Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do fortune cookies provide equivalent spiritual advice as the Christian bible?

Um, sure. It the sesame chicken that's not on par wtih communion bread.Do fortune cookies provide equivalent spiritual advice as the Christian bible?
Yes. Bible's advises are old. Fortune cookies have new advice everyday. You can even now even ask a question and get fortune cookie back as answer in this website: . Type in your question in the question box and click get fortune. You can get an answer as fortune cookie.Do fortune cookies provide equivalent spiritual advice as the Christian bible?
The advice is usually no less significant or relevant. Many people can treat them with an equally large pinch of salt. The advantage of a fortune cookie is it's usually associated with a delicious meal in good company, while bible use is often less of a positive experience. for real advice I'd still say talk to your doctor/dentist/accountant/boss/teacher/k鈥?and wise human.

Wise man say...
I assume that those fortunes that they put in a cookie are from fortune tellers who I doubt very seriously if they have had any kind of divine prophesy for every fortune that is inside of a pack of cookies....NON of that is legitimate...IT is a money making gimic that all Asian establishments use as a economic strategy to make money.....Now, that is a very smart move on their behalf, I must say.....
I would say ';sort of';. Most fortune cookies actually don't provide fortunes --- most of what's in a fortune cookie is a personality analysis or advice -- neither one actually being a fortune.

Go out for Chinese tonight and test this for yourself! : )
No. Some old woman is paid to type them up. Some other guy is paid to put them in the cookie dough and then put it in the mould. Some other guy is paid to package them. Another guy is paid to deliver them. Another guy is paid to put it on the black platters. Another guy pays to eat it.

the end! (:
For a super special treat . . . why not just rip up your bible and stick little bits of that in the cookies!?

Then you'd have Holy God Fortune-Cookies.

Serve them at your local Church, and be amazed at the reaction they will get!
For you it would.

Anyone not able to tell the difference between the bible and a fortune cookie wouldn't be bright enough to comprehend the difference.
In some cases the fortune cookie phrases are quoted similar to phrases from the Bible, especially Proverbs. But in most cases I would say no.
No because God's Word is constant and you get a different message in every fortune cookie.
For the mentally deranged and spiritually bankcrupt - yes!

Seek Truth and you will Meet God - I did - His name is indeed Jesus!
As long as you can say ';in bed'; at the end of it. Like, ';Jesus bed.';

Yeah, it's the same.
My last fortune said ';You will be happy at some point this year';. I would say that is the most vauge thing I have heard in a long time.
Does the Bible give you useful advice and sometimes, winning lottery numbers?
A friend of mine got one that said ';Disregard your last fortune cookie'; It was hilarious
Much more profound advice. Always pay attention to what your fortune cookie says.
yup, fortune cookies, magic 8 balls and palm readers...all same concept...

One is written by a guy in Brooklyn the other by God.

But thank you Desiree for not making this into a essay
';Buy stock in oil'; was my last fortune cookie.

I'm not so sure as to which is more trustworthy.
No, at least you get a tasty cookie out of it.
No. They're just fun to read.

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