Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Help! I need Christian advice on prayers of protection from evil and its influences....?

Is there a specific prayer or archangel that could be especially helpful? Maybe Archangel Michael?

Any help would do, pray for me if you could please, it tries to divide my family with anger.Help! I need Christian advice on prayers of protection from evil and its influences....?
God is all powerful. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places. God provides divine

armor that is necessary to battle the wicked one and also our very own sin nature. I suggest reading Ephesians 6:10-18. Also, read the Book of Romans slowly. It is our position in Christ that is critical to understand. Put on the armor of God and rest (relax) in Him. Relax...God is sovereign, all mighty, He has unlimited authority and power and He has got everything under control. He is omnipresent. This means that He is present everywhere at the same time. He has complete and unlimited knowledge, awareness, and understanding; perceiving all things. He will provide an escape for every temptation, trial, and test. He is all merciful, all forgiving, all loving and gracious. Read Psalms. I like to go to Psalms 18:1-6. 1 Peter 5:6,7 says ';Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Cast your cares on Him, becasue He cares for you.';

Maturity=Knowledge of the Truth + Time + Application of the Truth.

Be sure to claim 1 John 1:9 for your sins. May you appropriate every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus!

In Him,

AndrewHelp! I need Christian advice on prayers of protection from evil and its influences....?
The Prayer of St. Michael should be said daily,

Check Ephesians about putting on the whole armor of God -

The sign of the Cross is very powerful - you must remember we are like Him - triune beings, what we do physically affects us spiritually - the sign of the Cross - which is a representation of the shape of the ';shield of Faith'; is a powerful defense for it calls the Holy Spirit to your side -(para=cletos) - Remember also that the foe is defeated, he may roar like a lion but is on a short leash - ridicule is also a powerful tool - Martin Luther once said, ';the devil, that prowde spirite, cannot endure to be mocked'; ==

A famous divine once told of being tormented at night by vile dreams and thoughts, suddenly realized where they were from, and on the next occasion looked up and said, ';Oh, its just you'; and rolled over and went peacefully to sleep.

Also an old paperback by Rev. Derek Prince, ';Deliver us from Evil'; has been found useful by many.
Michael is an angel of war (against evil forces) so, yes, you could pray for his PROTECTION, but be sure that it is God's will for him to come defend you.

There are many things that we do not understand as to why we must go through these things, but rest assured that ';all things work together for the good of those that love the LORD';

Pray (I am praying for you, and your family as well) and ask God to help you through this time, and to do His will in your life.

This may be a test that you will need later in life.

God Bless you and bring you peace.
You only need to pray one prayer for a lifetime of protection. That is the prayer asking Jesus Christ to come into you heart and life and save your soul. If you do that, spiritual evil can never touch you directly but only as Christ allows issues to come into your life to grow you for His purposes. Demons tremble and flee from the name of Jesus.

If you've never prayed that prayer, God will certainly not hear you praying to saints or angels. Nowhere in the Bible are we ever instructed to pray to anyone but the father through the Son.
There is only one evil that works on earth in a sense. That is our disobedience to the principals of respect for others, integrity, justice, truthfulness, tolerance etc or in extremes the resorting to war to resolve differences in opinion. Understanding that this is inherently an individuals choice is the first step to creating a harmonious society. Evil does not exist as an ';entity'; so to speak. It is the absence of good just as there is no such thing as darkness because darkness is just the absence of light. The devil does not make you do anything - the choice to do anything is yours as an individual... that is why according to the Bible you will be judged for your actions. Therefore the defense that the devil is making you do something is... well... just not going to stand up so stop looking at that ';entity'; as the source for blame and start looking into your own soul for the answers.
God knows your distress

Call out to Him, and seek to know Him.

For I know the plans I have for you says God,

plans for good not for evil

Plans to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah chapter 29 v 11

Father God I bring this dear person to You in prayer, asking that You will reveal Yourself to him. I pray that as He seeks You, He will find You, and that You will by the power of Your Holy Spirit come upon his family too, and bring Your peace and strength and comfort to heal from the evil that pervades,

in Jesus Mighty Name.....Amen
If you simply stop believing in absurd notions such as ';sin'; and Satan, and realize that talking into the air does absolutely nothing, you will find that there will be a whole lot less ';evil'; in your life. That stuff doesn't exist anywhere except in your own head.
Be sure and put on your armor and find specific scriptures that go along with division and anger. Keep quoting these over and over to the demons that are trying to come into your home. Take over over them, you have in through Jesus.
Traditionally scared superstitious people used talismans against the evil eye etc. As a Witch, I could offer you a protection spell.
The family that drinks together, stays together. Get you a bottle o' whiskey boy, and you'll be fine.
You are simply being tested by God like Job. Don't worry and have faith. It will all end soon and you will have riches beyond your wildest dreams.

You could just earnestly pray..

Just a thought.. :p
You need to the source of power: God Himself.

Why bother with the angels or people in the middle? We all get our authority from Him alone.

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