Saturday, December 19, 2009

Girl advice from a christian perspective? should i give her a chance?

say a nice guy, doesnt sleep around met a girl that slept around heavily....should the girl being given a second chance if she was going to change? should us Christians date this girl if she wanted to change? because the non-believers are telling me no...but what do the believers say?Girl advice from a christian perspective? should i give her a chance?
Christians should not be judging her based on her past. Especially if she has repented and accepted the Lord into her life.

Not all Christians are judgmental.

Jesus sees us as a new Creation we should look at one another like that.

After all Mary was a prostitute not Jesus mother but the other MaryGirl advice from a christian perspective? should i give her a chance?
I am a believer. God is a God of forgiveness and second chances. Give the girl a chance, but watch her capacity and desire for changing her life closely. Believers do need to get romantically serious and marry other believers. If her life has been given to God, you will see that change. If not, there will be conflict and heartbreak later. Get to know her; encourage her spiritually, but watch carefully.
I am a ';believer';; although, I am not a member of a church. I think it would be wise of you to allow this girl the opportunity to become well-rooted in her relationship with God before you enter into a relationship with her. It seems to me that she has much to learn of God, relationships and men in general. Befriend her so does not feel alienated or lonely but keep it pure. She will value you much more than if you were to date her and then realize she may not be what you hoped for...and you, in turn, will value her more as well. She may be in real need of a friendship more than another relationship. Good luck with your decision...whatever you choose to do.
The Bible says to ';not be unequally yoked with unbelievers';....

We are to also give grace to others because we have been given grace.

Pray for her. I have seen the Lord change people from bad behaviors to become new in Spirit.
Is she a believer?

If she is a saved believer in Jesus, then date her. If she is a saved believer in Jesus, then she is forgiven all sins past, present, and future, so the sleeping around doesn't matter.

If she is an unbeliever, then don't date her. The sleeping around has nothing to do with it. It is because she is an unbeliever (if she is an unbeliever) that you ought not to date her.
How old are you? Are you ready to get married? If your not ready to get married you should not date anyone. Dating is for courtship it can lead to temptation they you or your friend will not be able to handle. If your not ready for marriage enjoy each others friendship and don't be alone together.

2Ti 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Since I am not a follower of Christianity; but a believer in God I will wade in on this subject. Take what you want and leave the rest.

1. We are not judged by what we say but we are judged by our actions.

2. God gives us the opportunity to start our day and/or our life over at any time if at that time we start to do the next right thing in each of our decisions and continue to try to do the next right thing rather than act based on self.

If your friend is doing what she should in her life now and continues to do what is right then who are you or any of your friends to judge her in anything but a positive light?

If you have feelings for her and she is willing to date you then do so and stick to your guns based on your beliefs as far as pre-marital sex is concerned and you will have an opportunity to perhaps find a good woman.

None of this depends on whether she is a Christian or not; that is just good morals in any person.

Jesus would not judge anyone but rather forgive them and accept them if they believe in Him. Is that not what he says?

Believe in Me
well i am a beliver and i would say that she has to change before you date her that way you can be sure that she changed and if she sais no than tell her that your sorry but you cant that would be what i would do
Give her a chance. She is willing to change for the better... for God. If Jesus did not forgive and was not open to change than he would not have been the healer and miraculous person we know him to be.
I personally don't date people who say they are going to change. I wait until they have before I do. And from a Christian perspective, I make sure they make the change for God and not for me. Just my opinion!
A ';second chance';? For *what*? Has she wronged you somehow?
Be very sure she is now a committed Christian before dating.
Everyone deserves a second chance! If God didn't forgive.We would all be going to Hell, blessings.
if she has repented of her past and doesn't do that anymore then sure give her a second chance...just becareful...
Are we talking about a real woman who can make her own decisions? It doesn't read like you even asked the woman if she wanted to commit herself to someone.

Look pal, a woman can fulfill her sexuality all she wants. Who the hell does this person think they are to 'give her a second chance.' Second chance on what, she hasn't done anything wrong. Last I heard sex wasn't a sin.

I'll tell you one thing and I've been around, chances are she'd be bored stiff with a guy who thinks he's 'nice' because he hasn't had sex. He sounds very immature, narrow minded, arrogant and living in a world based on the faulty ideal of nostalgia - never mind inexperienced.

What does Christianity got to do with a woman's right to find a sexual partner that suits her. God enabled the design of birth control and liberate women from unwanted pregnancy. Some of us have a sex drive and like to experiment before we commit. Sex is important part of life and of a relationship for most people. I have disdain for this wretched idea of purity.

Why can't this person actually ask her instead of judging her. Yuk and eek from all the Christian women I know.

Of course I am older and sophisticated and my theology doesn't include some repressive idea of sex. I forgot why I don't like some Christians when I look at the answers above. I also remember that Virgin means unmarried woman in the Greek like the Virgin Mary.

Where are the atheists when you need them.

I must be in the dreaded Bible Belt of America.

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