is almost always our most difficult yet desired task. You can only help her make a plan weighing out the positives and negatives so that the plan is well executed and suites her and the people around her best. I would ask her what are her passions, or what activities might satisfy her thirst to be active. Often what holds people back is doubt. Help her remove her doubts and she'll soon be giving you advice in return.. Best of luck.
1. if she's staying home with all the kids everyday - I guarantee she doesn't have time to just ';fart around';.

2. if the kids are in school - then she isn't tied down all day and has several hours to do something else.

3. it's possible that she is just asking one of you guys to give her a break and a night out. she makes it possible for you to spend your time on your business and have time alone......maybe she's asking you to do the same for her once in a while.

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