Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christian advice help?

Christian who can help?

I Love Jesus so much. He's everything to me.. My life, my passion, my husband.. everything.

but, I need help. I watched the movie the passion of the christ..

Which most christians have seen or heard of it.

I fell in love with the Jesus in the passion of the christ.

Which is Jim caviezel as Jesus pretty much..

Ever since i've watched the passion, I feel like I fell in love with the image of the Jesus in the passion. I love the real Jesus, and I think He looks alot like the Jesus in the passion of the Christ..

But if anyone can understand what i'm saying that would be great.

I just feel as if I've fallen in Love more with The Jesus in the passion,

rather than the real Jesus .

i love the real jesus, but I want to love the real one more, rather than the actor who was dressed as Him.

I want to love The real Jesus..

18 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

18 hours ago

also, I'm a christian already.

I love Him with my whole heart.

I just want The real Him and not the actor who was dressed as Him.

It's so hard for me though, because sometimes I think, That was really Jesus in that movie.. That was the real Him. I know it was an actor, but to me I think that's exactly what Jesus looks like.

I love Him.

Christian advice help?
This is exactly what God want's for you to do! In fact, this is what ALL Christians should do!

The Passion of Jesus Christ (the real thing not the movie) is the ultimate sign of love. If you meditate on it day and night you will be made a saint! Christian advice help?
A. You love Jesus

B. Jim Caviezel portrayed Jesus.

C. Jim Caviezel is a handsome young man.

D. You have a crush on Jim, and are mistakenly thinking that you are in love with him.

Sometimes it is hard to separate actors from the characters they play, even though you know it was an actor. In this case it seems as though the actor has beome more real to you than Jesus is, which is understandable because you can see the real actor.

Just call it like it is -- you have a crush on an actor. Over time it will diminish. It's no big deal.

The movie ';The Passion of Christ'; is a work of FICTION.

It is NOT how things really happened.

It is Mel Gibson's (Roman Catholic) version of it !

Forget it and please get the REAL story from your Bible.

May God bless you as you study His Word


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