Saturday, December 19, 2009

Publisher wanted, advice on Christian angel book?

I have written a book, several actually. But the book that I think is my best, is a book about angels. It's a Christian book, but not overtly so, not preachy in any way. I think it would offer a lot of comfort to anyone who has lost a loved one or friend, especially a child.

I have sent a lot of email query letters to places that accept electronic mail but don't get anywhere. Does anyone have a publisher or agent sugggestion for this type of work?Publisher wanted, advice on Christian angel book?
Have you considered self-publishing?

You'll have control over marketing, sales, promotions etc that a publisher won't give you, and the sad truth is most traditional published books get very little promotion, so they don't sell.

There are some links below for ideas. You'll want to really research thoroughly and have a solid plan, especially your marketing and distribution strategy. Hint: bookstores are not the primary place you might sell the book.

Now, if you're set on a traditional publisher, I'd cruise Amazon and the bookstores and look for titles that are vey similar to yours, then contact those publishers.

Good luck

ScottPublisher wanted, advice on Christian angel book?

There are very many publishers and agents on the web. Most however do not take manuscripts sent by email. Those that do, I suggest you be causious with. Check (Warnings %26amp; Cautions for Writers.) Most want you to send your manuscript by snail mail and will tell you how they want it made up. They will also tell you what subjects they except. In your case, religious books. I self published two books because after two years of sending out manuscripts and recieveing only three reply's to the negative. (One answer came three years later.) I gave up and went the self publish route. Hope this helps.

Wayne Russell, The Vagabond Writer.

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